Sunday 17 August 2014

Home tomorrow

I'm heading home tomorrow
After an enjoyable and eventful couple of weeks
As I said before I left
I would not get around to posting much while away
As I had limited access to a computer
This also meant that I didn't get to reply to comments
Or read or comment on your blogs
I got an anonymous comment on my last post that said this

'Reply and comment more on other blogs, even non ed ones
This is not a one way thing'

Well anonymous usually I do in fact comment on other blogs
And reply to comments here on my own blog
But for the reasons just stated I have not been doing that for the last couple of weeks
How ever normal service will resume when I return home tomorrow
And I am fully aware that this is not a one way thing
And have never treated it so
But I take your point on board

I was just packing my case a few minutes ago
I would say that I only wore about one third of the clothes that I brought
Why does that always happen with packing?
I brought items of clothing that I never wear at home
Too many shoes
Too many heavy clothes even though it is summer time
And then I bought some clothes here too
So all in all
I am a packing disaster
I brought some lovely summer dresses
That never saw the light of day
Beautiful skirts that were never moved from their place at the bottom of my case
I brought so many pairs of pants and socks
That you would swear that I was away for a year
My philosophy when packing has also been
'I'll bring it just in case....'
I'll bring this faux fur coat just in case it's cold
I'll bring this dress that is too small for me just in case I lose some weight (Wishful thinking!)
I'll bring this fishing rod just in case I decide to take up fishing
I pack anything and everything

Note to self: I need to re-evaluate my packing system

If being away has taught me anything
It's that I am a home bird
I like being at home
I like coming home at the end of the day
Here is a list of things that I have missed while I was away

1. - Honey and Lea
2.- My sister
3.- Barry's tea
4.- Hunky Dory, salt and vinegar crisps
5.- My bed
6.- My onesie
7.- Walking my dogs
8.- Watching rubbish tv eg Made in Chelsea and Come Dine With Me
9.- My friends
10.- My daily nap on the couch

I promise the next post will have photos
I seem to have lost the charger for my camera battery
So I only had my camera for the first week
But I have some nice photos
I will be absent from a lot of them however
I swear my waist band is expanding every day
I have no earthly idea what I weigh
And am way too afraid to do it
When I get home
I need to start eating properly
As in not surviving solely on chocolate
When I get home
It will be fruit and vegetables all the way
I will whip up a batch of homemade soup
And freeze it so I will have it to hand when ever I need it
I will have bowls of fresh fruit and yoghurt
My fridge will burst will beautiful produce
Of every colour in the rainbow
I will be healthy
Say it with me people
I. Will. Be . Healthy!.

In other news
I am still a non smoker
Tomorrow I will be off the smokes one week
I actually can't quite believe it
I have been smoking for 20 years
Up to 30 a day
That's 100 Euro a week up in smoke
I have to admit though
I am not giving up for health reasons
I wish I cared more
But I don't
I am giving up because I just can't afford it anymore
And I want to spend my money on other things
Like coloured pens and stickers
You know
Things that really matter

So I think I will leave it there for today
I'm off to try and finish my packing
I can't wait to get home and catch up on all of your blogs
I can hardly wait to see my dogs
I bought them a collar each in York
A lovely pink one for Lea because she is a girly girl
And a black one for Honey because she is a badass
So I will post again tomorrow
And I promise there will be photos

Until then my friends........


  1. I am glad I am the frist to comment and i am also glad i havent seen ANOTHER silly anon. duhhh.. darling your changes are so major!!! the smoking thing really really impresses me, I never smoked but i know from friends how horribly hard it is to quit. and all that healthy food saved me countless times! Don't forget the protein ( i am veggie but soy and other beans are great) and carbs aren't bad either! You brain needs them! big hug!!!!!! xxxxx

  2. Woah way to go! I keep doing a few days here and there with no smokes, but haven't gone a whole week in ages. YES to stickers and pens. YES to fruits and veggies.

  3. Even in my late 40s I still find joy in fun, colorful pens and stickers. They are a real treat.

    I miss your regular posts but am so happy you are getting away and having some fun. Ans as for Anon, this blog is yours Ruby. We are guests and you allow us this wonderful peek into your world. I love that you respond to comments but would not think less of you if you didn't. Do what helps you, dear Ruby.

  4. I think anonymous comments need to be ignored...
    If you don't have the guts to write your name.... than just don't write.
    and you reply so much.... pfff. Don't let it get to you.
    And it's healthy to enjoy, or at least try to, your vacation and not worry about blogging or replying...


  5. oh silly Anons. YAY NO SMOKING!!!! I promise if you quit, the healthiness will come quicker than you think. You can do it. I've been horrible at reading and commenting too, but I can't wait to hear more about London. Stickers matter. I love you and it sounds like you had a great time, even if you're a homebody. There are chips (crisps) called Hunky Dory?? I need these in my life. <3

  6. I'm the same with packing. My brother can go away for two weeks with his backpack. For one night away, I need my suitcase, handbag, and an extra bag or two. And most of it isn't even clothes. There are just so many things I need for comfort items, it's crazy.

    Yes! to fruits and veggies! Maybe you could find some chocolate coated nuts or berries to hit the chocolate craving? Personally I love dark choc coated mini rice cakes.

    Wow, congrats on a week off the smokes! You're fabulous Ruby, really. I understand the motivation being financial opposed to health. Whenever I've cut back it's been because I can't afford it, but it inevitably goes back up. The money adds up so quickly though! I hope you're planning to get yourself a little gift for quitting.

    Love you <3 xx

  7. Hooray for non-smoking! Even though you say you're not doing it for the right reasons I'm glad you can't afford it anymore, because it means your health will improve anyway.
    I disagree with anonymous's comment actually. It's important to comment and read others' blogs, but not so that you can get followers of your own. If someone comments on my blog it's not a given that I'll read theirs- i have to check it out and see if I'll enjoy reading it or if it's something that would be unhealthy for me to read. Blogging is about you and only you.
    I too only wear about half of what I pack, but that's cos I'm a lazy ass and just wear outfits twice in a row. Better to have too much than not enough in these situations, right?

  8. I really love how ur focusing on your health more and its inspiring to me too & its just nice to see you moving in such a positive direction. Even if you're not smoking not for your health its fine because you are still making a positive change and being able to withhold something you've been doing so long and so used to (trust me I understand addictions) is a MAJOR accomplishment and u should be really proud of urself! Its also great you realized all those things you treasure in your life while you were away. I feel like being away sometimes helps you really come to realize how precious what you have is. Stay strong beautiful! sending you much love & happiness <3


Thank you for leaving some love x