Friday 13 November 2015

Honey and Lea, 10 years on

My dogs are now over ten years old
Honey is actually older than Lea
Although you wouldn't think it
But they are starting to act their age
Lea is always eager to go for a walk
But Honey elects to stay home some days
And cuddles up in her bed when she sees me putting on my jacket
I got Honey from the dog shelter
And the second day I had her
She was hit by a car on the road 
She was fine though
She is a tough little cookie 
As you know
Honey lost an eye earlier this year
It was quite the traumatic event for her
She had made a remarkable recovery
It takes more than that to stop a feisty little terrier
Honey often gets ailments now
Her paw gives her trouble 
And some days she doesn't move from her bed 
She is still as cheeky as ever though 
No matter how many times you tell her not to do something 
She will do it any chance she gets 
If the hall door is left open
She will sneak down and make herself at home on my bed 
One thing about Honey 
Is that she loves her food 
After she has finished her dinner
She will go over to Lea
To see if she has any left
When she hears the biscuit tin being opened 
She comes running 
Honey likes to think that she is the boss of everything 
But in all reality
Lea could really hurt Honey if she wanted to
She just lets Honey think she's the boss

Lea on the other hand
Is a gentle giant 
She's more sensitive 
More gentle 
She just wAnts you to rub her all day long 
And if you stop 
She will nudge your hand with her head until you start again
Lea is quite needy
And any time I walk in to the kitchen
She gets up and follows me 
My mother jokes that Lea is a special needs dog 
Because she is not as smart as Honey
But I think Lea deserves more credit than that 
When I let her out at night for her last run before bed 
When she is finished 
She will go around to the sitting room window 
And bark for you to let her in
That's pretty intelligent if you ask me
Lea was almost a Mama once
She was pregnant with puppies 
But when we brought her for a check up 
There were no heart beats 
Although she still had to give birth to them
So it was quite the traumatic experience for her 
Lea found it really difficult when I was In treatment over the years 
Mum has told me how she fell in to depression 
And her fur even fell out
There is no doubt
Lea is a sensitive little soul

Lea and Honey have been a source of great joy in my life 
A dog is a great companion
A friend for life 
They have have been an integral part of my recovery too
When I couldn't find a reason to get out of bed
I got up for them 
When I didn't want to leave the house 
I left to walk them 
They have been by my side every step of my recovery 
They have enriched my life 
I really believe that animals have the power to heal us 
Whether it's horses
Or cats
Or hamsters 
They take us out of ourselves 
They remind us to forgive 
They give us something to focus on other than ourselves 
They are loyal and loving companions 
I love them so much 

I'll leave you with this saying 
I wish I was as great as my dog thinks I am 


  1. I completely understand how you feel about your dogs. Mine are substitute children and I cherish them. I love their affection and some days taking care of them is the only reason I get out of bed. Dogs are innocent and pure of heart.

    1. So true
      They love unconditionally
      And so very loyal
      I reckon that everyone should have a pet
      For company and mental health x

  2. you can guess there characters just from the photos, so loveable, jo xx

  3. He. He
    I guess you can Jo
    They mean the world to me

    Hope you well x

  4. omg omg, soooo cute! all three of you!
    btw i love your new hair. but better not shave it all of until summer comes. i have done it once when i was 16 , in winter and it was so cold! i totally underestimated this function of hair...

    1. Ha!
      That's good advice Josefine
      Maybe I will hold off until summer
      Although our summers are not the hottest
      It is starting to get really cold here now
      How is the weather is Austria? X

  5. *"you're not the Boss of me!! i shall 'carpe bed'--mine or even YOURS(!)--Anytime I WANT!!!"*
    ;• )

    ¡OhnO! poor Lea, Rubly!! D: D:
    & I'm so sorry you didn't get to be a grandmum!! :'(

    →In re quote: Don't worry, Hun, you totally ARE-!←

    <3, Jils ((Huggles))

    1. Thanks Jils
      I can always depend on you to brighten up my day x

  6. This post made me smile so much. My dogs are the same for me. On days when I choose to start drinking too early and can't get out of bed....they watch over me. If I get too "quiet" they nudge me or cry at me until I move. And they are my little clowns!! They both will do everything in their power to make me laugh, and keep me laughing when I'm having a bad day.

    Sounds like you and your dogs have been through a lot together.

    1. We really have SW
      Sometimes they are the only thing that keeps me going x

  7. This is so true my dog has helped me so much through my recovery she is my best friend. Lea and Honey are adorable :)

  8. Dogs will always love you, no matter what. Angels on earth, truly.


Thank you for leaving some love x