Saturday 6 June 2015


I have never been formally diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder
But I expect that I have a mild form of it
Ever since I was a child 
I've displayed many of the characteristics of OCD
Here are some of them

My things have to be a certain way
For example
On the coffee table in our living room
I have a section of it that is for my stuff
I have my notebooks that I am using
Piled from large to small
I have the AA directory 
So I can check where the nearest meeting is on any given day
I have my two pens
One black 
One purple 
I have a nail cleaner type thing (Technical term)
I have a nail scissors
My glasses 
And the tv remote which we call the 'clicker'
All of these things are poised in a certain way so they form a rectangle
I get just a little bit anxious and annoyed when people move said items

When I am sitting on the sofa in my living room
Things also have to be a certain way
The throw over the sofa has to be positioned just so
As do the cushions
And the other clicker is place on my leg when I am lying down
Am I nearing a diagnosis yet?

Another symptom
When I am watching the tv 
The volume has to be on an even number
Numbers are a big thing
Even numbers are generally good
And odd ones are not so much bad as just not as acceptable or good as even ones
I can't even explain this one
It is what it is

Then there are the OCD traits linked to my ED
All my cups, glasses, plates,bowls and cutlery are carefully selected 
The cups I use 
I have many of them
And use one per day
The only glasses I use are pint glasses
Do I can keep track of quantity throughout the day
Plus I drink a lot when I eat because it helps if I am going to purge 
I have certain plates and bowls that I use
They are of a certain size and shape
And cutlery
I have a set of cutlery that I use
And nothing else will do!
I have no earthly clue

Then there is the food itself
I have a ritual with the way I eat food
I keep my pint glass to the left of my plate
The salt to the right
Because I literally cover my food with salt
And eat in a ritualistic way

Numbers feature a lot in my possible OCD
Weighing is another ritual
I might weigh once a day
Or I might weigh ten times a day
But every time is the same
I use the bathroom
I lock my bedroom door
Place the scale on the wooden floor 
And I mean everything comes off
I tap the scale to set it to zero
Hold my breath
And step on
There are always rules around numbers
Acceptable numbers
Unacceptable numbers
Safe numbers 
Unsafe numbers 
It's all a game 

OCD also appears when I am walking my dogs 
I do a beach and cliff walk every morning
There are various different paths I use
But all the while I am walking
I'm not enjoying the splendid scenery
The ocean
The birds
Oh no
All the while I am walking
I am trying to avoid the cracks in the ground
And leaping 
All so I won't stand on a crack
I mean 
What exactly  is going to happen if I do stand on a crack?
Absolutely nothing I suspect
But yet I continue to hop-scotch my walks

The other behaviour I have ritualistic tendancies around is purging
Again I have a routine
After I eat the food
I walk calmly to the bathroom
Walking through the living room so people don't know I am going to the bathroom
I lock the door
Tie my hair back
Push up my sleeves
Lift the toilet seat 
Bend over the toilet
And purge
I flush the toilet 
Go to the sink
Rinse my hands and mouth 
Then go back to the toilet
Clean anything that needs it
Place the lid back down 
Wash my hands again 
Fix my hair 
And anything else that needs fixing
Unlock the door
And rejoin whoever I happen to be with
I erase said purging from my mind
It's like it never happened

I'm sure there are other OCD related behaviours 
But these are the ones that appear daily

I was wondering about you
Do you have any OCD tendancies?
What are they?


  1. The only one I really have is that when I listen to my Ipod I have to see exactly how long the song is. Like I have no idea why but I'll restart it. I've never told anyone that but it's such a weird thing lol. I also have to know people's names. If someone doesn't name the "friend" in a story it really bugs me. No idea why. If it doesn't happen though, it's okay. I'm not really OCD, I'm more into thinking through all possible scenarios and then not acting due to being unable take a choice. Lol

  2. It's strange Eve
    How we all have little quirks and foibles that all add up to be who we are
    Good to hear from you
    How are you doing? X

  3. I'm not an expert on OCD, but I am fairly sure that people with it don't *just* have ritualistic behaviours. For example, I am a cleanoholic and am extremely good at organising things, to the extent that when I was at school my classmates used to employ me to clear out and re-organise their lockers. Seriously! And people who used say that I am "OCD", which I am not, I just like order and tidiness in life, used to really annoy me.

    People with true OCD have their ritualistic behaviours because they have an overwhelming fear that something bad will happen if they don't do whatever it is that their head is telling them to do. I watched a BBC documentary about it a few years ago and there was one poor girl on there who truly believed that her family would die if she did not tap every tree she walked past 10 times and 10 times only. If she did 11 or nine or no taps at all, she feared that one of her family members had died in the process, to the point that it brought her to tears and panic attacks.

    I think what you're describing is the precision found in eating disordered patients. We like particular cutlery because that is what we deem is safe, not because we are genuinely terrified that our cat will have died if we use the blue spoon instead of the red one. The purging speaks for itself. And I know lots of people who like to avoid cracks just because it is more 'perfect' not to walk on them (I use that term loosely!). Hope that helps a bit?!

    1. You're some what correct. I'm heading into my masters in psych so this is something I've studied a lot. OCD is characterized with the obsessions (which are uncontrollable thoughts that are traumatic, bizarre, unwanted, and "bad"-such as, fearing your family will get sick) and the compulsions (counting, rearranging/organizing, checking and tapping) that are done following a obsessions to calm the anxiety and fear. Many people assume anyone who is clean or neat has clinical OCD, but many do not.
      There is a high link between OCD and eating disorders. So many people have both, some do not. Just depends on the person.

