Monday 8 June 2015


I have a couple of questions for you today
Are you a morning person
Or a night owl? 
I used to be a night owl
Definitely when I was using
There was s period of time when I didn't see day light for months
I would stay up all night
And go to bed in the morning
I lived in darkness 
And I liked it 

I am at my most productive in the morning
I like to do all my jobs and errands at this time 
And like to get them done quickly and effeciently 
I know no other. way

The other question I want to ask you
Is if you are a coffee 
Or a tea drinker?
I am a confirmed tea drinker
And must drink about 15 cups a day
I don't like coffee at all
Though I wish that I did

There are my questions for today
Are you a morning person 
Or a night owl?
And are you a tea drinker 
Or coffee drinker? 
Oh and one more question
Are you left handed or right handed?
I know these are random questions 
But I really am interested
I am left handed when writing
But use my right hand for most other things
So both hands are equally strong

They are today's questions
Inquiring minds want to know.....


  1. I'm definitely a night owl. I did get used to mornings living in Sydney for two years, but now u have no routine and no desire to get up early unless I have too. I love to sleep in because I usuallu don't get much if any sleep the night before
    I'm definitely a coffee drinker, I will drink tea, but I drink at least three to four cups of coffee a day. I just tire too quickly and need the caffeine to keep going during the day. I don't unqderstand people who drink weak or decaf coffee really
    Im right handed and don't use my left hand at all for writing really unless I'm typing.

  2. i am definitely also a night owl.

    every summer, my sleeping has to end up with me waking up in the afternoon and going to sleep relatively late. i do most of my work when it is dark outside. the time i hate the most during the day is between 1pm to 5pm. i really hate it.

    5-7pm is my favourite time of the day almost year-round, and close seconds are 1-2am in the summers.

    i used to shamelessly abuse both coffees and tea. tea used to be my favourite as i drank it milky and sweet. i used to put rose water and saffron in it. funny enough it reminded me of good times with my uncle (he has used and is in jail for being caught :/ i'm glad the family is slowly mending their ties with him but it's taken so long.) every time he saw me, he would ask me if i wanted some tea and i would say yes. it's his recipe.

    during the depression, it had to be coffee. nothing other than coffee.

    nowadays, i don't have a preference for either. i drink both sparingly and am very fussy. at the moment, i sometimes fancy a mocha (the dark chocolate type almost always) and i like chai masalas.

    however, Diet Pepsi... is another story.

    i am right handed. i type with both (i'm one of those people that type without looking at the keyboard). but apparently, if you are right handed, you should put your watch on the left hand and if you are left handed, you put your watch on the right (that is what we think here anyway and i'm not sure if it extends to other places) but i always wear my watch on the right as well.

    -Sam Lupin

    1. I can actually write with both hands Sam
      And can also write with both hands at the same time
      One going forwards
      And one going backwards
      Useless talent
      But there you go.... X

    2. I knew a girl in high school who could write with both hands at the same time like that. She was a genius. I tried writing like that once and almost had a stroke.

  3. We are both lefties!! :D But I can't do anything right-handed except swing a baseball bat, and my aim with that is so atrocious I should not be allowed to swing a baseball bat at all ever. Acquiring stringed musical instruments is a torturous affair.

    I don't know if I'm a night owl or not. I hate getting up in the morning, but I do love the early morning. Perhaps I'm both, as my natural sleeping pattern without medication is to simply not sleep. How early do you get up? Do you need and alarm, or do you just wake up? I've always envied people who are just wide awake at dawn with no problem.

    Typical Irish woman, 15 cups of tea a day!! ......I used to drink about the same. Now tea for breakfast, coffee for second breakfast.

    1. Usually my dogs wake me up about 6am
      Wanting to go outside
      So I let them out
      Then go back to bed for an hour
      And usually get up between 7 and 8
      I am definitely most productive in the morning
      These nights I've been going to bed early
      At about 11pm
      I'm such a light weight..... X

    2. I go to bed at 9....

  4. i go from one to the other but kind of have to get up early everyday either go bed 8 or 9 or stay up til 3,same with tea and coffee one or other.tea if im poorly always love it weak and ok but always feel yuck after. right handed,my kids are half right and half left handed jo xx

    1. You have such a beautiful family Jo
      You must be so proud

      I got your email by the way
      Did you get my reply?
      I hope so x

  5. I switch back and forth between being a morning person and a night owl!
    I love my coffee, but it makes my tummy hurt, so I try to limit it and drink herb teas instead, and I am a righty for most things! Love this post :) xo

  6. I have been a morning person all my life except a brief period when I was a teenager going through a major growth spurt when I slept until noon most days.... Now, "sleeping in" for me means sleeping past 7:30am.

