Monday 3 August 2015

Things that only bloggers understand.....

I was inspired to write this post
After seeing a similar post on Izzys blog
I used some of her ideas
As well as some of my own
Let me know if you can think of any others
When you wake up in the morning
And the first thing you do is check your comments, blog reader and other blogs

When you ask your friend/partner/family member to take a photo of you when you are doing any thing remotely interesting

When you have to take said photo ten times as you try and find one that you approve of and that is blog worthy 

When you take photos of every meal you've ever eaten 
And won't let others eat theirs until you've taken a photo of theirs 

When you are immersed in your phone/laptop for X number of hours a day blogging, updating and reading 

When you suddenly get an amazing blog post idea and have to excuse yourself to write said ideas

When you pick the user name that you wished you were really called eg Ruby
I know some of you know my real name and it's not a million miles away from Ruby but I still prefer Ruby
Also Ruby Tuesday is a nod to TheRolling  Stones song as I am a huge RS fan

When your online social life is more active than your real life social life

When you are closer to people on line than you are with those in your real life

When you have a complete and utter melt down when there is no wifi 

When something happens and you think 'That will make a great blog post' 

When you pour your heart out in blog post at 3am crying, mascara everywhere, glass of wine in hand 

When a parcel arrives in the post and you know it's from one of your beautiful bloggers 

When you hit the Publish and that sense of satisfaction that you have completed blog post no 856

When your phone pings that you have a comment, you get excited every time 

The sheer frustration when you spend ages writing a post and blogger decides to eat it 

When you read another blog
And it puts in to words exactly how you are feeling 

When someone leaves a comment on your blog that makes your whole day

When someone tells you that they feel that way too and you don't feel so alone 

When you are away with no wifi and you go in to blogger induced withdrawal


  1. "When you suddenly get an amazing blog post idea and have to excuse yourself to write said ideas"

    wait,'s not only me that does this?!?! i have a few posts in my feed that's just 'oh, when you can be arsed write about ___'! i'm dying!

    I KNEW IT WAS THE ROLLING STONES SONG. at first, i thought it was the US restaurant but then i slowly got to the conclusion that it was the Rolling Stones song.

    gosh, i don't even know why i'm Sam Lupin. i actually prefer the Percy i refer to myself countlessly but Sam is very close and it's what this blog was built on.

    (When something happens and you think 'That will make a great blog post').

    oh my gosh yes!

    (When you pour your heart out in blog post at 3am crying, mascara everywhere, glass of wine in hand)

    no makeup for Sam and no wine for Sam. more like eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's WHEN blogging about pints of Ben and Jerry's and subtlety stating that i'm a wreck in between the lines ;)

    "When a parcel arrives in the post and you know it's from one of your beautiful bloggers"

    *waits for Bella to pop up in the comments soon*

    *Lolita sent yummy things*

    Sam does not send parcels as of yet. maybe one day when Sam decides NOT to spend on her money buying food and gym clothes.

    "When you hit the Publish and that sense of satisfaction that you have completed blog post no 856" GOSH. after deleting my blog posts, i'm just waiting to hit the magical 100 so i can feel like an actual blogger again.

    "The sheer frustration when you spend ages writing a post and blogger decides to eat it"

    for me, this is more of the sheer frustration when i spend ages trying to write a comment and blogger eats it up.

    OR when it tells me that stupid thing where (oh, you've surpassed ____ characters) and even when i split it into two halves, it don't work. i mean...come on.

    "When someone leaves a comment on your blog that makes your whole day" OMG YES

    "When you are away with no wifi and you go in to blogger induced withdrawal"

    or when you go out of the country for a little while and come back and have 3000+ posts to catch up on and it's either great fun or great misery depending on how many posts there are and if you're like me and write huge comments when that's where the evening's all gone!

    -Sam Lupin

    1. He he Sam you are so funny
      And I'm so glad that you can relate
      And it's not just me
      Oh the perils of being a blogger.....

      Love you x

  2. comment reply:

    your comment on my blog made me smile so much. you're a doll, Ruby. you really are.

    a genuine gem.

    -Sam Lupin

    1. I'm glad Sam
      That was my intention
      You are a superstar x

  3. So true!

    "*waits for Bella to pop up in the comments soon*"
    DAMN YOU SAM! I just replied to your comment on Lolita's post and now I see you here?!

    "When a parcel arrives in the post and you know it's from one of your beautiful bloggers"
    Love this. I've started keeping track of parcels I send. 99% of my disposable income goes to Australia Post! I'm the only one in the house who ever gets real mail, from people not just companies. I have an archive box in my wardrobe filled with everything I've ever gotten in the post (that hasn't been used), even every envelope! I'm a terrible hoarder but it's too precious to get rid of.


    1. I love love love getting parcels in the post
      And I also love sending them too
      I get a great kick out of both
      And yes
      I keep everything that's sent to me
      Carefully put where I can treasure it

      Hope you're doing ok Bells x

  4. This is awesome and so relatable XD love you to bits ^-^


Thank you for leaving some love x