Wednesday 5 December 2012

A Pill for every ill

I saw my doctor on Monday
I really wanted to talk to him about my meds
I'm on methadone, olanzapine and mirtazapine
I take the methadone, I have no problem with that
But up until a few weeks ago I wasn't taking the olanzapine or mirtazapine
However I started taking them about a month ago because my mood was so low
Within a couple of weeks I started to feel bloated
So I looked up mirtazapine on google and was shocked with what I found
Person after person reporting unexplained weight gain since starting on this drug
I don't need to tell you how upset I was to read this
I immediately stopped taking both the olanzapine (as I know it can have the same effect) and the mirtazapine
So I questioned my doctor on Monday
He weighed me (I didn't look) and checked my weight since I had started taking it
Since I was first prescribed it in March there was no weight gain for 4 months
But then I wasn't taking it but he doesn't know that
He said it was only recently I had gained - since I really started taking it
Yes I guess I should be honest with him
He can only really help me if I tell him the truth
He spent about half an hour trying to placate me and said the weight gain could be down to any number of factors
But the thought that there is something in my body affecting my weight apart from what I eat is incredibly scary
So I'm not going to take it
No freakin' way
You can't just fatten me up like a pig and then congratulate yourself because I'm 'cured'
You can keep your mirtazapine thank you very much
And it baffles me why my doctors put me on these meds when they know the side effects could have this effect on me
Don't they know the damage it could do?
So it was either be fat and sedated or thin and lucid
I don't need to tell you which one I chose

I've been on methadone now  for almost 8 years
It's hard to believe that it's been that long
In reality a person is not really supposed to be kept on it this long
It should be a stop gap, a stepping stone between using and being completely clean
Although I've been on it this long, I've only been clean the last couple of years
I started out on 70mls and over the years worked my way down to 30mls
No mean feat
I originally went on methadone not because I wanted to get clean but because I didn't want to be sick
Methadone comes in handy if you've ran out of drugs
Yes, methadone has helped me to get clean off drugs but now I am addicted to it and I have a very real fear about coming off it
It has also destroyed my teeth as it is full of sugar

They say that methadone is harder to come off than heroin
They say it gets in to your bones
I've experienced methadone withdrawal a few times and I would have to agree that it is more difficult to detox
I've found that man made, synthetic drugs can be much trickier to come off than natural drugs
I remember Christmas a  few years ago
My family and I went away for Christmas
I was on methadone at the time but decided to treat myself for Christmas and brought heroin instead of methadone
I brought what I thought was enough for the 4 days
But I was always a greedy addict and had used all my drugs by the third day
This meant I had a full day and night with nothing
Withdrawals start out innocent enough
Your nose starts to run and you can't stop yawning
That I can handle
But as the last traces of the drug leave your body about 12 hours later, things start to get ugly

A dull ache sets in to your bones, so matter what position your in you can't get comfortable
You alternate between being freezing cold and boiling hot
I don't know which is worse
Sweat pours out of you like rain, you should really have a bath but that would mean moving
By now you have excruciating pains in your stomach
Opiates have a side effect of constipation which quickly turns to diarrhea if you haven't used in a while
Night is approaching but you can forget about sleep

Now you can look froward to a whole night of physical and mental torture
Everything hurts from your hair to your teeth
Everyone else in the world  is asleep and you feel utterly alone
It's just you and pain
Minutes feel like hours
The bed is soaked through with sweat
It feels like your body is trying to turn inside out

In a moment of complete desperation you fish the tinfoil you were smoking the drugs on out of the bin
You pray there is something left on it
You look for traces of black tar, hoping to see it bubble and smoke
There's a trace but not nearly enough to help your situation
You try to watch tv but you can't concentrate
All you can do is curl up in the foetal position under the covers and pray for this night to be over

For years I abused my methadone and other meds
It's only recently I started taking them properly
I do think that meds have a place in treating addiction and mental health illness but I don't think that we should be left on them indefinitely as I have
I think they should be used in conjunction with therapy such as CBT
For after all they don't solve the problem, they just put a band aid over the wound
We should be given better ways to cope with our problems and not given a pill for every ill

