Sunday 2 August 2015

Bouncing Back

The last couple of weeks have been difficult
And I'm finding it hard to get back to myself 
It's been over a week since the whole date fiasco
And I'm still wondering what I did wrong
I mean
This guy pursued me
He obviously liked the look of me 
Enough to ask my neighbour for my number
He contacted me
Suggested the date
And followed up
I think back over the date regularly 
Trying to figure out where it all went wrong 
I wonder was it when he suggested going to his house for tea
And I asked if there was anyone there 
Not because I wanted to jump in to bed with him
But because I wanted fore warning if I was about a gaggle of housemates
I wonder was it because I asked too many questions 
Maybe it seemed like I was interviewing him
Maybe it was when I told him that I don't drink 
Although he didn't seem like a big drinker either
And then to baffle me further 
He bloody well pounced on me!
As I said in previous posts 
He went from zero to sixty in jig time
But even when his hands were wandering under my shirt 
I still thought he was a nice guy 
But it baffles me 
I mean did he pounce because he really liked me?
Or was he just chancing his arm for an easy lay?
I mean 
I can't imagine sleeping with someone that I didn't like
Just for the sake of it 

Then there is the question of the girlfriend 
Who he had just split up with a couple of weeks previously
Was he on the rebound?
Was he just looking for a bit of fun?
Who knows 
And lastly
The phone call the following day
Saying that he didn't want to take things further
Was that because I wouldn't cave and give in to his antics?
Even if it was
I am glad I stuck to my guns 
That is just not my style at all

I guess I just chalk this one up to experience
I mean
What are the chances that my first and only date in ten, yes ten years would work out like a fairytale?
Where we would fall in love and live happily ever after
Slim to none I would say
But still
I had my hopes up
Maybe that was my mistake 

But of course 
There were yellow/red flags 
The fact he didn't want to meet for coffee
Did he not want to be seen in broad daylight with me?
He didn't want to see what I suggested 
In said cinema
During the movie he made a couple of pretty racist  comments
And we definitely didn't have the same sense of humour 
He was a typical country boy 
Not that that's a bad thing 
I mean despite all these things
The date was ok
Up until a point 

You know when you go an exam 
Or a job interview
And if it didn't go well 
You can request the papers or feedback to see where you went wrong 
Well I wish you could do that with dates
Like send them a questionnaire with all the questions such as

How would you rate this date out of ten?

Why did you deducte points?

Why do you not want to see this person again?

Please give a detailed answer and use bullet points if necessary 

You know?
I just want to know what did so wrong that he never wants to see me again
It's hard 
Because everyone around me seems to be finding someone 
My sister has met someone
My friend always has some guy interested in her 
I just want to know why?
Why people, whhhhyyy?

What I should really be doing 
Is focusing on myself and my recovery 
And putting boys out of my mind
But it's human reaction to want to meet someone 
To have a partner to share life with
I suppose it's like waiting for a bus
None come for ages
And then three come at once 

I don't know 
Boys just don't seem to be in to me
Even at meetings 
I feel like a lot of them avoid me
Or have no time from me
Maybe I'm being paranoid
And that is entirely possible
As I am not adverse to inventing scenarios in my head 
As you are well aware

I will do as I always do
Keep putting one foot in front of the other
And keep going 
Keep ploughing away at this thing we call life
And try to make the best of things 
I would love to hit the big self destruct button 
I would love to just unravel completely
Fall apart 
Go back to disappearing 
Go 'Back to black'
Sometimes I don't know why I am holding on 
And suspect that a lot of the time 
I'm doing it for other people 
I don't enjoy life ninety percent of the time 
I numb myself with meds 
And on the one day a week that o don't have meds 
That day is the most mind numbingly boring and tedious day 
And I just can't wait for it to be over

Take this week 
It's a bank holiday weekend 
So there is an extra day
Therefore I have eight days meds 
I went to town on them during the week
So I had no meds yesterday 
And I have none for tomorrow 
I could space out today's to last two  days 
But I want to get out of it today
How sad is that?
Very I suspect 

Please don't worry after reading this post 
I am ok
I'm not going to do anything silly 
I repeat 
I am ok
Just having a bad day 
A bad week 
A bad year 
A bad life....


