Tuesday 9 June 2015

Buzz about blogger

Is it just me 
Or does it seem that there is a fresh buzz about blogger lately?
For a while there
It had become deathly quiet
So many bloggers vanished off the face of the Internet
I still think of them
And send them well wishes
Sometimes I check their blogs
For clues as to what might have happened 
It almost seems as if people disappeared mid sentence 
Some of these girls I had become very close with
Closer than my own family
So it really hurts to not know what had happened to them
I just hope and pray that they don't need this community anymore 
And they are living life to the fullest

It's just really great to see some life breathed back in to blogger
Sometimes it seems like blogger is Tumblrs and Instagrams slightly behind the times cousin
I think that Tumbkr and Instagram are mainly about photos and visuals 
Here in our corner of blogger 
We are all about the story 
Not everyone wants to take the time to read a wall of text 
But here we do 
We follow every detail of each other's story 
Down to what we eat in a given day
There is unconditional love here
Complete understanding 
No judgment 
No pity
Oodles of empathy
And compassion
I know some people think our kind of blogging is not healthy
But this is not Pro-and
That is something entirely different 

I don't have much experience with Pro-ana
I guess my very first few posts were verging on it
I write about actively trying to lose weight
And fasts with other bloggers
But it didn't sit right with me
I've never really engaged in Pro-and
It all seemed a bit daft to me
I've Googled it of course
And see The Thin Commandments 
And the like
Almost like a cult
And it seems to be mostly young girls 
Who just want to be the thin one in their group of friends
Something entirely different to the clinical diagnosis of an eating disorder 
I've seen the blogs 
Girls looking for 'ana buddies'
The 'Tips and Tricks'
Which are largely completely bizarre
One I read said 'spin in a circle until you feel so dizzy and sick that you can't eat'
I mean 
Do peoe really takes these seriously?
Are there thousands of spinning girls out there?
It all seems ludicrous to me

I feel very strongly that people need support
And to be around others like us
But supporting someone's illness is not ok
Actively encouraging others to harm themselves or lose weight is a step too far for me
I don't really engage in conversations about weight loss here on blogger
I don't comment when someone loses or gains weight
I don't congratulate 
Or commiserate 
I think in all my time on blogger
I've only ever well don-ed one particular person
And that's because they were over weight and we're trying really hard to get healthy
But apart from that 
No way
It's a no go area for me

I also don't comment on people's appearance
As you just never know what way they will take it
I don't focus on the body 
Or body parts
I compliment their hair
Or something they are wearing
I avoid body talk at all costs 

I was wondering about you
Do you think there is new life in blogger recently?
What are your views on Pro-ana?
Gave you ever engaged with these sites?
What is your take on congratulating weight loss?


  1. I haven't blogged in so long (it's been a few years at this point.) I'm inspired by you to try again. I just wrote my first post. Hopefully I can keep going....

    xoxo Small

    1. Oh that is great!
      I can't recommend it highly enough
      The writing
      The people
      The support
      It's a wonderful community
      Send me the link of your blog
      Happy blogging! X

  2. I don't comment on appearance or weight. It's counter productive. I truly believe we must focus on value "as a person" not a number. I want to know what people can do.

    At my worst I had a talisman. A picture. I wanted to look like this picture.

    I hate proana. And I hate the media. It's stupid lame ideas of beauty which are not dynamic. Fashion shoots make me want to scream especially.

    My idealising this one image...It was complete BS. Insanity!As if a one dimensional picture should be a guide for life!! I missed out on so much because of a static image. I have no idea why it had such a hold. But now I'd much rather be DOING things, creating,learning being out and about. And if I get embarrassed or hurt feelings I'm not going to care. And if I look ugly living my life, good!!

    Because not living my life to be a one dimensional image was not living. It was a mirage.

    But that was then
    Onwards and upwards baby!
    Let's live life to the fullest!

    Xoxo shelby

    1. I concur Shelby!
      We have wasted far too much time on this thing we call ED
      Let's not give it one more year, month, week, day , hour
      Because we deserve more
      So much more
      There is more to life than depriving ourselves of life giving food
      And we are worth it x

  3. Before blogger, I was on Prettythin, which at the time was about as pro-ana as you could get.

    I've debated with myself over deleting a lot of my old posts. Idk if they're pro-ana, but they're definitely triggering as far as ED's go. But then they're also a good reminder of how far I've come in recovery.

    I'm like you, if someone is on a healthy diet trying to lose weight because they were overweight and/or unhealthy, then I would congratulate them on any successes they have. I will usually offer compliments on photos as well, though not weight-related ones. All ladies are beautiful and they deserve to know it. :)

    1. Yes I think in some cases it is appropriate to congratulate weight loss
      If the person genuinely needs to lose weight for health reasons
      And to improve their quality of life
      But as a rule I don't comment on weight loss or gain
      I might compliment a pretty hair style
      Or a nice pair of shoes
      But that's about it for me

      Was pretty thin a blog or a website?
      Was it like a forum for people to talk ? X

    2. It was a forum. I found out after I left that the girls who posted the most had turned really nasty and then the whole site just kind of imploded, or something like that.

    3. It was a forum. I found out after I left that the girls who posted the most had turned really nasty and then the whole site just kind of imploded, or something like that.

