I only realised last night
That Sunday's are not included in the A-Z challenge
I did C yesterday
So I will take today off
And just do a regular post
I'm just out of the doctors
And sitting in the pharmacy waiting for my meds
Today's topics included
Horse riding
Michaela MC Collumb, the Irish girl caught smuggling drugs back in 2013 who has just been released from prison in Peru
More of which later
And methadone
For the last few weeks
My doctor has been talking about reducing it
And every week I've come up with a different excuse not to
But today
I was all out of excuses
And so it was reduced from 26mls - 24mls
Not a lot I know
But as the amount gets smaller and smaller
I worry
Not that I ever notice the drop
It's more psychological than anything
I am now almost at the point I was two years ago
Back in 2014
I was down to 22mls
And I panicked
So asked my doctor to increase it
He increased it to 34mls
And it's only now
Two years later
That I am almost back down to 24 mls
As you know
I have been on methadone for 11 years now
Every morning for the last decade
I have taken it first thing every morning
Every Monday I have seen my doctor
It has become part and parcel of my life
Just another part of my daily routine
I can't lie
I am nervous and anxious and afraid to think about life without methadone
Even though that is a long way off
It still scares me
I would much rather come off my tablets first
But I have to trust that my doctor knows what he is doing
I guess I need to learn
That I can handle life without relying on a substance
Because up until now
I have always believed that
That I am not strong enough to handle life on life's terms
I guess I need to see for myself that I can manage without a drug or a drink
I saw Breda this morning also
I was very close to cancelling
As I didn't really feel like going
But I know when I start thinking like that
I am in dodgy territory
So I went
I told her what's been happening recently
About the course I have put my name down for
Which is the local women's centre
It's communications and IT
And it runs two afternoons a week for a year
It sounds like a great course
And the women's centre is a lovely place
So the next thing on my agenda
Is to find out about the job
And if it's still happening
I am on a disability payment
And can only work a certain amount of hours each week
So I need to find out about that
Hopefully I will be able to do everything
But if I have to stop something
I'm afraid it will be the job
But I still have some time to sort things out
So watch this space
It was great to see Breda
And to tell her about all the positive things that are happening
I feel like I am the most stable that I have been in years
Even my ED is somewhat under control
The purging is at a minimum
I'm not weighing myself
And more importantly not caring what I weigh
My clothes fit
My skin, hair and nails are healthy
I feel good
Neither underweight or overweight
I'm sleeping well
I wake up in the morning excited for the day
I feel alive
I feel positive and hopeful for the future
I feel like i am living
Rather than existing
Enjoying life
Rather than enduring it
Life is good
And that is an amazing thing to be able to say
It's onwards and upwards from here
Things are really coming together for me
The jigsaw pieces are falling in to place
And the picture that is my life is becoming clear
With help from a small army of help and supporters
I am finding my way
Finding out who I am
What I am all about
I feel like I might have a shot at having a good life
A happy life
That's all I want
To feel ok in my own skin
To be able to lay my head down at night
Knowing I did my best that day to be a good person
And not hurt myself or anyone else
I am slowly but surely putting my life back together
I really think I can do this
I think I can be a good and honest person
I've come a long way
And it's taken years to finally figure out what I want
And where I want to go
But I am getting there
Great strides start with baby steps
And my baby steps are happening
One at a time