    Re beverage of choice, I am the exact opposite of you: a coffee drinker who wishes she liked tea! I drink 3-4 cups of coffee per day, and only drink tea when I've already had too much coffee but still want something hot to drink..and the whole time I'm drinking it, I'm wishing it were coffee.

    Righty! I can eat (like, operate a fork and knife) with either hand though. I can only chopstick righty though.

    Is this enough random info for ya? ;)

    1. Thanks Kaylee

      I love all this random info about people
      Especially about which hands people use
      As I can use both hands

      Hope you are doing well my lovely x

  7. I'm totally a night owl - I feel so much freer at night, as though the daytime has set responsibilities and rules and other people are around to sort of ensure that you're following through with them, but at night all those things go away and I can do what I please (even though I more or less follow the same routine because I love routine!). Also, my body just seems programmed to not wanna get out of bed before 10 am. Even as a little girl at slumber parties I used to marvel at the other girls who would start getting up before then.

    I used to hate tea but started drinking it to help me get through the workday, kind of as a "fix", and now i love it. I also drink probably 2 cups of coffee a day for the caffeine, but i have to add cacao powder and vanilla flavored almond milk (unsweetened). With those add-ins I find it kind of enjoyable.

    I'm debilitatingly right-handed; whenever I try to do something with my left that I'd normally do with my right, I have to look at the left hand and concentrate really hard - it's worse than mental math, haha. Amanda

    1. Hey Amanda,

      I know exactly what you mean about night time
      I used to feel that way
      Like all the interesting people came out after dark
      And all the fun happened the
      I was most definitely a night owl for the longest time

      I got your email by the way
      And replied to it just now
      Hope you got it? X

  8. I've always been a night owl. The darkness is my best friend. I had such awful insomnia my whole life that I just started loving nighttime. I love the stars and the moon at night. I thrive after the sun goes down. Then adding drugs into the mix and I'd avoid daytime at all costs. I always thought that dark is when the cool people come out to play. There's just this mysterious sort of danger and fun with nighttime. It's hard to explain, but it's just like daytime people are boring 9-5 job people and after dark is when the party starts (literally and metaphorically lol). Plus, I am so so pale that I burn so easily. I'm pale with dark hair to the point that my mom (who was born in Ireland) says that I'm "black Irish." So the sun is not my friend. Since I've been sober and on methadone though I can fall asleep more easy and early so some nights I stay up late and some days I don't.

    I like both coffee and tea, but I've always loved tea much more and drink it daily. I grew up drinking Earl Grey, Lady Grey, Irish and English breakfast teas. More recently I've started to love the herbal teas. There's this amazing one I get that is sage, sweet grass and white pine. It's a native Canadian meditation tea. Its just fabulous. I love loose leaf too. So I go to this store that sells loose leaf teas and try new ones all the time. My new fave is Orange Blossom. I tend to avoid coffee though because I only like it with lots of cream and sugar, which often doesn't bode well with my ED.

    Lastly, I am strictly right-handed. I sometimes try to switch it up but it's sooo hard. Like even just trying to brush my teeth left-handed is nearly impossible. My mom is left-handed and my younger brother is ambidextrous with some things. I'm so jealous that you're ambidextrous too like that. I'd love to be able to use both hands. I think it shows intelligence as you use both sides of your brain.

    Hope this answers your questions!
    Much love, xx

    1. Love your answers hun
      Thank you!

      Yes Amanda said the same thing
      About night time bring more interesting
      And I can relate to that
      I agree too that night time is more interesting

      Yes I wish I could find a use for my ambidextrous -ness
      It's kind of a useless talent
      Any suggestions? X

  9. I've gone through phases, right now, with all the stress, I pass out around 11 or 12 pm and wake up around 8am.
    I don't usually need much sleep though, usually I don't sleep until about early morning and get up around 10.
    I do love the night life it's so smooth and private, I feel the best people in my life are the ones that have stayed up with me at all hour of the night.
    Talking all night. Those are the important conversations. <3

    As for my drink of choice, it is definitely tea. Tea all the way. Except for when I feel I need confidence. Then it is black coffee.
    But yeah, my usual day to day is tea <3

    And I am right handed, in everything, though I can sorta write legibly with my left hand XD
    If I ever meet you in person I want to see your left-right-hand-writing-trick xD

    Take care my dearest ^^
    Mandy xx


Thank you for leaving some love x