Friday 19 April 2013


What is it about thin that has captured society's imagination?
Why is our culture so weight obsessed?
It wasn't always this way
Back at the turn of the 20th Century things were very different
Women who were considered to be beautiful were more likely to be curvy
We can see from the art of that time that women were voluptuous
And also at that time it was fashionable to be pale
If you had tanned skin then that meant you worked outside and hence you were a peasant
This trend continued through out the century
In the 1950's Marylin Monroe was considered to be one of the most attractive women in the world
She was a size 14-16
To this day her style is still copied and emulated

Twiggy was at her peak in the 1960's but her skinny frame was the exception rather than the norm

It wasn't until the 1990's that things changed
The arrival of the 'supermodel' and the 'heroin chic' trend turned fashion on it's head
Now Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangilista, Cyndi Crawford and Christy Turlington ruled the runway
And of course it was Kate Moss who uttered that overused phrase 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'

Gone were the soft curves of models
And in it's place were sharp edges and pointy bones
The androgynous look was in
Actresses took their cues from the models and became slimmer and slimmer
Society's interest in celebrities increased and gave birth to a plethora celebrity magazines
The diet industry exploded
Everyone and their mother was on some sort of diet
The Atkins Diet
The cabbage soup diet
The list is endless
Each promising that elusive dream, thin
Society became obsessed with thin
And the media took full advantage if this
The size 0 phenomenom  was the holy grail of skinny
The media fed us the idea the skinny equalled success
Become skinny and you will be popular
Become skinny and you will get the man of your dreams
Become skinny and you will get that dream job
And we as a society bought in to that
We believed every word

But of course this is mass manipulation on the media's behalf
They want us to believe in skinny so we will buy their product
Their clothes
Their make up
Their skin cream
Their diet supplement
Magazines name and shame 'fat' celebrities
We see extreme close ups of flab
Of celebrities eating cheese burgers
We disect their bodies limb by limb
We make up the perfect body in our minds
I'll have her boobs
Her legs
Her arms
Her ass
Plastic surgery has become the norm
I think one of the saddest cases of recent times is Heidi Montag from The Hills
When The Hills first aired we were introduced to Heidi
A fresh faced, blue eyed, blonde haired beauty
An all American girl
She was beautiful without a scrap of make up
But as the years went by Heidi morphed in to something bizzare
She had an awful lot of plastic surgery and now looks like a deformed barbie doll
This makes me sad more than anything
Sad that she couldn't recognise her own natural beauty
And sad that a plastic surgeon was willing to do that to her

Then there are the celebrities who have made a career out of their weight
Case in point: Kirstie Alley
Kirstie was the brunette bombshell from Cheers in the 80's
Over the last 10 years she has lost and gained the same 100 pounds over and over again
And the media were there to capture it all

Also Clare Richards from the 1990's group Steps
While in the band Clare was always very slim
But after the band broke up and she settle in to family life, her weight ballooned
She took part in various magazine spreads telling the story of her battle with food
She also made a 3 part documentary called Clare Richards, slave to food

Isn't it ironic that even though we have never been more obsessed with weight that we as a society have never been so fat
Obesity is now an epidemic
And the media are cashing in on it too
Just look at all the weight related tv shows
The Biggest Loser
Supersize V Superskinny
Downsize me
And they make for compulsive viewing
Yes, we are obsessed with weight
Myself included
For the first couple of years my ED had little to do with weight
I didn't weight myself and had no idea how much I weighed
It wasn't until doctors started weighing me that I took notice of the numbers
The number seemed to be important to them so they became important to me
I don't buy in to the idea that skinny equals success and happiness
I used to but not anymore
I have been every weight from 77lbs to 130 lbs and was equally miserable at all of them
I was probably happiest when I was somewhere in the middle
I don't think thin is necessarily attractive
I think confidence is attractive
Being comfortable in your own skin is attractive
Quirkiness is attractive
Thin just means that you take up less space
It couldn't possibly make up happy
And the pursuit of thin will more often than not make you miserable
The media's idea of thin is an illusion
It's a lie
A big fat lie

