Friday 11 July 2014

New walk

Myself, my Mum and my sister and Lea and honey went on  a little adventure today
We had heard about a lovely forest walk about 45 minutes away
So we set off this morning to find it
Me squashed in the back seat with the dogs
My sister driving
And my Mum navigating
We found the forest with little trouble
Honey and Lea were so excited to be in a new place
A good time was had by all

Here's some photos from the day.......

Honey naps on her favourite chair before we go

Lea waits patiently in the car

Guest blog?

I was wondering if any of you out there would like to do a guest post on this blog
A lot of people seem to read this blog
Maybe you are a new blogger and want to reach a wider audience?
Maybe you want to write an anonymous post?
Safe in the knowledge that no one knows who you are
Where you can be honest and open
Maybe you want to get some feed back?
Maybe you want to make new friends?
Maybe you want to relate to others in a similar situation?
Whatever your reason
Leave me a comment
Or send me an email
I would love to hear from you.........

Top 5 sites

The lovely JJ suggested an idea for a post
It's a question for you
What are the top 5 sites you visit every day?
For me Blogger is number one
I check Blogger first thing in the morning
And a few times through out the day
I am not a big Facebook person
I might only check it only once a month
If that
If I have something planned I will check the weather also
Then I check my email on Yahoo
When I had another blog over on Wordpress I used to check that every day too
I used to always check 2Medusa every day too
But that is no longer up and running

I check clothes sites a lot
Like Boohoo
Or Miss Guided
And Amazon for books and DVDs

Sometimes if I am bored I catch up on celebrity gossip
Or read my starsign

I also use Google of course
And check a news site MSN every day also

And of course Youtube
For songs and videos
And so on and so on.......

How about you
What are the top 5 sites that you visit every day?

Thursday 10 July 2014


To take  a break from writing about eating disorders
I thought that I would let you know some random things about me
Fun facts
That maybe you don'y know about me
Here goes......

1. I am left handed but I can also write with my right hand
    So I am ambidexterous   
    I can also do mirror writing
    Write forwards with my left hand and backwards with my right at the same time

2. I have 2 older sisters and an older brother
    I am the youngest

3. I studied ballet up until the age of 16 and wanted to be a dancer

4. My first pet was a cat called Wanda

5. I can't walk up a flight of stairs without counting them

6. I've had one long term relationship
    It lasted 6 years

7. I am a dreamer

8. My star sign is Virgo and I'm a fairly typical one

9. My birthday is September 7

10. My favourite colour is yellow

11. When I was addicted to drugs I did the most unimaginable things for money

12. At my lowest weight, my dog weighed more than me

13. My parents split up when I was 19

14. They swap houses during the week

15. I once spoke at an eating disorder conference

16. I've been in treatment 8 times

17. At the moment I am listening to a lot of Haim, London Grammar and Indiana

18. I once saw an ex-boyfriend over dose

19. I read my favourite books over and over again

20. I always knew that I would become an addict

21. I think I am going to die young

21. I won an all Ireland swimming medal when I was 12

22. Most of the time I don't feel like a normal human being

23. My ideal job would be to help others with eating disorders or a foster carer for abused animals

24. I would love to be able to sing

25. I smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day

26. I see my doctor every Monday

27. Anxiety stops me from doing a lot of the things I want to do

28. I feel fat almost all of the time

29. I only use certain cups and cutlery

30. A lot of the time I don't like myself very much

I would love to hear some random facts about you.....

Mullaghmore July 2014

Myself my Mum, my sister and and Honey and Lea took a trip to Mullaghmore Beach yesterday
I look extremely tired in these photos as I hadn't slept the night before
My sleep is all over the place
Last night was the first time I got in to my bed in a week

A good time was had by all
Here is some photographic evidence............

