Wednesday 4 November 2015


As I write this
I am sitting on a train
With my Mother
Heading for Dublin
Dublin is on the east coast of the country
And I live on the west coast
So it's quite a journey
First we have a half hour drive from our house to the train station
Then a three hour train journey to the capital
We tend to go to Dublin a couple of times a year
To see friends 
Do a bit of shopping 
Or just for a day out
Dublin features in my life quite often
I moved here after school with friends
And worked here for a while 
I also frequented Dublin when I was in active addiction 
So it is an old haunt for me
It's also where I went to treatment 
For both drugs and my ED
So coming to Dublin brings back a lot of memories for me
Some good 
Some not so good 

The last time I was in Dublin was this time last year
When I met up with a couple of girls from treatment 
We had a lovely day going for lunch
And catching up
The girls I went to treatment with have a special place in my heart
And I love to meet up with them when I can
But yes
Dublin has bitter sweet memories for me
I first moved there with three friends in the year 2000
We rented a two bedroom flat on the south side 
And I found work as a receptionist for a quantity surveying company
I didn't realise at the time
But my job was cushy 
I basically had to turn up and just be there 
To answer the phone and direct calls
The money was good 
We often went out for lunch and dinner
All paid by the company 
And the people were lovely
But it was around this time that my drug use began to spin out of control
I was fighting with my flat mates
Missing days off work 
I can remember going to bed one Sunday evening
And I didn't wake up until Tuesday afternoon
I was falling quickly in to addiction 
I left my job 
And moved out of the flat 
I went home to my boyfriend 
And my life began to spin out of control

Over the next few years 
I was up and down to Dublin regularly 
Constantly on buses 
Going to the capital to get drugs 
At first I was with my boyfriend all the time
So I felt safe enough
But then 
After a while 
I was all in my own 
It was dicey 
A young girl from the country up in the big smoke messing with the wrong crowd
I had no defence
And was taken advantage of many times
I can remember having to ring the freephone number in order to find a bed in a hostel for the night
Because I had no where else to stay
I can remember overdosing and my 'friends' running off and leaving me for dead 
Only for the kindness of strangers 
I would have most likely died on the street
I can remember one incident in particular 
I was hanging around with a guy I had met 
We went to his flat 
And injected heroin and dalmane (sleeping tablet)
I overdosed 
And was in a bad way 
I remember this guy putting me in the shower to wake me up 
Then he put me to bed 
And made me tea and toast 
I left when I felt better
But a few days later 
I went to call back to his flat 
A girl answered with kids
And said no one of that name lived there
It was really strange
As I was at the same flat
I never saw or heard from that guy again 
I don't even know if he really existed

In 2004
I spent six months in treatment in Dublin for my addiction 
It was here that I admitted that I also had an ED
I relapsed within weeks of being home
Then in 2007
I went to treatment for my ED for the first time
It was nothing short of horrific
We were all made sit at our meals
The staff gave us our portions
And we had to sit there until we had eaten everything 
It didn't matter if you didn't like a certain food
You had to eat everything
That stint ended in disaster when staff found out that I had an addiction problem
They promptly discharged me
It was awful

The next time I went to treatment was in the countries top psychiatric hospital
Which has an ED programme
But this was no typical psych hospital
This place was lovely 
You had your own room with ensuite
It was really comfortable and homely 
For people with either a lot of money or good insurance 
Thankfully I had the latter 
All in all 
I've been in and out of this hospital five times
I never managed to reach my goal weight
Or even finish the programme
For me 
Inpatient treatment did not work
Being surrounded by other girls 
Who were very ill
And often underweight 
Was not conducive to my recovery
I always did better recovering from home 

So yes 
Dublin has featured in my life a lot over the years 
I do find it quite difficult to come back here
As I often get triggered 
The sights 
My old stomping ground 
The smell the from the Guinness brewery that always reminds me of heroin
Seeing addicts on the street
Places where I used to score 
It can be overwhelming
And I make it a rule not to come here alone 
I do need the security of having someone there 
If only just to be there
I know that my addiction can creep up on me
And hit me right between the eyes
I can't become complacent 
Which I have a tendency to do
I will do my best to enjoy today
My Mum and I are going to hit the shops 
As my Mum wants to buy a new coat
And so do I 
It's great to go to Dublin for the shops
As there is not a great selection where I live 
But I am on a budget
So I will have to shop carefully 

We are nearly in Dublin now
So I will sign off
And give you a proper update tomorrow
Until then....


  1. Oh Dublin, one of my dream destinations! Photos would be nice :)

    1. Yes I will try and get some CP
      It's a lovely city
      If you ever do go
      Let me know and we can meet up x

  2. I wonder if we ever crossed paths in Dublin. It was around 2000 I started hanging out with my cousin and her friends, meeting up in Dublin for drugs and drinking. I never liked that city to be honest....

    The whole ED inpatient system is ridiculous. I think it can do a lot more damage than good. I know more than a few girls who left the hospital worse than they started, with new tricks up their sleeves that they learned from other patients.

    Hope you enjoy your day. Happy shopping!

    1. You never know Mich
      Six degrees of separation and all that

      I know right?
      It's like going to prison and coming out a better criminal
      It doesn't make sense x

  3. I have some old stomping grounds that I avoid also, for many of the same reasons. I hope this trip brings back more sweet than bitter memories. :)

    Interesting how recovery has been easier for you at home than inpatient. It seems that all I ever hear is that inpatient is crucial for any lasting recovery. It's good to know it's possible.

    1. It most definitely is possible S
      I am living proof of that
      I don't think inpatient is for everyone
      You really have to be strong in your determination to recover
      But then again
      I'm sure that I patient works for some x

  4. Dublin is honestly one of my favourite cities in the world, I'm so jealous that it's so accessible for you. Saying that, I can only imagine the kind of misbehaviour that it can catalyse. I think you are super brave for being able to go back there as much as you do. GO RUBY, GO GO! Xo

    1. Aw thanks Piggy
      I love when you comment
      You are awesome!
      I will buy one of your books for sure when they are ready to go x

  5. Hey Shelby,

    I wonder how different my life would have been if I had just stayed in that job and kept my head down
    They were even going to pay for me to go to college
    My 19 year old self didn't give a flying fuck about those sort of things

    Hope you well x


Thank you for leaving some love x