When I was in treatment I was put on a lot of meds
I remember seeing other patients queuing up to get their sleeping tablets at night
Being an addict I decided that I wanted sleeping pills too
After complaining that I couldn't sleep (big lie) I was put on zimovaine
I was on so much meds that every time I sat down I fell asleep
I was basically out of my head so of course I didn't get better, if anything I got worse

In the summer of 2004 I went to England to do a drug detox
The place was called the Stapleford Centre in London
I remember my doctor was called Dr Kindness
He prescribed me subutex, valium, clonazapine and zimovaine
Again far too much medication for someone trying to get clean
I spent that summer in a stupor
After I completed  the 'detox' I had a naltraxone implant implanted in my side
In effect it was an opiate blocker - if I used I would get nothing off it
It would last 6 months
I spent the next 6 months in treatment and was on no meds at all
I left treatment with a healthy body and mind
Completely drug free
But almost 6 months to the day I relapsed
The implant was still working but I used anyway
A kind of placebo effect
I've since heard that the Stapleford Centre was closed due to prescribing too liberally

Ironically it's the times that I've been off meds that I seem to do well
I feel clear headed and alert
Now if only my doctors would realise this

Are you on any medication?
How do you find it?


  1. What a mess and it was 'professionals' that contributed to it. Medication is one of the main reasons I've never sought help. I know I can decline the offer but there are parts of me that wants it, probably needs it, and wants to abuse it.
    I wish medication wasn't such an automatic go to fixer. It can definitely help, but doesn't seem to solve anything.
    I believe there will be a day that you are finally free of your meds. If that's something you want, I know you can do it.
    I also believe that our own will power, peace, passion/desire, love, happiness etc are far more powerful than any medication.
    Wish you wellness my dear, you are doing great and have come so far! xx

  2. It is a bit of a mess Melrose
    Methadone helped me to get clean but now I'm addicted to it and I can't imagine life without it
    I'm glad you have managed so far without meds, sometimes they're more trouble than they're worth

    Thanks for your kind words x

  3. You are such a strong woman and a beautiful writer. Thank you for continuing to share your life. I appreciate it more than you could know.

    I am on five meds a day. None are anywhere near as serious as what you take. I long for the day when I am off them altogether.

    Sending you warm thoughts and gentle hugs.

  4. Thank you so much for such a lovely comment JJ
    I just want to tell my story and mybe help someone along the way

    Sending love right back atcha x

  5. I totally agree with you about not taking the pills. If they cause unexplainable weight gain I wouldn't have those things anywhere near me. I know they're supposed to help your mood but really how are they going to help if you feel awful in your own skin because of them?
    I have never been on meds but as always I am captivated by your experience. Do you know what you're going to do about those pills you decided not to take?

    1. I'm not sure Emily but I don't think I'm going to take it
      I need to tell my doctor though, it's not good just to stop taking it suddenly x

  6. I'm in remission from AN, but have severe depression. Last year (4 months IP for depression), I gained 6 kgs (13-odd pounds) in FIVE WEEKS when taking Mirtazipine and Olanzepine. 2kg the first week, 1kg/week thereafter until I could not take the resurgence of ED thoughts anymore and quit.
    Formerly when people complained about weight gain from meds I thought, sure, it must be hard, but I bet you aren't doing everything you possibly can not to stop gaining. Well, I was doing everything I could bar relapsing. Believe me. I desperately wanted the meds to work out so I wouldn't have to have ECT.
    Yikes, I hate those drugs. It is majorly triggering to have rapid, uncontrollable weight gain like that. All the old ED thoughts returned with a vegence. I thought I could handle it. I only just did. I quit when I saw the writing on the wall, that I was going to relapse and become even more mentally and physically sick if I didn't change treatments. Thankfully my psychiatrist agreed (I think it scared her to be honest).
    Be careful. Trust your gut. Your actual gut. I kept thinking, oh, these fears are just anorexia talking. WRONG. I had cause for concern. Of course, if it is anorexia talking then kindly tell the b*tch to shut up. ;-)

  7. In answer to your question, I have taken 14 different psych meds over the past 8 years, not all at once but many concurrently. Some did nothing, some made me worse, some partially worked but came with intolerable side effects, some partially worked, were tolerable and kept me well enough to be gainfully employed for a number of years. My depression is treatment-resistant though. We're currently looking into some of the more experimental treatments but I now have a combination of (a) "treatment fatigue" and (b) a fear of trying new things due to the above misadventure and others since then!
    Have you trialled many anti-depressants? You don't say. There are so many out there and many different classes of anti-depressants too. There may well be something which is better suited to you.

