Monday 10 December 2012


I'm sorry
All I can say is I'm sorry
I'm failing miserably at recovery
I feel like I'm letting everyone down
This has been building for the last couple of weeks and came to a head this weekend
I saw Mary on Friday morning
I was going to cancel so I wouldn't have to be weighed but I need all the support I can get before I go away so I went
I hadn't been weighed in 2 or 3 weeks
And in those weeks I was convinced that I had put on 3 - 4 kilos
I felt bigger
I felt like there was more of me
That I was taking up more space
And of course the mirror tells me that I am fat
I would have staked my life on the fact that I had put on weight
So Mary weighed me but I didn't look
She spent half an hour talking me in to hearing the number and I finally relented
My heart thumped in anticipation
I was dying to know but I also couldn't stand to know

'You haven't gained Ruby'

'In fact you've lost'

What the?
After the initial shock, relief flooded through my body
I couldn't actually believe it
How could I have got it so wrong?
But then I've never been good at judging my own weight

It just goes to show that I can not trust the way I feel
Or the mirror
Or even my own eyes
Would I like to  lose more weight?
In my head I am fat no matter what the scale says
The cruel thing about this illness is that we never get to enjoy the one thing that we crave the most because we never believe we are thin enough

Trying to shake this thing is harder than I ever imagined
This eating disorder just won't seem to let me go
Or rather I won't let go of it
It's like a poison invading my body and mind
Mary says that I will get out of therapy what I put in
I do want to get well
Or more like I want to want to get well

There is a girl I used to meet when I was walking my dogs
She was extremely thin and power walked up and down the beach
I would meet her everyday rain, hail or shine
Then all of a sudden she disappeared
I often wondered what had happened to her
Did she get better?
Did she finally get tired of pounding the pavement everyday?
Did she die?
I hoped and prayed that she was in recovery
But then on Friday while I was walking my dogs in the pouring rain I saw a familiar figure walking towards me
It was her
As thin as ever
I wanted to run up to her and wrap her in a hug and tell her that I know what she is going through
That I know exactly how she feels
The sick part of wants to join her

All these things have massively triggered me
I binged and purged my way through Friday like it was going out of fashion
But I'm ashamed to say that I haven't eaten since Saturday
Every minute of every day is filled with thoughts of

'Will I eat?'

''When can I eat?'

'What can I eat?'

And then eating nothing
I have to admit that those old  feelings came flooding back
The emptiness
The power
The control
The lightheadedness
The anorectic in me is  having a ball
But in my heart I know that this is wrong
It's wrong
I hate it but I love it
I don't want it but I want it
I want to stop but I can't
I know  that it's wrong but it feels good
I feel hugely guilty
It feels like when I used drugs when I was supposed to be clean
The butterflies in my tummy
It's terrifying but thrilling

My behaviours are all over the place
Abusing my meds again
Barely leaving the house
Lather, rinse, repeat
I swear if I put as much as much energy in to recovery as I do in to my illness I would be well on my way
I know what I need to do but fear and anxiety keep me paralysed
I sat in the living room last night
It was dark apart from the twinkling Christmas lights that I put up the day before
I would've cried if I wasn't so numb
I don't know where to go from here




  1. Sweetie, don't beat yourself up about everything. You haven't failed. This is a long emotional rollercoaster journey and there are ups and downs. Keep strong, today is a new day :) x


    Love youxx

  3. Oh huni I wish I could hold you and somehow make everything ok. We all have our bad days, don't feel like a failure you are one of the strongest people I know.. I love you dearly dear ruby. It's so easy to feel this way at this time of year.. I look down and all I see is fat. You said it yourself, we can't trust our eyes, and you are more than your ed. you are a wonderful person who has touched so many people's lives with your presence.. Never doubt how much you mean to all of us. I am always here if you need me so never hesitate together in touch.. Love you always xx

  4. Thank you Rayya for your kind words and your unwavering support
    You were the first person I got to know here and I consider you a dear friend
    You are right, this time of year is tough and we need to stick together

    Love you always too x

  5. you haven't failed, ruby, a failure is who does not try. i am so very sorry to hear how you feel, and maybe its this time of the year, (just today a very loved one told me you are always sad, and i wish i could just switch back to being me, happy and bubbly and pretty...) but we are trying and you you are trying so hard! you can never be a failure! you give so much to others, justgo through your comments! and sometimes - even if we think we fail - we do progress. it just takes a bit of a distance to realize it!

    Big hug

  6. Thank you Loulou and so lovely to hear from you
    You are so sweet
    Yes this time of year doesn't help either

    Love to you x

  7. I am right where you are Ruby. I feel guilty, I want to let go, but this is comfortable. I don't know whether or not to say congrats to losing weight, it all depends on what you want. My boyfriend tells me all the time, "If you put as much energy into recovery as you do with your eating disorder, you would be on top of the world." But instead we wallow and give in to it. I hope you're doing better today. Much love.

    1. I'm glad but also sorry that you can identify Katie
      Keep trying, that's all we can do

      Love to you x

  8. I can kinda understand this. Things will get better. Just keep your head up. You're amazingly strong. You've made it this far, you can do it. Eventually, you will recover. Today is a new day. Try again. Love you. Xx Wish you the best of luck.
    Also, i'm sorry if my negativity is triggering you at all. I don't mean to, and if it is, let me know so I can stop? I don't want to drag you with me.

    1. No Camille, you are not triggering me at all. Don't worry about that, you're really not
      Thanks for your kind words x

  9. You are not failing at recovery. There's no right or wrong way to do it, and the downs are part of the process as well as all the ups.
    You know what you have to do, so try and make yourself do it. Ask someone to make sure you eat a sandwich or something. Even if it almost kills you.
    I'm right there with you- I purged six times yesterday, which is a new high for me. If I could I would reach out and hug you.

  10. you never have to apologise ruby, we love you and know there will be ups and downs and tears and you dont have to be strong for us. we want u wel but we want more that u can b honest with us about how ur doing so we can support u best we can. hang on in there, we love u xxx

  11. Thanks Nina, that's good to know

    Love you too x

  12. *Huggles*

    Getting better is a long hard fight with slips and falls and baby steps and slides backwards and lunges forward and it never goes in a straight line.

    There are a few people like that around town. More now since Ashburn lost it's ED beds. I hurt for them so badly, but I know there is nothing I can do or say that will convince them that I understand at least a little bit or that they are worth life.

    I don't know what it is about getting better that is scary. This shit isn't the only thing that defines us or makes us different but it is all we can see.

    Sorry, I don't have good words today. Only hugs and love. Take care of yourself as bets you can today, ok?

    Love you Ruby <3

  13. Thanks Peri, your words are good, they are great
    Today was a bit better thank God
    I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep going

    Love you too x


    You will find a way to go through it!


Thank you for leaving some love x