Thursday 10 July 2014


To take  a break from writing about eating disorders
I thought that I would let you know some random things about me
Fun facts
That maybe you don'y know about me
Here goes......

1. I am left handed but I can also write with my right hand
    So I am ambidexterous   
    I can also do mirror writing
    Write forwards with my left hand and backwards with my right at the same time

2. I have 2 older sisters and an older brother
    I am the youngest

3. I studied ballet up until the age of 16 and wanted to be a dancer

4. My first pet was a cat called Wanda

5. I can't walk up a flight of stairs without counting them

6. I've had one long term relationship
    It lasted 6 years

7. I am a dreamer

8. My star sign is Virgo and I'm a fairly typical one

9. My birthday is September 7

10. My favourite colour is yellow

11. When I was addicted to drugs I did the most unimaginable things for money

12. At my lowest weight, my dog weighed more than me

13. My parents split up when I was 19

14. They swap houses during the week

15. I once spoke at an eating disorder conference

16. I've been in treatment 8 times

17. At the moment I am listening to a lot of Haim, London Grammar and Indiana

18. I once saw an ex-boyfriend over dose

19. I read my favourite books over and over again

20. I always knew that I would become an addict

21. I think I am going to die young

21. I won an all Ireland swimming medal when I was 12

22. Most of the time I don't feel like a normal human being

23. My ideal job would be to help others with eating disorders or a foster carer for abused animals

24. I would love to be able to sing

25. I smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day

26. I see my doctor every Monday

27. Anxiety stops me from doing a lot of the things I want to do

28. I feel fat almost all of the time

29. I only use certain cups and cutlery

30. A lot of the time I don't like myself very much

I would love to hear some random facts about you.....


  1. Being ambidextrous must be cool ^^
    I did ballet for a while when I was 3 and quit. I wanted to dance again, but my mother refused to let me dance ballet - she said girls my age only likes hip hop and jazz. Afterwards, I joined two years of Chinese dance and the occcasional hip hop course. I like dancing a lot, but I'm really clumsy so being a dancer is out of the question.
    I don't have pets because I'm incapable of taking care of myself :/
    I'm a dreamer too.
    I'm a Leo but I don't think I'm typical. My birthday is on the 26th of July.
    My favorite colors are saxe blue, pale pink and lavender. Or any other pastel really.
    O_O your dog weighed more than you. But then again your dog is a big one. Is it really screwed up that I want to be that light?
    I've heard of Haim. I'll go listen to them ^^
    I don't think you're going to die young, you're a very determined and strong person to me!
    I hate swimming XD
    I don't think I'm a normal human being.
    I think you can sing....anyone can sing :)
    Why smoke? It's not good for you (I'm sure you know this) >< I know it's a personal choice though and if it helps you then a little won't hurt...I just choke easily at the smell, I've a sensitive nose.
    Ohhh. I hope your anxiety gets better through recovery? Is your recovery just from ED and drugs or also anxiety?
    I feel fat all the time and I don't like myself. I'm not pleased with myself I guess. I take a lot of things for granted and I know it. I'm used to being like this but sometimes I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin.
    Now for random facts about me...
    I speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English and I can do basic conversation in French. I want to learn Japanese and Spanish after I'm fluent.
    My favorite TV show - only TV show I watch - is Glee.
    I'm Chinese. I'm not religious. I know I'm too young to be defined as anything but heterosexual (as I am told) but I personally identify as pansexual because I don't really care about gender as long as we trust and love each other.
    The facts are not really random but I wasn't sure what to put.


    1. Thanks for this Christie
      It's really great to know more about you
      You are one interesting girl
      And so smart too x

  2. Such a great post Ruby, I just made the longest reply and clicked away the tab before I published it :s

    I will probably make a similar post - I guess I am nosy and I like to read about other peoples facts :)

    1. Thanks Kitty

      Yes I am the same
      I love finding out random facts about people
      I'd love to read your post x

  3. You seemed to be really athletic. I think you should get back into it! Do you a pool nearby like at a gym or something that you can go and just be alone with your thoughts, take a break from the day and maybe relieve some of the stress? For me it was lifting and I focused on being strong and the reward was the muscle gain and lifting more. Maybe yours could be swimming further, plus, endorphins. :) also, you being ambidextrous rocks! Since I'm doing my masters in counseling I want to work with eating disorders. Not one a lot of people tackle as a specialty and of course I have experience so I know the thought process. You should volunteer at a shelter! Love all the good things about you, gonna ignore the ones that I don't think are true. <3

    1. I was Eve
      I would love to get back to the fitness level that I had
      I was always doing something
      And I lived in the swimming pool x

