Wednesday 11 November 2015


A few months ago
I saw a photo on Facebook
It was of an old woman
With a quote beside it
I can't remember the quote exactly
But the essence of her message has stayed with me ever since 
And that message was
If you just go outside wonderful things can 
You never know who you might meet
What might happen 
If you just step outside your front door 
The possibilities are endless

For a long time
I used to get up before dawn
At 6am
Sometimes 5am
To get everything done early
To walk my dogs 
Do my shopping 
Which was usually binge food
And when I saw I did my shopping 
I mean that I stole my shopping 
It's hard to imagine being in thdt place now 
I can't fathom stealing anything now 
But back then 
I was in a dark place
So yes
I got up early 
To avoid people 
To avoid having to talk to Anyone 
To avoid life 

Back then 
I usually arrived home before 9am
And depending on the day
I would either spend the day drinking
Or abusing prescription drugs
Or bingeing and purging 
It was a relentless attack on my self 
I stayed in my living room all day
Watching TV
Zoning in and out of consciousness 
Sleeping my life away 

My life is different
Now I don't make myself get up so early 
I get up at about 8am
I do t go crazy trying to get everything done
I take my time 
Walk the dogs 
Do my bits and pieces 
Go in to town 
Meet a friend 
Live my life

Today is a great example of how going outside is good for the soul
Honey has a sore paw, poor love
So myself and Lea headed out in the car
We parked in the village 
And walked down to the wooded area beside the woods
There we met a woman with a beautiful little shitzu 
We spoke for a few minutes 
About our dogs 
Until Lea barked and wanted to go
Having a dog is a great way to meet people I find 
I love talking about my dogs
And I love talking to people about their dogs 
Yesterday I was down at the lake
And when I got back to my car
Someone had left a packet of dog treats under the wiper of my car
How nice was that!

After our walk 
I decided to go for a swim
I've recently started going back swimming
I stopped going when the weather got really bad last year
And once you stop going 
It's hard to go back
But with my sisters help
I started back last week
And am thoroughly enjoying it again 
While in the pool
I met a woman who I used to meet last year
We had a lovely chat 
About anything and everything
After 100 lengths 
I left the pool feeling great
Squeaky clean
Like I had done a really good work out 
I came home 
Had my breakfast 
And felt like I really earned it

This is just a small example 
Of how if you go outside 
Wonderful things can happen
Often times 
The biggest battle I have 
Is getting off the couch
And out the front door 
But once I am out 
I am always glad I made the effort 
Whether it's going for a walk 
Or going to a meeting 
Or meeting a friend 
It's always worth it 
I know it can be tempting 
To stay in doors 
Especially during these cold months 
But if you go outside 
Even just in to town 
Or the local shop
You never know what might happen 
Or who you might meet 
It's the same with writing this blog
Because I put myself out there 
In a very public way
Amazing things have happened since I started writing this blog 
The best of all being that I have made the best of friends 

I have a feeling at the moment
That good things are on the way
Got so long
I had this horrible sense of impending doom
I felt like something awful was going to happen
And it often did
But for me and my family
Things are beginning to turn around 
As you know 
My family has had more than its fair share of trouble and stress
I grew up in an unhappy home 
With a horrible atmosphere 
And addiction 
I lost my way for a long time 
And at one point 
Four out of six of my family were in active addiction
I can not describe to you how miserable those years were
But now 
The four of us are in recovery 
And I can't remember a time when things were better
My family are closer than ever
Even though my parents are separated 
We still all meet up regularly 
And my Dad often stays here 
When my Mum was working
My parents used to swap houses during the week
A strange concept I know
But it worked for them

I am so grateful that my family is now on the mend 
And in a good place 
God knows we have been through the wars 
Now we get on
We laugh 
We meet up regularly 
We support each other 
And love each other through the ups and downs of life 
As my Mum often says 
Given what we have been through 
We are not doing too badly 

I feel grateful today 
For my life 
My family 
My dogs 
My friends 
I feel so blessed to have been through addiction and mental illness 
And made it out the other side relatively unscathed 
I get on with every member of my family 
And have never been so close to them
Even though I live with my Mum
It feels more like I share a house with her 
Rather than like living with a parent 
I love living with my Mum
We get on so well
And enjoy each other's company
Then there is Honey and Lea
The light of my life 
They bring so much life and energy and fun to our house 
They are getting older now 
They are both ten
But they are still as lively as ever 
And I love them to the stars and back

So today 
I urge you to go outside 
If you are struggling 
If your mental or physical health is not great 
If you are battling mental illness or addiction
If you feel depressed
Or even suicidal 
If you are afraid 
Afraid of others 
Of life 
Of yourself 
If you feel trapped 
Like there is no way out 
Like you are struggling 
Falling apart
Breaking in to pieces 
If you don't like yourself 
Hate yourself in fact 
If you just want to hide away in your house 
If life has beaten you down 
And you feel like you want to give up
Go outside 
For for a walk 
Talk to a stranger
Smile at someone 
Acknowledge someone 
You never know what might happen
Who you might end up speaking to
Wonderful things can happen 
If you just make the effort to get out there 
Out in the world 
With others 
You never know what might happen

Do it
Do it today 
It will be worth it
I promise you.....


  1. 0ui, Rubs, 'tis v true-!!
    I was out ystrdy, (SHOULDN'T hv been due to physical "ailings"--TMI for here!!) & it was chock-full of Blessings, even to getting a free busfare b/c the woman who cut in front of me jammed the farebox c Hers-!! [hehe :D]
    I experienced love, fellowship AND 3 spontaneous reunions[-!!] & would not hv traded it for the World, despite the inconvenience-!
    [Even saw a rainbow…] *_*

    Here's to many 'rainbow-days,' for the BOTH of us

    <3 & Huggles, Jils
    PS: sorry baby's paw is sore! :(( hoping it heals straightaway!
    [maybe she'll hfta 'crosstrain' c Swimming for a bit…-?? ; )]

    1. Yes Jils
      Here's to many more
      So glad you had a good day too
      God knows you deserve it x

    2. 'daww…

  2. I can also relate to been in that dark place.
    Your right getting outside does help, I have bad social anxiety, so I put it off a lot of times, but I know I need to push myself to get out more. Such an inspiring post!

    1. It's tough with anxiety
      Almost crippling so
      But well done for pushing past it x

  3. Oh yes can understand this so much.want to be home by 4 everyday.dread anything that stops that
    Sad but comfortable x jo

    1. Sad but comfortable
      That is so true Jo
      I find it so hard to leave my house for more than a few hours
      Sad but comfortable x

  4. I read this on my lunch break today. PERFECT timing! My job responsibilities said that I didn't need to take a break, but your blog.....made me think that maybe I need to get out of this place for awhile. So I bought a salad and sat in a park. It was....blissful. (I'm commenting many hours later though) I'm currently in a very weird place of needing people and not knowing how to.....need people. If that even makes any sense.

    I LOVE finding people who love talking about their dogs. My two dogs are my god-send sometimes.


Thank you for leaving some love x