  8. I've been on a couple of other anti depressants although I can't remember why I was pout on mirtazapine
    To be honest I don't really think I need to be on so much meds
    They hinder me more than help me
    I will be honest with my doctor next week and tell him that I'm not taking them anymore

    Thanks for your insight Sam x

  9. I take temazepam for insomnia and supposedly sertraline, but I havent started taking it yet after the venlafaxine disaster. I was prescriped mirtzapine a while ago by the psychiatrist i dont like. i refused to take it. my gp completely understood why and instead gave me weight neutral antidepressants to try, hoping the psychosis would calm down if my mood improved rather than relying on an antipsychotic which is more likely to cause weight gain, which she knew i wouldn't cope with.

    in the past ive had fluoxetine, citalopram, venlafaxine and a few other antidepressants on high doses but im really anti depressant resistant. plus i started taking 2 months of meds at a time, giving myself the jitters and tachycardia just so i wouldn't eat and lose weight!

    i have a love affair with valium. i stole my mums who didnt need it anymore after some thyroid induced tachycardia, and i took it all and slept for 3 days straight.

    i love you ruby, if you are honest he can give you something else to try that you may be more willing to give a go. he knows you well, he should be understanding

    love xxxx

    1. I know Nina, I should be honest with him, I know he'll understand. I really don't want to take it though
      I also have a love/hate relationship with my meds
      but I hate to be so reliant on them
      With methadone you completely dependent on it and I don't like that

      Love you too x

  10. I would totally freak out about the pills too, anything I can't control I don't want anywhere near me. Hence I isolate. It's kinda heart breaking in a way to read your post and story, because it frustrates me so much that the medical caring professionals could be just so plain stupid. I personally am very careful about substances I put in my body, but only after having a bad trip on MDMA where I hallucinated for 24 hours and a minor coke habit. Man made substances scare me.
    I really think you should be honest with your doctor about when you started taking the meds. There is no reason for him to be upset with you, and will appreciate that you were truthful. When it comes to medication, I'm sure you know, it's not the safest to fuck around. If you feel most clear and most yourself off the meds, I'd encourage you to express that to your doctor as well.

    It was lovely to learn more about you
    love always

    1. Thanks Lou, yes I will tell him the truth, I am doing myself no favours telling lies
      Hopefully he will put me on something else
      I read that mirtazapine was originally devised for anorexics to increase their appetite
      That is so scary
      I want my weight to be affected only with what I eat, you know?

      Love to you too x

  11. I gained a lot of weight when I was first put on mirtazapine, Olanzapine, Valium & metachlorpramide. I was sectioned & inpatient, so obviously that was the main cause, though no one could figure out why I was gaining so quickly on a 'normal' refeeding diet (2kg/5lb every week for three months - it was agony). Maybe meds did play a key.

    I refuse to take Valium anymore, because it was so hard to come off last time (not that I need to tell you that!). Olanzapine messes with metabolism & the chemistry of the body too much, so I haven't taken than in a long time either. I'm still on mirtazapine, and haven't noticed any weight gains from it alone. I don't know if it works, because I still feel depressed all the time, but it definitely is better than fluoxetine for me. As long as it doesn't make me feel worse. I've been taking mirtazapine for so long now (nearly 2 years) and I'm scared to stop taking it, because that seems just as risky as taking them in the first place. I don't like meds at all, really.

