Wednesday 13 February 2013


I want to thank everyone who commented on my blog yesterday
Time and time again I am blown away by all your support and love
I've decided to speak at the conference
My mother  is also going to speak so at least we are in it together
Knowing that all of you are behind me makes  it so much easier
Given that it's Eating Disorders Awareness Week I think it's important for the people at this conference to hear what it's really like to live with an eating disorder
I know when I'm at the doctor and even sometimes with Mary, I play down my illness
I give an edited account of what's happening
By coincidence I had written out my story last week
I think I'm going to use it for my talk because I wrote it thinking that no one would read it so it is not censored or edited in any way
It tells the real story of anorexia and bulimia
Not some watered down version
I want people to know the real truth
The things anorexia doesn't want people to know
So I'm going to tell on my eating disorder
I'm going to expose her for the monster she truly is

I can't begin to tell you how nervous I am
Just thinking about it makes my heart beats so hard I can hear it my ears
But I'm going to do it
I'm doing for me
I'm doing it for you
I'm doing it for all eating disorder sufferers who don't have a voice

Wish me luck x


  1. Congratulations on your decision.
    You are amazing and so strong, and I know that the choice to speak freely about your experience with eating disorders is a TERRIFYING one. I decided to "come out" about the fact that I had one at an event that my college hosted for National Coming Out Day, and it was absolutely horrifying. I was shaking and crying the entire time.
    But if you want to move forward, it helps to talk about it. It helps to shout about it. And I'm 100% positive that your words will help someone else who's struggling.

    Best of luck. You can do this.

    1. Thank you for your kind words
      I hope I can do it
      This time tomorrow it will be all over x

  2. Thank you so much
    I am terrified too but I think it's important to do this
    I'm glad that you managed to speak about your too x

  3. I'm glad you've decided to go forward. This will be a wonderful thing for both you and the audience. I have faith that you will change some lives in the process.

  4. You're amazing. I hope it goes well, and that you'll write about it when it's over. Can't wait to read about it. Xxx

    1. Thank you CJ and yes I will write about it on Friday x

  5. Thank you CJ
    I will definitely write about it on Friday x

  6. So I typed a comment earlier and it got deleted, wah :(. I'm proud of you for doing it.

    Now I have a similar two weeks we're putting on an open mic night, and they're having people perform like poetry or music or just speaking. I sort of want to perform, but I don't know what I would talk about. Obviously, EDs are the most relevant thing, and I was thinking about putting a poem together...the only thing though is if I talked about it, it would be coming out in a very open public setting, and I'm not sure I want to do that really...I don't know. Maybe I could speak about something different? I don't know. It's a fundraiser thing...
    Oh, and take pictures!! I hope it goes well!!

    1. A poem sounds like a great idea
      I would definitely go for it
      You could keep it obscure enough so people don't know it's
      If you're uncomfortable speaking so openly I think a poem is a great option
      Let me know if you do it, I'd love to read it if you write it x

  7. Good luck ruby, that's a brave and in all the ways right thing to do.
    You're really brave and I'm proud of you ❤ ❤

  8. Hey Ruby, it's great that you have decided to do the conference speech. You are so brave, I know I would never have the courage to do something like that. Good luck dear <3
    Alice xx

  9. Good luck my dear! Just smile and be the beautiful person you are!

    1. Thanks Eve for your kind words and continued support x

  10. That's amazing! Let us know how it goes!

  11. i just saw your post, and go you! i know youll do an awesome job at the conference. it truly is brave of you. i definitely want to read about it after!

    stay lovely. <3

    1. I will definitely post it Friday
      Thanks Sofia x

  12. You are totally badass. You can do it! *tacklehugs* public speaking is a scary business, but YOU CAN DO IT.

    Love you so much *hugs*

  13. Yay! Im so happy. For u n the community. I hope not too late... To say... GOOD LUCK RUBY. :-)

    Jane Parker. (too lazy to sign in)

  14. You're amazing <3 Best wishes, I know it will be great.
    Thank you for being 'my' voice.
    Love you xx

  15. Thank you dear Melrose

    Love you too x


Thank you for leaving some love x