Tuesday 10 March 2015

Possible Break

I've been thinking
About this blog
And wondering whether or not is a help or a hindrance at the moment
Don't get me wrong
Most of the time my blog is a force for good
But at times like this 
When I am struggling and
And when things are not going well
I wonder if I shouldn't be focusing on my real life 
And mending relationships here 
I've managed to hurt a lot of people recently
People I care about
And have a lot of time for
I think I may even have lost a couple of people forever 
Which breaks my heart

Something which bothers me some
Is that my blog stats shoot up whenever something goes wrong in my life
And I write about it here 
I'm wondering why that is
And why misery is more popular that happiness

So I am thinking of taking a break from blogging
I'm not sure yet if I will
But I think it may be a good idea 
While I put things right in my life and relationships
And I have a lot of that to do
So if I am not around
That is why

In the mean time
Take care of yourselves
Stay safe 
Be kind to you 

All my love, 

Ruby x


  1. Sometimes we just need to take a step sideways and get out. Not forever (I hope!) but just until things have settled.

    Take care, my dearest Ruby.

  2. Thanks CP
    Take care of you too x

  3. I hope it's not because (even in part) because people were tough on you in the comments. I hope you know (I'm sure you do) that it's tough love. I told you what friends told me. I mean, do whatever you need to do but I for one would miss you. Your blog helps me more than you know. Sometimes for me, when I'm really struggling, helping other people, doing service work (when I was early in recovery I brought 12-step meetings to women in jail) really helps me get out of my own head.
    Anyway I wish you well no matter what. You can do this.

  4. Hey sweetie, have tried to text you the last few days and check in.. I'm sorry you're struggling :(

    Do what you need to do for you and your ir life sweetheart x

    As for your stats going up, I think that maybe it's because people want to be there for you in your times of struggle.. They want to show you that you're not alone and that they can relate x

    I LOVE it when I stop by and see that you're doing well.. I'll always let you know that I'm proud of you.. I don't think anyone enjoys seeing you miserable, when I stop by and see that you're not doing well, I take more time to comment and let you know that I love you and I'm here for you.. Just a text or email away x I also tend to want to keep more of an eye on you to make sure that if you need the support, that I can give you what I have x


Thank you for leaving some love x