But after giving it some thought
I decided to go with Identity
As it's something that comes up for me again and again
In my illness
And in recovery
When I was very unwell
My whole persona revolved around both my addiction and my ED
From the age of 18
I was Ruby the drug addict
And that's a label that's hard to shake
As along with that come the labels of liar, thief, manipulator
They say a reputation takes years to form
But only seconds to undo
I had a reputation of being trouble
And boy did I live up to it
Somewhere along the line
My ED began to develop
And it wasn't long until I had acquired a new label
Quickly followed by bulimic
In a strange way
Once you are labelled with these titles
You feel like you have to live up to them
I knew nothing about eating disorders before I was diagnosed
I had never known anyone with one
I had no experience at all
My diagnosis was a complete shock
I wasn't trying to lose weight
I wasn't unhappy with my size
In fact more than that
I never gave it much thought
It wasn't until the professionals started weighing me
That I began to take notice of the numbers
They seemed important to them
So they became important to me
And have been the Bain of my life ever since
After my diagnosis
I completely identified myself by my illness
I was no longer Ruby
I was Ruby the sick one
And when you are sick
People are generally very nice to you
Very caring
You get a special kind of attention
I know it might not be popular to say that
But for me
It was the truth
I used to get a kick out people telling me that I looked unwell
That I looked pale and wan
I almost wanted people to feel sorry for me
I'm not entirely sure
But I do know
That once you become the sick one
It's really very difficult to shake that label
Because being sick becomes your whole world
If it's taken away
What will be left?
And that's exactly what terrified me
Who would I be without my illness?
It was like my ED slowly but surely taking over my life
My personality
My body
And without it
I had nothing
There comes a point in life
When you either sink or swim
I came to that point about two years ago
After I got out of hospital for the umpteenth time
I had to make the decision
To recover
Or sink further down the rabbit hole
I began to gain weight
And get well
It hasn't been a straight road since then
I've been up and down and all over the place
And had a minor relapse last year
I bounced back
And continue to bounce back
There was a time
Not too long ago
That I did nothing of a day
Apart from binge and purge
All I did was watch TV all day
And eat
And throw up
I had nothing going on in my life
No job
No course
No hobbies
No interests
It was just me and my ED
But over the last year
I have carved out a life for myself
Now I have a life
I am no longer Ruby the anorectic
I am Ruby the woman
Ruby the daughter
Dog owner
Horse rider
Ruby the dancer
The swimmer
Ruby the recovering addict and anorectic
I am
Now I am so much more than my illness
My illness has faded in to the background
And I starting to live
And love
My life