As you know
For the last 16 odd years
I've been bouncing between my addiction and my ED
When one was under control
The other spun way out of control
As my psychiatrist once said
I have many 'chronic conditions'
Way to make me feel worse than I already did
So between the two issues
I have pretty much avoided reality for the past decade and a half
After some years with my ED in the driving seat
Things now seem to be changing
And my addiction seems to be in control
It feels closer
And more present than my ED
Don't get me wrong
My ED is still there
But it has vastly improved
My weight is stable
Or as stable as it can be
However the purging persists
I guess to most people purging 2-5 times a day is wildly out of control
But for me it's progress
So my ED seems to have taken a back seat
In a way it's a relief
But my lovely friend addiction has been waiting to take its place
There are many signs that my addiction has taken over
I'm misusing my meds
I've used quite a bit
Although not in the last two weeks
I'm lying to my family
I'm withdrawn
All those things that come part and package with addiction
I don't know which is worse
My ED or my addiction
Addiction is like a tornado
That suddenly bursts in to my life
And utter chaos ensues
It doesn't matter if I use once or one hundred times
The level of upset and chaos is the same
I heard my mother say recently
That if I went back taking drugs
It would kill her
I don't doubt her
It takes an extreme toll on families
I think my family bore the brunt of my addiction
I was out of my head
But they lived through every second of it
Stone cold sober
But yes
Addiction rips the heart and soul out of families
We were lucky to make it out the other side
As for my ED
For me
It comes in two distinct parts
And bulimia
I suffer from both
Again switching from one to the other
They are complete opposites
If anorexia is cold
And silent
And aloof
Then her sister bulimia is loud
And brash
And in your face
Anorexia causes a silent devastation
Like an invisible poison infecting the sufferer
And of course their family
The only evidence a bony body
And gaunt face
Bulimia causes more of a racket
It's more obvious on some ways
Like the amount of food that goes missing
And in other ways it's harder to see
As the sufferer often won't display external effects
And so no one would ever know
Unless you told them
And who wants to admit that they throw up every morsel of food
Not I
That's for sure
I know that a lot of people don't have time for addicts
And people often misunderstand EDs too
They think we are selfish and vain
And that our EDs are solely about food and weight
But it goes much much deeper than that
EDs are a reaction to life's hardships
A way of exerting control over the one thing we can
Food and weight
And weight becomes the focus
But there are complex reasons as to why we do the things we do
I firmly believe that people are the way they are for a reason
I didn't just decide one day that I wanted to be eating disorderd
I didn't grow up thinking that I want to be anorexic
Developing my ED was a reaction to experiences that I had had through out my life
A coping mechanism
A way of dealing with feelings and emotions that I couldn't handle
It's a lot more complex that just wanting to be thin
This post is a reaction to a comment I received on a post I did about the show Supersize versus Superskinny
It went something like this
' I watch this show for entertainment and to feel relief that I am not fat. I don't starve myself because of this show. Get a life'
This is exactly the ignorance I am taking about
This person obviously stumbled upon my blog
And probably only read one post
And judged me on that
Saying 'Get a life' to someone with an ED is like saying 'Pull yourself together' to someone with depression
Or 'Just get up and walk' to someone with two broken legs
It's not that simple
Or straight forward
Eating something when you have anorexia is as scary as facing your worst fear
I know when I was in the height of my ED
I was so afraid that if I started eating
Then I wouldn't be able to stop
Spinning out of control was my worst fear
I remember when I was in drug treatment
I told one of the boys about my ED
He asked me if I did this to get attention
Another ignorant reaction
This couldn't be further from the truth
The whole point of my ED was to try and disappear
Not gain more attention
I don't get annoyed any more at these reactions
I know it's because people aren't educated
But I think people shouldn't judge what they don't know
Don't make assumptions about me until you have walked a day in my vomit stained shoes
I think people are still afraid of mental illness
They're scared of what they don't understand
I always like when people ask me questions about my ED or addiction
At least then I can set them straight
And tell them the reality of life for me
But I think a lot of the time
People are wary to broach the subject
And don't acknowledge it at all
But that's not healthy
If we want to tackle the massive problem of people suffering in silence and suicide
We need to let people know that it's ok to feel bad
And it's good to talk
It can save lives
I am blessed to live in a family that talks very openly about our issues
Most of a family of six
Four of us have addiction and mental health issues
So there's really no escaping it
Maybe some people would find it hard to understand
But I think it's really important to retain a sense of humour through all of this
My family have a dark sense of humour anyway
And we regularly laugh at ourselves and each other
Because these issues are so heavy
I think it's vital to be able to laugh at ourselves
My family often take the piss out of me with regard to food
They might say 'Who ate all the cake? Was it Ruby the raging bulimic?'
It takes the serious edge off a subject that can be so very dark and mysterious
Sometimes the only thing we can do is laugh
For me
My disorders have always been about getting out of my own head
Away from my own reality
My thoughts
My feelings
An escape
But the thing that I don't always understand is that my reality is not that bad
I have quite a nice life all things considered
I have a living family
I have my health
My animals
I'm a fairly intelligent person
But yet
I crave oblivion
I crave checking out of life
And off the planet
I used to not care whether I lived or died
I really wasn't bothered if I killed myself
But now
Now I want to live
I've had a taste of what life could be like
And that life is amazing
And wonderful
And beautiful
Yes it's scary
And confusing
But I would rather be here than not
And that my friends is a freakin' revelation
So if you are reading this today
And you don't have an ED ot addiction
But you know someone who does
Don't judge
Don't condemn
Don't write them off as difficult
Take a moment to empathise
Talk to them
Try to understand where they are coming from
Because they are the way they are for a reason