    2. Yes that makes sense that OCD is linked to EDs
      It seems a lot of us have little things that we do to calm anxiety
      I know when I was a child
      My behaviours sprang from a place where I though something would happen if I didn't do certain things x

  4. i heard ocd and eating disorders can have a link,but yes how do you know where just liking order and control and actual ocd cross over? I've always thought its not me with the problem i just have very messy family,though i don't think they agree! but yes I'm afraid i clean up to 4 times a day and line things up. theres lots other things it causes to like songs and thoughts in your head and counting.numbers are everything to me and i hated maths! i know its weird but its more how stuff feels than looks, find disorder makes me feel very distressed. by the way i was very messy and untidy until i got pregnant it happened overnight, i left work ,cleaned the whole flat and haven't stopped since.would love not to care, would love not to start worrying a week before people come if there going to take their shoes off or not.wasnt always like this x

    1. Is it linked to your ED?
      I am very much an all or nothing person
      I either clean or fix everything
      Or nothing
      Black or white x

    2. Black or white that's me too
      A tough one to have when trying to get better and recover from ed
      The task ahead is massive and small steps are the only way ahead
      But I disregard them as it's nowhere near the final product so I strive and loose and strive and loose in circles
      It's driving me crazy
      Take care k xx

  5. I am so like you in how things need to be, right down to even numbers for the volume! It brought a smile to my face reading this, because it was just like looking in the mirror. I have other things as well, as i'm sure you do also, but the bottom line is control I think. If we can manage things just so then we feel like we're in control, if we can't, we become anxious. I'm not sure if now you've identified some of these things you are willing to work on them, but I've started to through exposure therapy, and am finding it very helpful xx

    1. I know, it's such a relief to find out that there are others like us
      We crave to ge around others the same as us
      So if we are crazy
      At least we're crazy together! X

  6. The ocd issues have become fewer in recent years


    the volume MUST be an even number. We are not crazy. We are correct.

    I think my only other issue is the dishwasher. I still rearrange the dishes in it if everyone else in the house has loaded it incorrectly (and they always do).

    1. He he we are correct Mich
      Even numbers all the way
      Down with odd numbers! X

  7. Hey you,
    I have the same thing with numbers except I hate even ones. They have to be odd. Like the volume, time, etc. I also am weird about the way I pile books. And my eating is very ritualistic and odd. I didn't even know this until someone pointed it out in rehab. I also check letters, poems, stories, etc over and over again to make sure they're correct. For example, if I write a Christmas card, I have to check to make sure I said something properly, got their names right, etc. THEN I have to check the address on the envelope many times before I'll send it. And it bothers me until I know they have gotten it. So odd. (Again, I didn't know this was weird until I did the OCD scale for my bulimia diagnosis). And pens, and pencils. They have to be a certain way. And if the ink runs out when I'm writing, it makes me SO anxious. So instead of continuing with a different one, I restart all over again with a different pen. It just bugs me if its not all consistent. Same goes for my notes for university, they have to be done a certain way otherwise I get all worked up.

    I don't think I have OCD though, because what I know from school it's obsessions (unwanted, bizarre thoughts) and compulsions (checking, counting, organizing) to relieve the anxiety following the obsession. You may have a mild form of it, but it's hard to say. I'd need to know more about the thoughts and emotions surrounding the behaviours. It might just be our anxiety linked with our ED that makes us all have weird rituals. Who knows. As long as it isn't debilitating it's pretty normal and okay.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one though.

    Much love, xx.

    1. I know!
      What is it with even numbers?
      They're just nice and round and even
      And I like that they are divisible x

  8. I have terrible OCD. Everything has to be done my way or I collapse in tears. Only I am allowed to fill and empty the dishwasher. Pens must be straight on the desk. I even fold and put away the boyfriend's laundry to make sure it's right >____<

    1. Oh I am the sane with the dishwasher
      I forgot about that one!
      I'm always rearranging it
      Over and over again x

  9. I'm the same! Certain forks knives and spoons are acceptable if I don't have them I get really anxious. I do the cracks thing too and have to step once or twice in particular squares. I have to count and press my tounge according to light posts lines on the road or drive ways it's really odd. I have to eat in order my cup to is always to the left and sat on a particular 'line' in our wooden table. I have particular pens I can write with books need to be in size order. Purging can only be done in the far left hand corner of our right hand garden or in the bathroom NOT in the toilet hair must be tied back and then untied. Weighing must be done completely bare including jewellery. And then when I was working the gate had to be closed computer 'bumped'. My dressing gown must be placed at the foot of my bed throughout the day when I'm in bed it must be moved to my table omg the list goes on and on and on its so annoying I get so anxious when I don't do something just so

    1. So delighted to find others who do the same thing
      I actually worrued this post that I was the only one x

    2. I felt the same way especially the one about the cracks it's such a relief!

  10. No. Very messy and unpredictable I am. Can't stay in a routine at all. I would say compulsively so. - ironic!


  11. I can also relate, OCD and eating disorders tend to go hand in hand, my OCD used to be really bad as a child but it has gotten a lot better since been in recovery for my ed.


Thank you for leaving some love x