    Off the record, I 100% believe that weed helps me with my anxiety & some other issues more than pharmaceuticals could. Funnily enough, I've never gained weight from it either. I hate it when people say "I only smoke it medicinally" (it's not legalized here), but I honestly do, even if it started out recreationally I haven't 'enjoyed' it in a long time.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs Ruby dearest. Keep fighting xx

    1. Gosh Bella that is so scary
      These meds have such drastic side effects, I really don't know if it's worth taking them sometimes
      I've been off my meds now for 3 days and I feel more alert and clear headed
      Of course I used to enjoy the fact that I was sedated but I can't risk the weight gain, not now

      I'm glad you've found something that helps your anxiety
      I could never smoke as it made me so paranoid

      Lots of love to you dear Bella x

  12. I refused antidepressants for years, since Nana.M has basically been pickled by the docs and Grandma died 6 weeks after her hip replacement because the painkillers ate her stomach lining. I finally accepted them as a last effort after several suicide attempts, on the condition that they would be a temporary thing while I got some therapy to 'help me properly'

    Ha ha fucking ha.

    I fell through the gaps in the system because I was studying. Student Health told me I was fine and I wasn't depressed, I was just stubborn or something. I only just qualified for DHB treatment this year. I tried to go without antidepressants earlier on this year, and resumed self harming seriously for the first time in nearly 10 years and had 6 serious suicide plans ready to be put into action. I don't want to be on drugs for the rest of my life, but if it's how I have to be in order to have any quality of life I'll just have to look at it like insulin and try to accept it.

    Holy fuck the heroin withdrawals sound like a nightmare. Remind me to avoid it like I'd avoid Ebola, ok? Holy shit, you're a tough cookie to endure that crap!

    Oh fuck you asked me about the Mirtazapine and I've been too much of a useless twat to reply to comments :(

    Last year I switched off Citalopram to Doxepin, which put my blood pressure through the floor so I couldn't do anything. At the gym they banned me from cardio and made me wait 30seconds before trying to stand up from ANYTHING because I would pass out, no matter how much I'd had to drink. This made me even more depressed and I started bingeing like a fiend (But no purging) to numb the bad feelings.
    Since that was happening, they put me on Mirtazapine. I started taking it in the morning, which was a bad idea because it gave me hardcore muscle weakness and dopyness. This fucked with my training even more and made me useless at work. It also increased my appetite, since I was already bingeing HELLO SHITSTORM it got worse. I moved to taking it at night, which was good because it would knock me out and let/make me sleep and I slept through the worst of the lethargy and muscle weakness.
    Bad thing was I had to take it at least 12 hours before I wanted to get up because otherwise I would sleep through my alarm and if I stayed out of bed too long after taking it I got uncontrollable muscle twitches. Body freaking out between me forcing it to continue to be active and drugs forcing it to relax. (I like to SH by depriving myself of sleep. Fucked up:yes)
    Between the Doxepin bloodpressure games, Mitrazapine's appetite increase and weakness and my own bingeing I gained 12kg in 10 months. If I hadn't been bingeing I would not have gained as much and I would have gone back to normal after we sorted out the muscle weakness thing.

    I did a lot of reading on Mirtazapine when I was put on it (I always research something before I start taking it, especially after what happened to Grandma) and one of the uses they mentioned was giving it to chronically underweight anorectics in order to get their weight back up to the point where their life was no longer in immediate danger and brain function was restored to the point where therapy would be effective.

  13. Talia made sure I understood that when she was at her lowest weights her brain literally could not function because she was in such bad condition physically. It explained a lot that I couldn't understand back then :/

    I figure that if they're decent docs they're thinking that they fatten the patient up to the point where they have the ability and the energy for therapy to be effective so they can deal with the inevitable extra shitstorm the weight gain causes. If they're fuckwits (which most of them are) they think that getting the kilos on to get you out of the danger zone is more important. UGH.

    Sorry it took me so long to reply to your comments. Please don't hate me.

    I hope they can sort this out. Talk to Mary and your doctor about what you think and since Mary sounds pretty awesome she'll be able to figure a different plan of attack that takes your concerns and desires into account.

