Wednesday 6 February 2013

Did you know?

Did you know  that people who are the strongest are usually the most sensitive?

Did you know that people who are the kindest are usually the first to be mistreated?

That those who laugh the loudest are the very ones who are crying on the inside?

Did you know that the people who look after others are the ones that really need to be looked after?

That people who have been through the most hardship are the ones who have the most hope?

Did you know that those who have been to hell truly know what heaven feels like?

That those who have the most fear truly know what courage is?

Did you know that those who have next to nothing really know what gratitude is?

Did you know that those of us with the hardest exterior usually have the softest interior?

That those who talk the most really say nothing at all?

That we can say more with one gesture than we can with a thousand words?

That those who say nothing are the ones that need to be listened to most?

Did you know that even the most beautiful people can be truly ugly on the outside?

That sometimes we need to surrender in order to gain control?

That it's possible to feel lonely even when you're surrounded by people?


Did you know that sometimes we have to let the ones we love the most go?

That sometimes the greatest gift we can give someone is telling them no?

That in order to see the light we have to experience the darkness?

Did you know that the greatest gifts our parents can give us are roots and wings?

That we need rules and laws in order to be free?

That sometimes it takes losing ourselves to find out who we truly are?

Did you know that the hardest things to say are 'I love you', 'I'm sorry' and most of all 'Help me'


  1. Absolutely beautiful. It's all so true. I fit into so many of those statements. Thanks for posting.

  2. So, so true. Unfortunately, I learnt the truth to most of those statements the hard way, as I'm sure do a lot of folks. If only we were taught the above at school rather than the complete opposite, the world be a much better place.

    Thanks for the post, it was nice to read. :)
    Love and best wishes, Hope

    1. Me too hope, I've always been the type of person who has to learn things the hard way

      Glad you enjoyed it

      Love to you too x

  3. This is all so true. Exactly what I needed to hear.
    Thank you so much. You have an amazing way with words. Xx

    1. Your welcome CJ and thanks for our kind words x

  4. This is truth from start to finish.

    Sending you a billion hugs and several metric fucktons of love.

    "Did you know that those of us with the hardest exterior usually have the softest interior?"
    OMFG I'm one of those annyone chocolate-dipped ice creams you get at the movies. You could hammer a nail with one of those things!

    Yeah, food analogy. I really want decent soft-serve and you can't get it in this country.


    1. All my analogies are food related too, he he!

      Love you dear Peri x

  5. This is so good! So true and so awesome... I can only imagine how long did it take to put all that together.


    1. Thank you, It actually didn't take that long x

  6. you have somehow captured life for the most silent people. Very true words.

  7. I know it's not part of your post but I love the quote by Emerson, "When it's dark enough, you can see the stars." So beautifully simple.

  8. Wow ruby...this is a beautiful post!
    I can relate to what you have written. I went through your previous posts....and let me just say have a remarkable story. Its inspiring.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.:)
    Keep writing such beautiful posts.

  9. Ah, this is so beautiful I almost feel like crying. And every word rings true.

  10. So many brilliant words of wisdom.... tears and smiles intermingled. This one really stood out to me "That sometimes we need to surrender in order to gain control?" Very fitting for where I am in recovery right now.

    1. That one makes a lot of sense to me too
      It seems that life life is full of contradictions and paradox x


Thank you for leaving some love x