Monday 2 November 2015

Attacking the problem

Monday again
It's hard to believe that it's November already
Where does the time go?
Monday is doctor day for me 
My own doctor has been away the last few weeks so it was nice to see him this morning 
Before he spoke to me 
He said he had to ring home for a second 
This is what I heard 

'Hello love
Yea it's me
Listen I brought your phone by mistake to work this morning
Yea remember this morning in the bedroom
When I was putting on my trousers I put the wrong phone in my pocket
Can you come and collect it please?
Thank love
Bye bye bye bye....'

I had to fight back the laughter while he was speaking
As it was so funny to hear him out of doctor mode
Some times I forget thdt he has a whole life outside of being a doctor
After that 
We had a quick chat
He filled out my prescription
And I went on to my next appointment

I saw Breda this morning then
I haven't seen her since before I went to Turkey
So I was long overdue a chat with her  
There was a lot to cover 
I told her about Turkey 
About my driving test
At first 
I was totally avoiding talking about my meds 
But I promised myself I would 
So I tentatively brought up the subject 
I always find this kind of thing really difficult to bring up to the professionals
I don't want to disappoint them 
I don't want to worry them 
And it's just really hard admitting that I messed up yet again
I told her
She said thdt I was becoming complacent 
And on dodgy ground
She also mentioned that I have too much time on my hands 
Which is very true
I  bored 
The days and nights are long
I need something to stimulate my mind 
Because at the moment 
I am wishing my life away
Breda encouraged me to contact the women's centre in the next village 
To do some short courses
I've done courses there in the past
They do things like mindfulness and personal developement 
Which are interesting to me
So I will get on to that 

The other topic she broached
Was that of meetings 
As you know 
Up until a few months ago 
I was going to meetings regularly 
But I've let that slide 
And now haven't been to one in quite a while 
Breda made a good point though 
She said thdt I don't have to go every day
Once or twice a week is fine 
And I can go to ones that I feel comfortable at
So that's my goal this week
To get my addict ass to a meeting
I have to go
I will go
I give you my word
i am still giving my meds to my mother
And that is working pretty well
It's not an ideal situation 
But it's a must for now

Given everything that has happened over the last few weeks 
I am now being a bit more cautious about what I write about here in my blog
Don't get me wrong 
I will still be as honest as ever
And continue to fight this battle against addiction and mental illness
I don't know how to be any other way
But I am being careful not to write anything that might leave myself too exposed or vulnerable
Or any one else either
Just because it has happened 
Doesn't mean thdt I have to blog about it
But because I am not writing so openly anymore
I am finding it harder and harder to find things to write about
I still want to write every day
But I won't put pressure on myself
Or beat myself up if I can't think of anything to write 
I write at the same time every time
I get up of a morning 
Have a cuppa 
Walk the dogs 
And while I'm walking them
I think about what topic I wil write about thdt day
Then I come home 
And settle in my living room with another cuppa and my phone and write 
It gives my day structure 
And it's something thdt I do at the same time every day 
Almost like a job 

I have to admit 
That over the last few weeks
I have thought about stopping writing and deleting my blog 
All of a sudden 
I felt really paranoid 
Because as we all know 
Once you put something on the Internet 
It is nigh on impossible to take it back 
There have been times when I have read backo vet my blog
And deleted certain posts
As I felt I had left myself in a dangerous position 
Too open 
And I don't know
In the future I might regret being so brutally honest here on my blog
As it's very possible thdt it could come back to haunt me
When I started writing my blog back in 2012
I wrote anonymously 
And didn't post any photos 
I think there are negatives and positives to being anonymous
But as time went on I decided to be more open 
I began posting photos 
Of myself 
My dogs 
And my family 
And I know that my blog is easily found on the Internet 
So there is really no hiding 
I do keep my name to myself 
But it's not a million miles away from the name Ruby 

Blogger is the only social media that I use 
I don't use Facebook
Or Instagram
I document my life here 
I love writing 
Love my blog 
And I love all of you 
Blogging at the moment is a hobby for me
But I would love if it was something more 
I would love to make my of in to a book 
Or to write for other publications 
I am passionate about helping others with addiction issues and eating disorders 
For a long time 
My writing was focused on my illness 
And trying to stay sane
And stay alive
Now my blog is about trying to stay clean  and sober
Trying to stay free from disordered eating
And helping others 
I hope that people read my blog
And get a little piece of hope
That if I can come through this 
Then you can too
And no
I am not perfect 
I make mistakes on a daily basis 
As you know 
I have done a lot of incredibly stupid things over the years 
Things thdt continue to haunt me
I have more than enough reason to believe that I am a bad person
So much evidence to support that suggestion 
But what I am trying to do 
Is learn from my mistakes 
And not to repeat them again
Recovery is not easy
And again 
I am not doing it perfectly 
Not by a long shot 
But as they say in the rooms
It's not about perfection
It's about progress
I just have to keep fighting 
And putting the effort in 
And I will be ok 
More than ok
I will be alive
And will want to be alive 

For the longest time
I genuinely didn't care if I lived or died 
Life meant nothing to me
And I wasn't afraid of dying 
Life scared me more
I often describe it as having a passive death wish
I wasn't actively seeking out my own death
But I welcomed it with open arms 
I just couldn't stand myself 
Couldn't stand being in my own head
I hated myself 
Hated the way I looked 
My personality
Hated the way I lived my life 
My behaviour 
My weight
I hated everything about myself 
It's only now 
A year in to my recovery 
That I am beginning to like myself 
I'm not quite loving myself yet 
But I am getting there
Baby steps all the way
I'm not perfect 
I never will be 
But I am doing my best 
To be a good person
A good daughter 
Doggy mama
I am loved by my nearest and dearest 
And at the age of 34 
I am just beginning to figure out who I am 
And what I do about 
It's scary 
It's weird 
It's fun
It's terrifying 
It's hard 
But it is so worth it 
I promise you that 


  1. This could be a long shot....but if you're lost on a topic, why not ask for ideas from readers? I love reading what you write...but I'm a newish reader, so I don't know your entire story. We are the same age and I relate to SO much of what you share. I have the tendency to be too vulnerable too. My own blog is anonymous for the most part, but I no longer take any lengths to hide who I am. I find hope in what you write. I'm just barely starting my own recovery efforts and I have no idea what the process will look like, or what the end result will look like (if there even IS an end result).

    I hope you don't delete your blog. It can be encouraging to read back and see how far you've come. :) I do that with my own sometimes and I'm shocked at the things I was writing in 2006 as opposed to now.

    1. Thanks SW

      Yea I have done that before
      Asked readers if there's any topics they would like to see written about
      So I may do thdt again

      Don't worry
      Not going to delete my blog any time soon
      I just get these urges and notions every now and then
      I think it's boredom

      Oh you are a new reader
      Always love to meet new readers
      Is there any topic you'd like to see written about? X

    2. I get the same urges to either stop writing or delete my blog...usually after an episode where I've felt vulnerable. :)

      I'll have to think on some topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts or experiences on being an adult with an ED.

  2. I hope you keep writing.

    I know what you mean about boredom. I can't handle boredom, and most of the drug use over the years was definitely a result of me trying to not be bored. Now I just keep picking up weird hobbies and everyone thinks I'm nuts. ;)

  3. I understand what you mean about wanting to stop blogging sometimes, I remain anonymous on my blog, but I would like to one day actually include pictures and more of my life, but I do worry about what the negatives are with that.
    I wish I could write as much as you do, I just don't have enough ideas. Take care xx

  4. If you decide to ever delete your blog, give me your email pretty please? I want to keep in touch.


Thank you for leaving some love x