  1. i do worry though, worry that you are blaming yourself for what was not your fault and that you are not enjoying life as much as you deserve to. you are young, beautiful,thoughtful and talented.when you are least expecting it something wonderful will happen for you, i feel sure of this. you're feeling hurt and vulnerable right now and thats understandable but it was his behaviour that was wrong not yours. i hope that doesn't sound too bossy, its difficult to put things in right words for me,i believe in you,and so do
    many people 'hoping today will be better than you think, go out with those lovely dogs.please look after jo xxx

    1. That's the thing Jo
      I always presume it's something I did
      Some way I acted
      Or something I said
      I guess it could have been any number of things
      When in actual fact
      It might have had nothing to do with me
      And you are not being bossy at all
      Not at all
      I appreciate your advice and input
      I am feeling better though
      I went out with Honey and Lea
      And am going to build a bridge
      And get over it
      Thanks Jo
      You are a good friend x

  2. "And I'm still wondering what I did wrong" why is it what YOU did wrong? sweetie, just because something or anything doesn't work out, doesn't mean it's automatically your fault. it's not like that.

    i think this whole thing is a mass of misunderstanding. maybe he thought that you were into that sort of thing, maybe not. maybe he just wanted to have sex with you and thought that you were indirectly alright with it or something of that sort. EITHER WAY, you're reading too much into this, darling. don't let it mess with your head. you did nothing wrong. all of the things you did are sound and for a reason.

    "I am glad I stuck to my guns
    That is just not my style at all"
    i took am glad about this too. you are very special and your opinions matter.

    "What are the chances that my first and only date in ten, yes ten years would work out like a fairytale?"
    true. very true. that's a very logical thought. i love that one, Ruby.

    it's okay to have your hopes up. it makes things exciting sometimes, but don't put them up too much. i always go in with the least amount of hope/excitement possible so that however dull it actually is in real life would surpass my expectations. again the same with my pessimism. i believe that if i always assume the worst, and better comes along, i learn to appreciate it more. which is why i am an "optimistic pessimist".

    "There were yellow/red flags" you're reading too much into this, love.

    "Because everyone around me seems to be finding someone" i can tell you from now on that what are the chances that your sister is going to marry her current or your friend is going to have that guy go onto a very steady long term relationship? it's okay to be single. you are in recovery. you are still building yourself up from what you once was. it's going to take a long time and relationships can be messy.

    maybe at this point in time, you just weren't meant to be in a relationship. and that's okay. it'll happen one day and that's all. right now, you have to go back and taste the little bits of life that comes with recovery the longer you are in it. i find for most (for me too), that something happens after you've been in recovery for two years. for people, it takes longer and for some, they are lucky enough that they minute they start to recover, they end up with very few problems.

    you've been to hell and back and are still fighting every day. keep on fighting. win the war. and then claim your trophy (a wonderful life full of hope and potential).

    "What I should really be doing
    Is focusing on myself and my recovery"

    actually, i wrote all that spat before i came to this point of the post so i'm being a tad giggly right now.

    "Maybe I'm being paranoid"
    you are.

    i think a lot of times, we assume that people don't like us/hate us/nitpick at all our faults like we do. that's not the case about 95% of the time. i think when i started to truly interact with these people, i can see for what they are: good people. they start to notice good things about you. the more i get over the quiet and distant nature that is a result of the ED (obviously due to declining too many dinner dates/etc because of the calorific situations), i find that i like being loud and making people laugh.

    a few days ago, a girl called me energetic and with a lot of spirit. another one didn't push me away when i hugged her. a third one told me that i have a beautiful smile. these were all people i feel excluded from their circle before. you make yourself a part of their circle. that's just it.


    i trust you, Ruby. it might be a bad day, a bad week, a bad year but it's not a bad life. not at all. it's a wonderful life, and i hope the fuzzy cloud that's sitting on your shoulder lifts off soon so you could breathe a little.

    i love you so much.

