Wednesday 5 August 2015

Holl & Lane

I was contacted by the editor of an online magazine called Holl & Lane
And asked to write a 2000 word piece about my life and my story
The deadline is November 5th
So I have plenty of time to write it
And I'm very excited to be part of this magazine

It never ceases to amaze me
The things that happen through my blog 
So many different things have happened over the last 3 years
I've been contacted by various journalists
Some stories I took part in
Others I didn't feel so comfortable 
I've done a tv interview
Took part in surveys
Helped students who were doing projects
I never know what is going to pop up in my email in box of a morning 
But I am especially excited about this one

I don't know 
I guess I live in hope that someday I can turn what is a hobby in to a bona fide job
I can't imagine myself doing anything else
In a lot of ways 
My blog is like my job
I do it at the same time
Every day
I pour my heart and soul in to it 
I must spend a few hours every day
Replying to comments 
Thinking about what to write
Writing ideas
Writing drafts
It consumes my every waking moment

Starting a blog has been one of my better decisions in recent years
It's more than a hobby
It's something I feel compelled to do
And I feel so passionate about it
Of course I have made the best of friends  here too
Beautiful ladies whose friendship I cherish and treasure
I would certainly be lost without you all

I'm wondering if you have any ideas of what I could write this piece about
And part of the illness or recovery that you think needs addressing 
I would love to hear your ideas
In the mean time 
I will be jotting down ideas
The editor asked for a fresh piece
So I don't want to use any piece that I've already written
So if you can thinking anything
Do let me know......


  1. Write about how your dogs have helped you over the years and why animals are beneficial part of therapy for anyone with a mental illness. I'm sure loads of other people would agree that animals are good for mental health and it would be enjoyable to read how animals help people through dark times.
    Hope it goes well for you. It sounds like a great opportunity and hopefully will one day lead to a job.
    Take care dear xx

    1. Thanks Anne
      Thats a great idea
      And it's so true
      Animals can really heal us I believe
      I will definitely consider it x

  2. Wow!! GREAT opportunity!
    I have full confidence you'll write a great story as you have real style!

    But I also want to're going to a bad place.with your weight loss efforts. I'm sorry but it's true. What is the point of looking your best if your life is in a shambles? Or to put it another way, why throw away your recovery for some approval that's an illusion. I'm sure the Turks aren't going care.

    it's about your unhappiness. But losing the weight and going on a purge cycle will only increase your unhappiness and you will.end up on a binge purge roundabout.

    This has all stemmed from the date and all.that uproar.

    You'll look your very best when your head is together. It has little to do with the outside. If you can beat the ED you'll regain your inner glow and that is far more attractive than anything else.
    It's a shame.

    I hope you can see I'm telling you the truth because I care.

    X shelby

    1. To be honest Shelby
      I really regretted writing that post yesterday
      I was just after weighing myself
      And felt like a whale
      However after calming down
      And sleeping on it
      I have come to the conclusion that it would be a bad idea to try and lose any amount of weight
      I know now
      That is asking for trouble

      I appreciate your honesty though
      So thank you
      I know it's not easy to be honest with someone
      But thank you
      You are a true friend x

  3. Ruby I feel mean but I know it's not right to leave someone on a path of destruction. X shelby

    1. I know what you are saying Shelby
      Don't worry
      I've ditched the diet
      And won't be weighing anymore either
      You're not mean at all
      Sometimes friends tell us things that we don't want to hear
      But need to
      So thank you for that x

  4. Wow Ruby what an amazing opportunity! You're going to be famous one day :) xox

  5. He he, I don't know about that Annie
    It is very exciting though
    Can't wait for you all to read it
    Am working on it right now x

  6. thats great, you will be busy with course so good idea to start thinking now, as usual there is just fresh air between my ears (hope its fresh] but if i have any flashes of ideas i let u know, lots love jo xx

    1. I've found out that I can do my course on line Jo
      So I may do it that way
      I haven't made up my mind yet

      I started writing the piece today
      It's hard to fit it all in to 2000 words
      But I guess this first draft is a rough one

      Love to you too x

  7. I think it's a great opportunity!! As for what to write, I don't know how much I can be there, you've got so much to choose from. Do a few drafts and see what bits and pieces are best, and then maybe put those together? I do that a lot in my editing process. It would be great if you could make a career out of writing, too. I've been hoping to do that meself, but it's a tough field to break into. :/

    Good luck!! xoxo

    1. I've started the first draft Mich
      It's proving difficult to fit my whole story in to 2000 words
      But I will persist...... X

  8. Congrats Ruby! That's awesome. You'll have to share it once it's published.

    I don't often talk about pre-ED, but I used to write every day. It was my passion. My big three things have always been sewing, writing and gaming, though they've all faded since I developed AN. I haven't written fiction in a few years now. Like sewing and gaming, it's become a really daunting thing to start again.
    Writing for me has usually been a creative, fictional exercise, so blogging has been a whole new thing for me, but I still think it's helped me grow as a writer. Even with my blog, I get weird about 'telling my story'. I don't know if I could do it like you and Annie have. I really admire your strength in being so open with such a large audience.

    Good luck! <3

    1. Funnily
      I don't write fiction at all
      I find it really difficult
      And am more comfortable telling true stories

      I hope you can find your way back to your passions Bells
      As I know you are wonderful at them x

  9. Wow, what an opportunity! Terribly jelly :D

    1. It is CP
      Let's hope it's the start of something....x

  10. seconding the idea on writing about the doggies.

    you deserve this opportunity.

    scrolling through and finding Shelby's comment, i am a bit concerned. i hope that you continue to find yourself and better yourself all the time, darling.

    it's okay. you can do this.

    consider this article another motivation for recovery. i can't imagine being on a diet and hating my body and talking about how amazing recovery is.

    i am very proud of you. <3

    -Sam Lupin

    1. Don't worry Sam
      I have abandoned the whole 'I want to lose five pounds' idea
      I know it was ridiculous
      And won't be pursuing it

      Aw thank you hun
      That means a lot x


Thank you for leaving some love x