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Soundtrack to my life

Music has always been a part of my life
It punctuates my memories
Hearing a certain song has the ability to transport me right back to a place somewhere in my past
Music has always been an escape for me
It's been one of the only constants in my life
I remember the first song that caught my attention as a child
It was 'The Frog Song' by Paul Mc Cartney
Still to this day is a great piece of music
I am the youngest of 4 so when I was young my music tastes were heavily influenced by my older siblings
When most of my friends were listening to boybands, I was listening to The Smiths and Kate Bush
There was a lot of shit going on at home so I think music was a welcome release from all the tension
I remember when I was around 13 my favourite band was REM
I remember listening to their songs, writing out the lyrics and memorising them
Good times

When I went to secondary school I found a new best friend
We were kindred spirits and our lives revolved around music
Nirvana, The Doors, Radiohead, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Cranberries, Red Hot Chilli, Peppers, Aslan
Basically anything angry or maudlin to compliment our angst ridden teenagerdom
The Doors had a special place in my heart
I thought that Jim Morrison was a legend
My boyfriend at the time was also a huge fan
We made each other tapes (remember those?)
We wrote each other love letters using the names Jim and Pamela (after Pamela Courson, Jim Morrison's girlfriend)
We watched The Door's movie over and over
We knew it word for word
It was one of the influences that caused my interests in drugs
It's hard to pick one but I think my favourite Door's song is The Crystal Ship
I remember listening to that song smoking weed and thinking I couldn't be happier

The late 1990's and Brit pop has taken over
Blur and Oasis lead the pack
I was definitely more of a Blur girl
They were the first concert I ever went to
I was starting to go to nightclubs now and started listening to house music
At 15 I took exstacy for the first time
I was a proper little raver
My friends and I sneaked out of our bedrooms to go clubbing
Taking any drug we could get our hands on
I remember my friend's mother came in to the club one night and dragged us home
So embarrassing but all part of growing up

I turn 18 and take heroin for the first time
Again music accompanied this time in my life
I listened to a lot of David Bowie, The Rolling Stones and Thin Lizzy
Maybe I was attracted to these bands because some of the songs are about drugs
To this day these songs stay with me
I remember lying in my bed sick from withdrawal and the only thing that got me through were these songs
My boyfriend at this time played the guitar
He was actually really good
My favourite song that he played was Classical Gas
A stunning piece of music

Summer of 2004 and I'm doing a drug detox in London
I'm staying with cousins and am sleeping on the couch
I rekindled my love of music having abandoned it while using
I spent my nights watching the music channels, drinking vodka and smoking up the chimney
Music again stopped me from losing the plot
At the end of the summer I went to treatment for the first time
I couldn't sleep for the first 2 weeks and so I spent all night listening to music
I quickly ran out of my own music and so I borrowed CD's from other people
I ended up listening to all sorts of music including Ian Brown, Guns n' Roses, Metallica, Evanescence, Elton John (guilty pleaseure), Pink Floyd, The Pixies, Johnny Cash, Groove Armada, Dire Straits, Damein Rice, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave
Anything and everything
Music literally saved my life during this time
Without it I would have surely gone insane during those long and lonely nights

These days music is still very much the backdrop to my life
There is nothing better than finding a new band or a new song and listening to it over and over again
I know I really love a song when I get goosebumps
At the moment I listen to a lot of Lana Del Rey
My favourite song right now is Ride
I just love the video, it's like a mini movie
Also Bat for Lashes
My favourite song of hers is probably Daniel
Haim - who remind me of Fleetwood Mac
Falling is my favourite song of theirs
I don't know if the video is meant to be funny but I think it's hilarious
I recently discovered Charli XCX
Really loving the song You (ha ha ha)
Lianna La Havas
Ellie Goulding
Rudimental -  the video for Tell me that you want me is so inspirational
I generally don't like mainstream pop music but I do like some hip hop

My favourite song that I relate to my eating disorder is Beauty from pain by superchick
I don't know if it's about anorexia but I can really identify with it

Are you a music fan?
What is the soundtrack to your life?
Who is your guilty pleasure?