I felt good
My peace of mind was intact
I had no worries
Nothing on my mind
In the evening
My friend picked me up
And we headed to a meeting
We chatted and laughed on the way
And arrived at the meeting slightly late
It was an AA meeting
One my sister usually attends
Although she wasn't there last night
We walked in to the room
It was packed
We grabbed seats where we could
And the meeting started
The was a girl telling her story
It was really good listening to her
I could identify a lot
The the meeting proper started
I didn't like the way it was run
The chair person picked people at random to share
So you never knew when your name was going to be called
It sent my anxiety in to over drive
I didn't like it
All of a sudden
My name was called
My heart was thumping in my chest
I wanted to just run out of the room
I began to speak
I could hear the shake in my voice
I was trying to say that I could relate to the speaker when she talked about treatment
And the family days
How I been on both sides of the family day
Both the patient
And the family member
And how hard that was
But I think when I was speaking it came out arseways
And once I had finished speaking
I realise that people may have thought I was talking about my sister
When in actual fact I had my dad in mind
And this was my sisters home group
So everyone knew her well there
One by one everyone spoke
A girl at the end shared how she couldn't understand some of the things she heard at meetings
That she had a brother in recovery
And was very close to him
I started to get paranoid that her comment was directed at me
And started to feel really uncomfortable
I just wanted to run
The meeting finished up
And cups of tea were made
There were a good few women at the meeting
And we all gathered to have a chat
In my eyes
Everyone seemed so confident and together
They all seemed perfectly content in themselves
I on the other hand
Felt so out of place
So awkward
I froze
I couldn't speak
I couldn't join in the conversation
I just sat there
Like the socially inept person that I am
I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes
That old familiar feeling of not fitting in was back
It hit me like a smack in the face
And completely threw me
I started thinking all sorts of paranoid thoughts
These people don't like me
They don't like what I shared
They'll probably all talk about me when I'm gone
They think I'm a bad person
They hate me
And this went on and on in a loop in my head
We finally left the meeting at 10pm
I was dying to get home
My friend and I chatted again on the way back to my house
I laughed about how I am a social retard
But then as she pulled in to my drive way
I suddenly felt really sad
And the tears came
My friend was great
She promised me that things would get better
And that she was there for me
I pulled myself together
But I knew it was just a matter of time before the huge dam of tears broke again
I hugged my friend
And she left
I got in to my house
Stopping in the kitchen to pet the dogs
They never cease to make me feel better
I went on to the living room
My sister was watching The Island
I sat down
And feel apart
Hot fat tears fell from my eyes
Landing on my lap
My sister jumped up to hug me
I told her what had happened
She told me that I was being paranoid
That everyone loves me
I cried some more
And she sat and soothed me
She wrapped me in a blanket
And made me cups of sweet tea
I began to feel a little better
But as I lay in bed that night
I replayed the evenings events in my head over and over again
Fighting with myself
Telling myself to shut up
And generally driving myself completely nuts
It got to the point where I really though I was going mad
It was exhausting
I go to meetings to feel better
And here I was
A complete mess after attending something that is supposed to help me
I felt so confused
The urge to use was massive
I kept thinking
One phone call
And I could have sweet oblivion
I wanted it so bad
Knowing my two using friends were close by was so tempting
But for some reason
I didn't ring them
And I didn't use
I kind of figured it would just make everything worse
Even if it did temporarily ease my pain
And even more worrying than using
I actually had some very strong suicidal thoughts
The though they I could end my pain was comforting
And the idea of disappearing seemed very attractive
I wondered how much of my meds it would take to kill me
I actually planned it in my head
But again
I came to the conclusion that that wasn't an option
It might be the end of my pain
But it would open up a world of hurt for my family
I can't do that to them
So I considered my other options?
I could continue on
Keep going to meetings
Hang in there
Keep plugging away at recovery
And hopefully my anxiety will lessen
And my confidence will grow
So I made a deal with myself
I will give recovery a fair shot for 6 months
And if nothing improves
I can always go back to the drug
The drug will always be there
My recovery might not be
So that's what I'm going to do
Also I think I'm going to stay silent at meetings got the next while
I just get too anxious and worked up about the whole speaking thing
So I'm not going to
I guess this is all part of recovery
But it really sucks!
I just want to be well now!
I want to be confident now!
I want to be anxiety free now!
But these things take time
And I know I need to actively work on them
But flippin' heck
I am losing the will to live over here
I'm just really tired
Tired of fighting
Tired of this uphill battle
I just hope the view at the top is worth it.....