Tuesday 5 June 2012

Weird huh?

Good morning my dears,
I hope this post finds you well today.

The dreaded withdrawels did not happen as bad as I feared. I experienced some discomfort but nothing I couldn't handle, my nose was running like a tap and my eyes were streaming but I managed to get some sleep so I am grateful for that. I remember the last time that I went into withdrawel. I was visiting my sister in Australia for a month and had a months worth of methadone with me. I binged on it the first week I was there and left myself so short that I only had enough left to take it every second day. The flight home was a nightmare. I was I in physical pain and mental torture and thought I would never get home,thank God it was nowhere nearly as bad this time.

Usual Tuesday morning routine for me today, doctors appointment first thing, then the chemist, then walked my dogs. My doctor is the nicest man but we rarely talk about anything medical. Today we talked about the Jubilee and he briefly asked me how therapy is going. I suppose I see him so often that we end up talking about other things like books or films. Is that weird?

I walked my dogs in the chilly morning drizzle and I listened to the radio. The radio is a lifeline for me, I listen to phone in/chat shows and it helps to quiet my racing mind and take me out of my own head. I used to listen to a show called 'The Gerry Ryan Show' and I loved it. It was at a time when I was drug addicted and deeply depressed. I'm more of a listener than a talker and I find it relaxing to listen to others talking without having to speak myself. So this show got me through the morning and by the time it was over at 12pm I always felt a little better. Gerry died suddenly 2 years ago and I was devastated, He was so funny and full of life that I couldn't quite believe it. He died of heart failure and it then came out that he was abusing cocaine, I had heard this but I didn't want to believe it. He left behind 6 children. I didn't know what to do so I wrote his wife letter to tell her how much he had helped me during a very dark time in my life. The show that replaced him is not nearly as good and I still miss him. I suppose it was an unlikely place to get help. Does anything out of the ordinary help you?

Another invaluable source of support are my 2 dogs. I've had them for 7 years and cannot imagine life without them. Again they take me away from myself and help calm the committee in my head. When I cannot find a reason to get out of bed I have to get up for them. When I don't want to leave my house I have to get out to walk them. There would be something very wrong if I stopped taking care of  my dogs. They are such good company and give unconditional love. I remember seeing a t-shirt once with the slogan 'I wish I was as great as my dog thinks I am'. So true.

My weight was down this morning, only slightly but enough to make me smile.
I'm very aware that my food habits get stranger and stranger. I've noticed that I only eat foods that I find easy to purge and if I know I can't purge then I don't eat. The only place I feel comfortable eating is at home. I also seem to be developing weird habit with my utensils. I will only eat with certain knives and forks and also only use certain cups, plates and bowls. It's more than  a bit OCD and I'm not sure of the reason for this. Have any of you experienced this

I know that I promised my mother that I wouldn't but I took double my methadone and anxiety meds this morning. She is away until Thursday and I figured what she won't know won't hurt her. Gut it is still wrong and I feel guilty already. I do it to sleep the day away and get a break from my eating disorder. I crave escape and oblivion and sleep is a sweet release. I will be honest tomorrow and tell Mary, she might be able to give me some advice. I also gave in to another temptation this morning and shoplifted 2 packets of twix.
Again I feel incredibly guilty about this but nor enough to make me stop. I'm not even sure why I do this, yes money is tight but that is not the real reason. Getting caught does not bare thinking about but I know it is inevitable. That would shame me to no end but still I do it. It's hard to admit to this behaviour but I have to be accountable somewhere. Any suggestions on this matter would be gratefully received.

I hope you all have a lovely day and much love to you all,

Until tomorrow xxx


  1. Unfortunately I tend to lean on people instead of "things" like your radio show. For the past year I've been leaning on a boy to get me out of my head, and unfortunately it has resulted in something I'm pretty sure is one sided love on my part. I don't really know what to do about it. Like you, I have my dog:> Unfortunately I spend most year away from her, as she's my parents dog. Moving away from her has been a difficult transition, it's not easy to leave 9 years of unconditional love behind. I'm glad you've decided to tell Mary about the methadone, maybe you could talk to her about your food habits as well? Take care love xx

    1. Thanks for your comment and yes I think I will tell Mary about the food stuff. Much love xxx

  2. Your dogs are your reason to getting up like my kids are for me. Eventhough I would love to sleep in all day and avoid the temptation of eating, I get up for them. I'm sorry to hear that your radio show isn't around anymore. I understand you feeling guilty for not telling your mom. We all feel guilty for things sometimes. Congrats on the small loss. At least it's something =) Stay beautiful.

    1. Yes, my dogs are the closest thing I have to children, thanks Katie, I hope you are well. xxx

  3. Hey sounds like you have a lot going on. I am glad the withdrawal wasn't so bad. I was kind of worried.

    I don't have anything out of the ordinary that makes me feel better( I don't think cutting counts ) I am sure Gerry's wife appreciated the letter. I know I would have.

