Monday 15 December 2014


It's Monday morning
And I was on a mission
As you know
Last week I really over did my meds
And had to go in to my doctor on Thursday to ask for a top up
Ever since then 
I have had it in my head that I need to be on more methadone
Because I am craving
Because I am thinking about drugs
Talking about drugs
Even dreaming about drugs
Every now and then
I hear tid bits of news from my old town
I hear of people I used to know
In the news for crimes they've committed
No doubt in pursuit of the drug
My old town is now awash with drugs
Namely heroin
And it's fast becoming a very dangerous place
You would think that I would be glad to be out of there
And I am
But there is still a little piece of me that hankers after that life
God knows why
It very nearly killed me

So I marched in to my doctor this morning
With one thing on my mind
To get my methadone increased
I wasn't too hopeful that he would grant my wish
But I was willing to give it a try
I drove in with my Mum this morning
She mentioned that I seemed very determined 
I told her her why
She said 'Will you please stop tormenting that poor man, he is so good to you'
I agree
He is
But it won't hurt any one just to ask

I checked in at reception
And took a seat in the waiting room
I was just about to read an article about running
When I was called in
First things first
He asked me how my weekend away was
I told him it was fine
And then launched in to my speech
'I'm a bit concerned about myself' I started
'I've been thinking a lot about drugs and have been very close to jumping in my car and to go and score'
He stopped tapping at his computer and looked at me seriously
'I think my methadone needs to be increased' I continued
''Well I don't know about that' he said
'Is there anything else going on?'
He knows me too well
I told him that I've lost more than a few pounds recently
And I have no counsellor since Mary's job had gone
He suggested that maybe NA is an option
And also seeing an addiction counsellor
He explained that it would be giving in to the addiction to increase my dose
And also it wouldn't deal with the problem
He made a good case
I could have argued with him
But I didn't
I knew there was no point

I left the surgery disappointed but not surprised
I was talking with my Mum after
And was joking saying why does my doctor have to do the right thing all the time
Why can't he be a bit corrupt and give me what I want
Why does he have to be so God damn up standing
My Mother said that I am lucky to have a doctor that treats me with dignity and respect
I know I am
It's just my addiction talking

It's very difficult to explain to someone who hasn't experienced addiction
What exactly it is like
And what it is like to crave a drug with every ounce of your being
To be so preoccupied with it
And literally feel your body craving it
This is the way I would explain it

Imagine you have an itch
It's the itchiest itch you have ever had
It consumes you
You can think of nothing else
It occupies every waking moment and thought
It's there constantly
Now imagine that instead of finger nails
You have razor blades on the end of your fingers
You can't resist the itch any longer
You just have to scratch it before you go mad
You scratch with the razor blades
At first the relief is enormous
It feels amazing
Especially that first scratch
When the persistence of the itch goes away
But as you continue to scratch
The razor blades tear in to your skin
They shred it to ribbons
Blood pours from your body
You are killing yourself
But you can't  stop
You can't stop scratching
Everyone around you sees that you are killing yourself
They try to get you to stop
But you can't
You just can't

I know that I need to so something about my own itch
Or I will end up scratching it
It's too much to handle on my own
I need help and support
Before this ends in disaster

As regards food and weight
I am still struggling
My weight continues to head south
I am not underweight yet
But I will be if I continue
I can't lie
I scare myself sometimes
How hell bent I can be on self destruction
When I took all my methadone last week
I actually really enjoyed the feeling
It has triggered me massively
But I still hope to get back on track
I have to
I just have to


  1. Just hang in there and remember that you have come so far already. You are a strong person!

  2. And..... whén are you going to a counsellor or/and NA?
    Because it seems that that's what needs to be done, but you don't really do it...Is that also a bit selfdestructive? You know what could help.....but you won't actually try it?

    I really want to meet you in April Ruby.... and not find you in some D' street doing you know what....


  3. Sweety,

    meeting you is at the very top of my wish list for 2015


    Please do try to go and get more help, please....

  4. You are such a strong woman, for many reasons but I especially admire your strength in managing your addiction. You've been through so much and come out the other side, I know you can come through this rough patch. I really hope you can try getting to NA or a new counsellor soon. You're too precious a Ruby to lose.

    Lots of love <3

    1. Thanks dear bella for your kind words
      I am hoping and praying that this is just a bad patch

      Love to you too x

  5. Please Ruby do everything in your power (which includes calling on everyone around you for support) to stop the downhill slide. Losing weight is not the answer. It solves nothing but creates another level of hell. You can do this, you just really need some extra help. Mum and sister are there right now, and NA and a counsellor are in the pipeline. Please do everything you can Ruby. Honey and Lea will also help I'm sure and they are desperately wanting their mummy around and present, not in the vacant/absent state that comes with an ED or addiction. Do let me know if I can do anything to help. You can do this, and losing weight is not the answer. Not rocket science I know, but sometimes it has to be stated. Please take care cxx

    1. Thanks for this c
      You make a lot of sense
      I know what I need to do
      It's just doing it is my problem
      I appreciate your words c
      Thank you so much x

  6. Do you have any instant messengers or apps? I'd *love* to talk to you in real time.. Facebook, whats app, text, kik.. You can find my facebook under Dani House. My kik is: HeartbrokenAgain3... My ADD is so bad right now, so I'm gonna leave those, just in case I don't get back here for a bit.. I think it could really help both of us to talk about this stuff, because we both get it x

    I love you Rubes, I know I'm sucky about being around, life has been crazy lately... I've been working hard on my family.. but I still love you lots and think about you often.


    1. oh no, I lost the first half of my post :(((

    2. And of course it was long! I have to get to bed now, gotta be up early with the boy... Please, please message me, or email me (, with any messengers you use, or your cell number, if you can text overseas... Basically, I've been really struggling with the same thing right now, right down to dreaming about it =/ (I never actually get to use in my dreams, do you get that?). And I just gave a couple of opinions and experiences with methadone raises and drops and addictions counsellors etc... Hopefully we can talk about that stuff x Love you girl x


Thank you for leaving some love x