Sunday 13 July 2014

The Kittens

Today was a good day
My sister and I spent some time with our other sister and my nephew
Their cat had 3 beautiful kittens six weeks ago
They are cuteness personified
Their name are Luna, Delilah and Jeiger
Here are some photos from the day..........

I'll drive

What's this?
Girl with eating disorder eats cake?

The sisters


  1. You look like a field of flowers.... fits your sweet personality


    1. Aw thank you
      So lovely of you to say

      Hope you're doing ok?
      Going to catch up on your blog now x

  2. I love daisies. Next time you yourself aren't the field of flowers, but you're in one, and find some daisies, you could make a crown from them....
    (and then wear those pants and you will be a lovely flower girl!!!)

    1. He he
      The kittens were actually playing with daisies in the garden today
      I love those leggings
      They make me smile

      Just left you a comment
      Hope it makes sense x

  3. all your comments always do. Thank for going to all the trouble to leave me one, I am truly very gratefull...

    And your leggings make me smile to.

    1. Not at all
      You are always so great at leaving me comments
      It's the least I can do x

  4. Aww, they're so tiny! They are just the cutest little things when they're that young. I love the pic of the black and white one climbing on your nephew, lol.

    <3 xx

    1. I love that one too Bella
      And I just love the kittens
      We were going to take one but I don't think Honey and Lea would be too impressed and would probably make it's life a misery
      If they let it live at all......x

  5. You look so happy I can't help letting a smile slip onto my face (even if I'm still half asleep - it's pretty early over here :P)
    I love seeing you smile.


  6. Ooohhh, that black one is adorable! And cake!! We had cheese and wine tasting after class, because I guess that's what they do in France. I should post pictures from my trip so far, be on the lookout! It looks like a wonderful day.

  7. Ohh. The kittens are adorable. What is the black one named? I have a black kitty too, she's the sweetest thing.


Thank you for leaving some love x