  4. I do tell people if I find them pretty. I don't comment on weight and I try to shy away from adjectives that could be misinterpreted as such, but I do love giving compliments and it isn't hard to not say the wrong thing because no way does weight have anything to do with beauty or whatever it is that makes that person shine <3

    I definitely feel like the whole community is much more active, and has new life, and what's more, a more healthy light shining from it. We have evolved together my dears. I love you to bits <3

    I used to be pro-ana I guess, in my old blog. I was deep in the throws of my ed and did not want to recover, and did all the stuff we know about and don't need bringing up again. I looked for support to validate what I was doing and supported in return so yes. I was pro-ana.

    Thankfully I have been able to pull myself out of that mind state. Say no more, and it would have been impossible without you guys.

    Thank you for being here Ruby <3 Love you to bits. We can SO do this :3
    Take care my dear
    Mandy xx

    1. Aw love you too Mandy
      It's been a joy to get yo know you and become friends
      That's what I love about here
      It doesn't matter what our age, sex, creed, nationality, religion, what we look like
      We are all accepted and welcomed with open arms
      I love our little community
      And everyone in it x

  5. I think it's got a lot to do with the time of year. Summer on the other side of the world and all that. Kind of like the pre-holidays rush! I dunno. I guess it's a good thing and a bad thing.

    I know what you mean about bloggers dropping off the face of the earth. Sometimes I go find their blog and leave them a comment wondering where they are, but sadly there's just too many people who disappear.

    I've read those kind of sites, probably more than I'd like to admit, though I never participated. Blogger is the only ED community I want to be a part of. One of the things I love about this community is that it isn't strictly pro-ana or recovery focused, it's just different.

    I think it's a tricky subject and needs to be case-by-case, but I do congratulate weight loss when I feel it's appropriate, although when it comes to photos, I think it's always more appropriate to comment on hair/clothes/general prettiness/whatever rather than weight.


    1. I love that too Bella
      That everyone is welcome here no matter where they are on the recovery/ED scale

      I know
      I wish I knew what happened to all those missing girls
      I just hope and pray they moved on to better things

      Love ya x

  6. Man, when I was a teenager me and every other lonely teenage girl didn't quite grasp how consequential our slightest actions/words in cyberspace could be. I cut that shit out thank God to a dear friend I made who was from New Zealand suffering with anorexia. Anyways,
    Pro-ana is a dangerous God damn game kids play.
    I'll never know what came of those few weak moments other girls and I encouraged weight loss. That I live with. Not knowing how I effected other people. It's fucked.
    I don't really fuck with ED blogs. I keep up with yours because I can tell you're a very honest and sweet person, Ruby
    I haven't noticed much buzz in bloggerland. A lot of blogs I used to read went quiet. .. probably because they got freaked out by it, which is totally warranted.

    1. I wouldn't beat yourself up over that Lola
      We were all young once
      And did things that now we would never do

      Aw thanks for your kind words
      And for reading
      It means a lot x

  7. I think pro-ana and pro-mia sites are just horrible and sad. I would never wish this on my worst enemy, so I think it's despicable to be offering tips and encouraging other's illness. I was so curious when I was younger and in a really bad spot. I was at my thinnest then and was very sick. So i went on a few and was just SHOCKED. Like, I couldn't believe the number of girls who wanted tips, the girls who taught them how and how to hide it. Just so much dangerous advice and relationships. And the 'thinspiration' is just so, so sad. It's hard to explain, but I always wanted to be as thin as I could, but when I looked at photos of emaciated girls, I didn't find it okay. I knew in my head that they were too skinny, yet if I was, I would still think I was fat. So seeing these young girls wishing to be that way just sat with my the wrong way. So that was the day I started blogging. I wanted to be "Pro-Recovery", which is a much more common term now a days, thank-god. I think it's healthy to have positive supports who encourage your health but understand your sickness too. But if it's not supporting the healthy, recovering part of me, I can't stand it.

    The weird part is, I met this girl from South Africa on a pro-mia site, she was looking for recovery too. We've stayed friend ever since, checking in all the time. She's in recovery now so I guess it did lead to one good thing.

    As for commenting on people's appearance, I will comment on beauty but never weight. My view of beauty on others is never weight based (so sick how it is for myself but not others) so when I say something like, "You're gorgeous" it's completely unrelated to weight. I find beauty at any size or weight. I think flaws are what make people flawless. But I know any weight related comments (even the ones meant as compliments) are extremely triggering and sensitive. So I extend that on to others.

    I agree, as I've mentioned before, that tumblr and instagram are too image oriented. I blog to write, not to post pictures of random things. I mean, I'lll add images, but I always write. It's therapeutic for me. Just as it is to read other's blogs.

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. It's much appreciated.
    Much love, as always, xx.

    1. I know
      I Googled Pro-ana recently
      And was really shocked at all the young women looking for tips and tricks
      For ana-buddies
      I saw one comment from a girl who was just 13
      I just despaired because encouraging this behaviour is a death sentence
      I don't think a lot of these girls realise how dangerous this all is

      I love photos
      But to me writing is the best therapy

      Your so welcome
      And thank you for yours
      Much much love back atcha x

  8. I am new to blogger- I've just started as i'm attempting to go deeper in recovery and writing helps. I'm not sure how to connect with a community on here though, I don't appear to have a search function on my dashboard.

    I came across your blog through the Top ED Blogs of 2015.

    1. Hello!
      And welcome to blogger!
      I will check out your blog now as I don't think I have before. X


Thank you for leaving some love x