Friday 14 December 2012


Our community is in shock today
Another case of bullying
Another young life taken
Another family torn apart
Another teenage suicide

About 2 months ago a teenager called Erin Gallagher committed suicide
She was just 13 years old
She lived about half an hour from me
It was the second teenage suicide in as many weeks
Ciara Pusley another young girl died the week before
Both girls were being bullied
Both at school and over the internet
Erin's house and family had been targeted
Their property vandalised
I thought things couldn't get any worse
But yesterday as I was trying on shoes in a shop in town with my father, I heard the 11am news
I only caught a few words
At first I thought I has heard wrong
I said it to my father but he hadn't heard
I sat for a moment trying to figure out what exactly I had heard
Then I heard 2 staff members talking

'Oh God, not her sister'

'Jesus Christ'

My heart dropped in my chest
We made our way back to the car to listen to the radio where it was confirmed
Erin's older sister Shannon had been found dead in a townland near her home
She had also committed suicide
She was 15 years old

I'm finding it really difficult to take in
And I can't imagine what the Gallagher family are going through today
Their world has been turned upside down and inside out
It's a tragedy to experience one suicide
But 2 in as many months
It is truly unthinkable
Shannon had made an emotional tribute to her sister at her funeral
She was devastated by her sisters death
It's so unbearably sad to think that she felt she had to do the same thing
Two beautiful young girls
They should be living the best years of their lives
But now they are gone
And their families are left to pick up the pieces

Bullying is a subject that is close to my heart
I've written about it before so I won't go in to detail but I have experienced bullying at home, in school, in work and even in hospital
I couldn't understand why I seemed to attract these bullies like a magnet so I started to believe that there was something wrong with me
That I was useless
Not worth caring about or loving
Bullying wears you down over time
I felt scared
I felt alone
I felt helpless
It knocks any shred of self confidence you ever had
And stamps all over your self esteem
And especially when you are a teenager and all you want to do is fit in
Be one of the 'gang'
At that age your peers are your whole world
If you are not part of the 'cool' crowd then your life is pretty much a misery
And that age it's almost impossible to look to the future
It's hard to see that things could ever get better
Sometimes suicide is the only option we can see
We want the pain to stop
We start to believe that people would be better off without us
That we are just a burden
That no one would even miss us when we're gone
It's the only way out we can see
But something about this case makes me think that there might have been more to the story
More than bullying
What I don't know
It's just a feeling

Suicide has been on my horizon for a long time
It's my plan B
If life doesn't work out, then it's my other option
I would describe it as a passive deathwish
I don't actively seek it out but I welcome it if it happens
I remember when I was getting clean off drugs I made a deal with myself
I would give recovery a shot for 6 months and if things didn't get better by then I would kill myself
As strange as it sounds, that kept me going
Knowing that I could end it all at any time gave me some comfort
But now that I am a bit older, I'm more aware of the effect my suicide would have on my family
It would literally break them
It might be the end of my pain but it would open up a world of hurt for them
And I guess that's as good a reason as any not to do it

The Gallagher family are now facing in to Christmas without 2 of their precious daughters
I can't even begin to imagine the pain they are in
It doesn't bear thinking about
It makes me think about my own situation
As much as I am struggling, I have a lot to be grateful for
I have my family
As much as they drive me nuts sometimes, I love then and wouldn't change them for the world
If love could get me well I would've got well a long time ago
I'm grateful for my (relative) health
I'm grateful for my 2 dogs who have saved my life over and over again
I'm grateful to have a roof over my head
A warm, dry bed to sleep in
Food in my fridge
Clothes in my wardrobe
I have an amazing trip to look forward to
A wonderful therapist
And you
You have shown me unwavering support and for that I am eternally grateful
As much as I am going through I wouldn't change places with anyone
My life is far from perfect but I wouldn't have it any other way

If you are struggling today, remember you are not alone
Reach out to someone
Ask for help
Don't suffer in silence
There is help
There is hope
There are people who will listen

So today please keep Erin and Shannon in your thoughts
And all the other victims of suicide

Erin and Shannon I hope you are at peace now
Take care of each other
You won't be forgotten


  1. That is so very sad. Their family must be in pieces :(

    Suicide's seemed like the way out for me, for as long as I can remember. I think it's probably one of my biggest 'reasons' why I do all this, that it will eventually kill me.

    And thank you for your comments ruby, it always makes me smile to get that little notification email.
    Love you, please take care of yourself xxxx

    1. It's so sad Bella, they are in my thoughts and prayers

      You are so welcome Bella, I wish that I could do more to help

      Love you too x

  2. My brother committed suicide. It absolutely ripped my family apart. One of the most traumatic experiences of my life.

    I will keep their family in my prayers and you as well Ruby (and Bella).

    1. God JJ, I am so sorry to read that
      I hope you and your family are ok this Christmas
      You will be in my thoughts and prayers
      It makes me think twice about my own suicidal thoughts thinking about my family left behind

      Take care of you x

  3. Their poor family.
    It's so true, as you say that teens don't always realise the difference their future will make and how it can be so, so much better. That those a*seholes won't have any hold over their life in a few short years.
    R.I.P girls.

  4. It's true Lucy, I hope they'll be ok x

  5. That is so heart breaking, makes me think twice about my own thoughts as well.
    All my thoughts and prayers to the family, and to everyone that has experienced such heaviness. Take care <3

    Hope you are doing alright love xx

    1. Thanks Melrose

      I'm doing ok, hope you are too x

  6. It is blowing my mind how bullying is getting so out of control and it is leading to children killing themselves. Last month a girl my daughter was friends with killed herself do to bullying and meth. she was such a beautiful girl who was so young and had her whole life to live. After this girl shot herself someone posted a very touching video on FB about another girl i was crying so hard by the end. I sit and think why is it so bad and why do kids feel death is the only solution. Was it this back when I was a teen if not why is it getting worse. I pray for children daily.

    1. It is so scary Linny
      And now with the internet they can bully anonymously
      It seems to be getting worse and worse
      I hope your daughters friend is at peace now x

  7. This is so sad. It breaks my heart not only for the girls, but for their family. Bullying isn't acceptable. I hope they take care of each other. I have lost many friends to suicide since I was young.

  8. It seems almost everyone has been affected by suicide Katie
    It breaks my heart too x

  9. Omg that is awful! The people who did the bullying have some serious blood on their hands. I want to tie them down and force them to endure the mental state of a suicidal person for a day. See how they fucking like it.

    We need the technology to do that shit, but there is so much scope for abusing it there wouldn't be much point. (But wouldn't it be nice to be able to have the mindset of a normal person for a day? When you know what you're aiming for it's so much easier to hit it)

    Fuck that would make a cool SciFi story!

    The bullies home in on you because they can see your strength inside and are intimidated by it. They want to make themselves feel more secure by eradicating anyone who could become actually stronger than they only appear to be.

    You're one BAMF, Ruby! Don't ever forget that!

    Sending tons of pollen-sneezy love from Aotearoa <3

    1. They are cowards Peri, they really are
      Hopefully if the police don't get them, karma will and karmas a bitch!

      Sending you love and a hug x

  10. Oh god that's horrible! I wish that there were no cause for beautiful young people to take their own lives. I can't even imagine how devastated their family must be. I hope they receive much needed support over the holidays. Condolences to them, even though they'll never read this. :(

    1. I know Emily, it doesn't bear thinking about
      I hope they get support too x


Thank you for leaving some love x