  4. sry but fact "21. I think I am going to die young" is unacceptable. this time your skinny bum is goping to be kicked, Miss!!! and i kick - hard!!!

    haha i am ambidextrous, too. apparently it makes playing the piano easier for me. or at least i think!

    ballet and the fat feeling (but once i recovered i felt much thinner after my weight got stable) we share as well.

    i love all animals

    i love the sea

    i love swimming and dancing

    i can do the splits or put both of my legs behind my head

    I have NO impuls control (most of the time)

    my prefrontal cortex might be 14 years old

    my torso is far too short for the rest of me

    i never smoked or took illegal drugs (yep, lame)

    think much faster than i type

    my real writing is hardly ever on my blog; I write an awfull lot, and if i haven't got any time i write instead of sleeping

    And i think too fast for my emotions to catch up which makes me come across as weird/silly sometimes

    music means so much to me that i hardly ever speak about it

    i always knew i wanted to be an artist and tried my best to avoid it (failed at avoiding)

    i HATE the book lolita (40sth man talks about f***ing a 12 year old and people call it a love story. yes, this is precisely how child abusers argue and i think that was what nobokov truly wanted to depict, unfortunately (?) without judging)

    i have phobias, ocd behavious and social anxiety not many people know about, i just dissapear when the cycle starts and find excuses later

    for me love and music are the highest aesthetic experiences

    i believe you, Ruby!, should work with animals instead

    i physically cannot shop at primark or similar shops


    1. i did not say my thinking is brilliant, right, i just said it's fast!!!!

    2. I love this Lilly!
      LOVE IT!
      You are one interesting girl
      And I love finding out more about you
      I think if we met in real life, we would become firm friends fast
      Do you? x

  5. hi ruby i read favourite books over again and again too
    i have 6 children from 6 to 28
    i love dangerous sports but am scared to go shops or answer the phone!
    i only drink cold drinks
    i love dogs and elephants (on the telly)
    i have to have a smoke when i wake up and go to bed,but not in the day.
    i get addicted to everything from exercise to cereal
    sleep is a distant memory.
    favourite place the beach.
    wanted to be good at ballet,but very clumsy (jo) xx

    1. Thanks Jo for sharing this
      I love finding out tid bits about my readers
      Wow you have 6 children?
      That is amazing
      I am like you in that I find big dangerous things easier than little mundane things
      Why is that I wonder? x

  6. Random facts about me?

    I am also a lefty!

    My favorite vegetable is a cucumber, but I also love tomatoes very much.
    I ate sweet potatoes for the very first time this week and liked it. And up till I was 33 (34 now) I didn't like olives or coffee and I like both now.

    My favorite colour is pink.
    I secretly believe in magic and would like nothing better than spread out fairy dust

    My joints dislocate over nothing, here it's called HMS (hyper mobility syndrome) and that's pretty hard in a panic attack because then I freeze up, tighten all my muscles and dislocate all over the place ;-)

    I bring my (teddy) Bear to therapy

    The movie Finding Nemo gives me comfort

    I sometimes play the same song for hours, over and over again.

    I'm a thumb sucker

    Many parts of (or complete) my teeth have broken off due to my purging

    I'm allergic to almost all skin products and also local anaesthesia and kiwifruit and coconut , ow and a fair few antibiotics

    I have a younger sister and brother. And my brother is my favorite person in the world. (and yes, I do like my sister very much too)

    I have multiple personality disorder, and ptsd. And it means I'm never alone, so to speak, and parts of me like different things than others.

    I'm afraid of thunderstorms and ladybugs.

    I can speedread, and I am able to read a book of over 300 pages in less than an hour.

    So, enough random facts?


  7. That writing trick is cool.
    I hate grocery stores. Especially French ones. No one speaks english and I'm so very confused each time I go buy food.
    I hate doing dishes.
    I love vacuuming.
    I want my entire leg covered in tattoos one day.
    I'm having a lot of social anxiety here in Paris and haven't gone out to do a lot of things.
    I don't speak to my brother.
    I'm really good at cooking. Even if I don't have basic utensils and our oven doesn't work/I can't make it work, I still made something for dinner.
    I once had over 20 pets in my house.
    I don't know what I want to do after uni.
    I want to live somewhere warm.
    This summer was the first in a long time where I haven't fought with my mom all the time.
    Everyone here has money to eat out and shop and I'm barely scraping by financially.
    I always love your blog and you're such an inspiration and I wish I could whisk away to Ireland and have a cup of tea and play with Lea and Honey. Greetings from Paris, though.


Thank you for leaving some love x