    Love you so much Ruby. Take care of yourself ok? Love you <3

    1. I don't hate you at all Peri, I know you've got a lot on and I totally understand

      Are you still on mirtazapine?
      I stopped taking it a few days ago
      Yea it made me feel really lethargic too and not a nice lethargic, just made me feel like I wanted to sleep all the time

      That's terrible about your gran, it just goes to show we really need to research our meds, some of them are literally killing us

      I know weight gain is an essential part of getting well and I accept that , well actually maybe I don't, maybe I'm hoping I can lose weight and still get well even though I know that's impossible

      Love you too Peri

      Hang in there x

  14. That really is negligent to put someone with an ED on pills that are pretty much guarenteed to make them gain weight. Just stupid.

    Withdrawls sound so awful. I see why it's so hard to function for addicts.

    You take care of yourself <3

  15. oh ruby i can relate to this so much! i am absolutely PETRIFIED of gaining weight due to meds. i've been taking my anti-depressants properly for probably 10-12 weeks now and *touch wood* i haven't gained any weight. i'm taking desvenlafaxine (pristiq). one of my friends was prescribed another anti-d earlier in the year and actually lost about 9kgs!!! (which i'm very jealous of!) but i suppose everyone's body is different. around may i had somehow managed to get quite thin and was also very, very depressed and the doctor i was seeing at the time tried to force me to take mitrazapine even thouh he knew how scared i was of gaining weight. i researched the drug and found out that it is often prescribed to patients who have depression and also anorexia because it's like killing two birds with one stone- supposedly treats the depression and also increases your appetite to make you gain weight. i think doctors can be very sneaky and fail to tell you certain things about a particular drug. before i take any med now i always make sure i have done my own research and know all the potential side effects etc so i can make my own informed decision rather than just taking a doctor's word for it. if you still want to take an anti- depressant to lift your mood i would be requesting that your psych switches you to one which isn't renowned for weight gain like mitrazapine. also in my experience many antipsychotics are also known for weight gain- particular ones like zyprexa, seroquel etc.


    1. Yes I read this too about anorexia, I said it to my doctor but he still thinks I should take it
      And yes zyprexa is notorious for weight gain
      I've stopped taking both meds which probably isn't a smart idea but I won't take something that's messing with my weight
      I will tell my doctor but I guess he can't make me take them
      I will definitely be researching meds before I take them from now on x

  16. Ruby! If you haven't seen it watch:

    Or search Peace of Mind on iplayer if that doesnt work - documentary about ppl with severe mental illness, first episode follows a few ppl including anorexia nervosa patient.

    I know your a bbc doc junkie like me :-P so thought id tell you about it in case you miss it xx

  17. If only drs paid more attention to the needs of each patient.. Pills don't solve the problem but they can ease the symptoms.. I'm on anti depressants, anti psychotics and anti anxiety.. Even I known they just make me feel numb but my warped brain prefers feeling numb to feeling.. :/ I hope you are well dear friend and that maybe one day you will be med free! Xx

  18. I'm glad that meds are helping you Rayya and I can understand wanting to feel numb.
    I do hope to be med free some day, the though both thrills and terrifies me

    Love to you dear Rayya x

  19. I have been on and off medication since I was 17; I am now 31. I have alays found them to be very helpful to me and I do go off of them whenever I feel I can stay stable enough without them. I have been on different things throughout the years but my doctors always considered the side effects of the meds before prescribing them. As I grew older I tried to educate myself as much as I could and I am take control over my treatment. Right now I am on prozac (the only med recognized in the US for bulimia), amytriptaline (an antidepressant that also helps with anxiety) and xanax. The first 2 I take everyday as prescribed and the xanax I use as needed. I have them ordered so that they are small doses 3 times a day but I hardly ever take all of them and some days I don't take any.
    My current therapist once asked me basically why I never gave a fight or refued to take meds, I told her when I first was given them I was so depressed that I figure what the hell, they have to make me feel better than how I felt. And that is how I feel now, I take meds when I need them like a diabetic: my brain does not have the proper balance of chemicals so I need to take them.

  20. I'm glad meds have helped you Josie, they definitely can help
    I might never have got clean if it wasn't for methadone
    And that's a great analogy comparing yourself to a diabetic x


Thank you for leaving some love x