    -Sam Lupin

    1. This is exactly why I write my blog Sam
      To get sound advice from people just like you
      You make a lot of sense
      And I really needed to hear that today
      I think you're right
      It was a comedy of errors
      And it was in fact nothing I did wrong
      I'm going to put it down to experience
      And concentrate on getting as well as I can

      I love that you say you are an 'optimistic pessimist'
      That explains my take on things exactly
      Sam you are such a good soul
      And your love and empathy are so evident in your words
      Am going to visit your blog now to leave you a comment in case you don't see this
      From one survivor to another
      Thank you x

  3. Personally I did not like The Plumber. So who cares what you did/didn't do.
    I truly believe he isn't worth the bother.
    I'm sure he found you attractive, if that is important to you. I'm sure he just wanted a casual fling. Maybe he gets his kicks out of telling his dates "he's not interested". Maybe it makes him feel like a big man. Especially as he has nothing to lose, being partly involved with someone else anyway.

    For me though I thought he was SO inconsiderate YOU wouldn't want him really. You'd be a bad match. You're sweet and kind. He just sounds really immature. I can't believe he didn't walk you out to the car. No one's perfect but really a man is on his BEST behaviour on a date. That pathetic performance was his best! Can you imagine what a rude dickhead he'd be after he was comfortable in a relationship? Ugh.

    ruby please understand a guy whose a true dickhead is a dickhead to everyone. It wouldn't matter who you are.

    Love Shelby x

    1. I know Shelby
      Maybe it's not so much about what I did
      And it's more about what he did
      He definitely wasn't a gentleman
      And crossed a line
      As well as my boundaries
      I'm sure there is someone out there for me
      I just have to be patient
      And may have to kiss a few frogs before I meet him
      All in good time

      Thanks Shelby x

  4. You make me want to pop over, put some really nice music on loud and dance about and be silly until you are feeling better xp wed have some fun times together I'm sure ^-^

    You want someone who sees you and sees one of their favorite people in the world and you can't force that. It will come to you, you are highly lovable (after all you are one of my favorite people) and you will recognize it when it does. Just do stuff, live your life, you'll only stumble across someone if you're out there.
    Just don't forget that the most important thing is you my dear.
    Your recovery
    Your wellbeing

    I love you to bits and I hope you are smiling my dear.
    Take care.
    Mandy xx

    1. Thanks hun
      I am feeling better after reading these comments
      How I would love you to come over and cheer me up
      That would be amazing !

      Have you touched down in London yet?
      How long are you there for?
      I hope you have a fantastic time my dear

      Love ya x

    2. It would be so great ^-^
      I am in London and I'm here until the 9th
      Take care my dear xx ♥♥♥

  5. You did nothing wrong on your date, don't think of it like that if you're wondering why he didn't want to take things further. It sounded to me like he's just one of those creeps who wanted an easy lay--you're better off staying well away from someone like that.

    I sympathise with the paranoia though. Everyone around me is getting married and having kids and I'm still here, always single. :/ I know what it's like to feel like there's something wrong with you as far as boys are concerned. But better to be single until you find the right one than to settle down with the wrong one and be miserable years down the road. xoxo

    1. This is true Mich
      The temptation is there to settle
      Just for the sake of being with someone
      Especially when it seems that everyone around us is coupled up
      But I will be patient
      I know he's out there somewhere
      Hopefully.... X

  6. Creepy dude creeps me out, so bounce back all the way; you are certainly not the one that lost out.

    1. I have well and truly bounced back
      I think you are right CP x


Thank you for leaving some love x