    I say just pick yourself up again. We all cave in to some temptations from time to time. To me that is okay. We are only human. Lol I am starting to feel like you a close friend of mine. I was about to hug the computer. ( no seriously )

    I hope you feel better and I look forward to hearing from you always.

    1. Thank you Winter, I think of you as a friend also and I look forward to hearing from you too, you are a great support to me.
      Much love xxx

  4. Hey hun... remembering times of withdrawal send shivers down my spine.. I never want to go through cold turkey again, ever. I think if that ever happened again, you'd be best to take it each day, but lower your dose each day, rather than every second day, that's almost prolonging the torture, coz your body is literally half way through getting used to being without it, then you give it to it again, sounds like a very bumpy ride...

    Back in England, I had my doctor since birth, so I know him quite well, he knows me better! Lol. I'm pretty comfortable with him, so it wouldn't be too odd to talk about a book or the weather ;P

    I can't wait to see my puppy again (she's actually getting quite old, I guess, around 10 now, but she'll always be my puppy). She's so soppy and totally think she's a human, lol. She will dance with you and gets very offended if you kick her off the couch!

    I am totally the same with food.. But, I either stay very low cal, or eat things I know I can purge. I am also the same with cutlery, I have a favourite fork, spoon and a couple of knives that I'll use. Same with bowls and plates, weird eh? I just hope I don't go back to having to cut my food into little squares! Squares made it seem like there was an end to the torture, circles last forever :s

    I don't tend to over do the methadone, I don't get anything out of taking double my dose, I'm on 27mls though, so maybe that's why. What's your dose, if I can ask? And where do you live? I know here, there is always somewhere open to get meds, if you don't have carry aways, you have to go pick them up from the pharmacy daily, even on Christmas! After coming from England, where you would get to take your meds away on bank holidays and Christmas, etc, I was totally shocked and appalled! Lol.
    Have you considered getting your meds on a daily basis? So that you can't double dose? Coz, aren't you going to be short again? =/ I'm glad your withdrawals weren't unbearable though. I was worried for you. Methadone has never given me a high, I'd rather let it stock pile and go get something else :s but, I've been good for a while and stayed clean, you're an inspiration to me and when I want to do it, I think of how well you're doing, even if you are tampering with meds a bit.. I think anyone who's experienced addiction has done the same. Just.. please be careful, I don't want you to OD. I fear getting close to people on places like this, because I've had people disappear on me before and never heard of them again and of course you fear the worst..

    As for the shoplifting, I know it's hard, but please try to stop... It can ruin your life, just getting caught once or twice. I almost didn't get permanent residency in Canada, because I was caught for shoplifting twice. I used to do it to support my habit. It sounds like you travel a lot.. It's harder to travel with a record, some places you can't even go, other places they interrogate you before letting you in, IF they decide to let you in, because you have to legally declare any convictions when you enter another country.. many people don't, but if you get caught lying, the consequences are severe. Maybe try and think about that when you have the urge? Think about being stuck in a cell all night and what your dogs would do without you. And tell Mary, maybe she can help.

    Anyway, this is an extremely long reply! So, I'm gonna sign off now, lol.

    Take care hun x

    1. Thanks so much for your comment.
      To answer your questions, I live in Ireland. I used to be on 70mls but am now down to 35mls I don't really get a buzz when I take more methadone but when I take the anxiety meds with it, it makes me sleepy. I get one weeks supply at a time so I do get tempted to take more and you're right, getting it every day might be the answer for me.
      As for the shoplifting I just have to suck it up an stop before I get caught. You are right again I do love to travel and getting caught could ruin all that.
      Thanks so much for your advice and support, it means the world to me. Much love to you xxx

  5. Thank god it wasn't that bad... Ruby, you are really doing great! you are so brave and incredibly strong (despite your fragility). Another thing that strikes me, when reading yor posts is that you do care for others a lot, despite having an ED and a former Heroin addiction. That is so rare and absolutely amazing and beautiful!

    hehe, i know the plate and cuttlery picking problem. never occured to me it was a little OCD, i just thought i simply like nice things...

  6. Good to hear that it wasn't bad, I was worried too.

    Someone out of normal helping through the day? Oh, yea. As hypocritical as it is Tyra Banks is somehow really comforting figure for me. I love her life attitude. And to talk about life attitude can we count in all the anime characters I'm in love with? I got many weird things to keep me going ^^.

    And the shoplifting honey... not good. Even if it's easy and tempting, please try to figure this out before it ruins your life.

    Love you,

  7. My cat is my reason for living and why I'm still here now. I'm glad you have your dogs, glad you have little things you have identified that help you keep hanging on. It's just as important to add to your life as it is to try and ditch the unhelpful things.
    The only thing that helps me with the shoplifting is to always have someone with me, and I have a community carer come twice a week so that's something I can and do use. It would be much harder for you if you don't have someone who can consistently come to you for at least a weekly trip to the shops you need to go to and stay out of the others. It's all really hard.
    It sounds to me like you need the idea of the methadone more than the extra you take?
    I'm sorry you are struggling. Hang in there honey xxx


Thank you for leaving some love x