Squashed in the back seat with Honey and Lea

Honey and a jelly fish

I look extremely tired as I didn't sleep the night before

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Pulling Teeth

I was at the dentist again yesterday
The third time in 2 weeks
This appointment was a consultation to discuss what can be done to improve my teeth
They really are in a bad state
I have very little teeth left in the back
It gets me down
And effects my confidence
My teeth are a constant reminder of how I haven't taken  care of myself over the years

The dentist explained that the first thing he would do would be to put in 7 temporary crowns on my upper front teeth
These would last about 3 months
And would then be replaced by permanent crowns
This would massively improve the appearance of them
He then could put in two bridges to bridge the gaps in my teeth
It all sounded great
Then we had to discuss money
The crowns are 600 euros each
And the bridges are 900
That comes to 5200 euros
I don't need to tell you that I don't have that kind of money lying around

We then spoke to the dentist's assistant about a payment plan
She said that it could be paid off monthly
That is great news
Because otherwise it would have been impossible
She asked me if I was self conscious about my teeth
I told her I was
And then, I'm not sure why
But I told her about my eating disorder
She gasped and said 'God Ruby, how did you get in to that?'
She genuinely seemed shocked
I wonder how she would have reacted if I had told her about my drug addiction

My mother and I left the dentist with much food for thought
Needless to say that I really want to get it done
But I can't do it without some financial help from my parents
My parents discussed it
And it looks like we will be able to manage it

I am so excited
I can get the temporary crowns put in straight away
I can't explain how massive this is
It's a huge step towards getting better
Towards feeling good about myself
For the longest time I didn't give a hoot about my teeth
So to actually care about them is a big step for me
And it's not just about looking good
Although that is part of it
It's about being confident in myself
It's knowing I can smile without flashing horrible teeth
It's about looking in the mirror and actually liking what I see
It's about taking care of myself
Minding myself
It's about being one step closer to recovery
It's about being one step closer to liking myself

Tuesday 8 July 2014


This blog had 951 pageviews yesterday
I was pretty blown away by this
I've only really started checking my stats recently
They were never that important to me
But now seeing how many people read this blog kind of blows my mind
Who are these 951 people?
I know some of you
But there must be so many that I don't know

I started this blog for me
Because I was lonely
Because I longed to be around people who understood me
I had been reading blogs for a while before I started writing my own
The first blogs I found were Recovering Anorexic over on Wordpress (No longer around)
2Medusa (Which is also no longer around)
Lou over at My life with ed, ana and mia
 Amaris Starshine, who is now Aurelia Young
And Yummy Secrets (Also no longer around)

I am blogging just over 2 years
I read back on some early entries recently
I wrote about fasting
Losing weight
Taking diet pills
But over time this blog has turned in to something more positive
It's now a force for good in my life

So many bloggers have come and gone in the last couple of years
Most without saying a word of why they were leaving
I think about them sometimes
And hope that they are doing ok

Starting this blog has been one of the better decisions that I have made
I have made the most amazing friends
The kindest, most caring, most talented people that I have ever met
I won't name you all
You know who you are
You girls have witnessed my journey to hell and back
I have shared things on this blog that I have never uttered to a soul
I have never had one nasty comment on this blog
Instead I have had beautiful comments of hope and love

I know that the general feeling among people is that ED blogs are unhealthy
And I'm sure they can be
But my experience has been mostly positive
And I am very grateful for that
I think what we have here is unique
A community where we are accepted no matter what our illness
No matter what our weight
No matter who we are or where we are from
I've been privileged to witness your journey and be part of your life
Blogging and the girls here have saved my life over and over again
Writing keeps me relatively sane
It gives me an opportunity to get the noise in my head down on paper or keyboard
It's cathartic
It's soothing
It's relaxing
Getting comments is a bonus
I truly love to hear my phone buzz with the sound that I have received a comment

I was wondering about you
I invite you to introduce yourself
What's your name?
Where are you from?
Do you blog?
How long have you been blogging?
Why do you read this blog?
How long have you been reading?
I would love to hear from you
Maybe you read every day
Maybe you stop by from time to time
Maybe you can relate
Maybe you don't
Maybe you are struggling with an eating disorder
Or addiction
Or other mental health issues
Maybe you are in recovery
Maybe not
Maybe you know me
Maybe you have just stumbled upon this blog

Whatever your story
I would love to hear from you