Sunday 10 January 2016

Sunday 10 January

Like a lot of things 
Blogger reflects life
Many many different communities 
All formed by the labels that have been given to us
Lifestyle blogger
Make up 
Blogger has space for all of us
And our little corner of blogger
Is where we have all gathered
To support each other 
To get support 
To connect with others like us 
To identify 
To help each other get through the daily grind that is mental illness 
Even though it seems blogger has gone out of fashion
We still meet 
Every single day 
To read 
To write 
To not feel so alone 
It's an enormous part of our lives 

Blogger also reflects life
In that people come and go all the time 
In my life 
There has been a revolving door of people in and out for as long as I can remember 
Blogger is no different 
I guess I am thinking about this 
As I am coming up on 4 years blogging
And it's human to look back and reflect 

When I first started blogging 
Back in 2012 
There was a buzzing and thriving community
It was amazing to be part of this exciting movement 
Every day 
There was a large number of blogs to read 
It was both terrifying and thrilling to witness 
Sad that this community was needed
Yet so grateful to have the support 
I have met the most amazing people through my blog
And reading other blogs 
The best of friends 
Some of you have been there from the start 
Some of you are newer to blogger
But the amazing thing is
Everyone is welcome 
There is space 
And a place for us all
But of course 
Many have come and gone over the years 
Often with out reason or explanation 
The odd person might explain their reasons for leaving 
Maybe they are recovering 
And need to move on
Some feel the community is no longer healthy or helpful 
More often than not
They just vanish off the face of the blogosphere 
Never to be heard from again 

Two fellow bloggers who I befriended over the years 
And became very close to 
Have since left the blogosphere 
Deleted their blogs 
And don't reply to my messages anymore 
The first person in question 
Had been part of the ED blogging world for a time 
But had then 'recovered' And left
She still blogged 
But nothing to do with ED 
We were closer than close
We texted every day
She was a great support
But we disagreed over one fundamental issue 
She maintained that the ED community here on blogger was unhealthy 
She dismissed our comments on each other's blogs as sentimental drivel 
She urged me time and time again to leave 
Or at least branch out a little 
Not inspite of her honesty
I loved her because of her honesty 
As a lot of the time 
She made good points 
But alas 
We got in to a nasty argument 
And haven't spoken since 
I have since found out that she wasn't in recovery at all
She was severely underweight
And her life was crumbling around her ears 
I dont know how she is now 
I don't know if she is ok
If she's blogging 
If she's even alive 
I regret the argument we had 
We both said things we didn't mean 
I'd love to know how she is 

The other girl was a similar story 
We became very close 
Very quickly 
In constant contact
But again
We came to an impass 
And she fell of the face of the earth 
I still feel the loss of both friends 
There is a hole in my life that they once filled 
But that's life I guess
Not just life here on blogger 
People come and go
Nothing lasts forever

I have been thinking though 
Is this the reason that so many have left blogger?
Because they have found it to be unheAlthy? 
Is it unhealthy?
Are we deluding ourselves that what we have here is beneficial?
I worry about that 
I worry that we are enabling each other
Because of someone doesn't want to get well
We don't question that 
Of course that is supporting a choice someone makes 
But is it also supporting the illness?

I guess like everything in life
There are positives and negatives to blogging 
And there have been many times over the years
That I have weighed up blogging 
And whether it does more bad than good 
But I have always come to the conclusion
That the positive outweighs the negative 
My blog has saved my life many times 
The support and love and well wishes I have received had been overwhelming at times 
Blogging has helped me find a love of writing 
It has opened up many doors
With amazing people and experiences 
I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you 
Do you think ED blogging is healthy or unhealthy?
Do you think the pros out weigh the cons?
What do you get out of blogging? 
How long have you been blogging?
Inquiring minds want to know....


  1. It can be at times "pissing in your pocket" if yoy know what i mean. But i love a happy ending. Xx


  2. Ha ha ha. Just realised that was an aussie expression. Funny cos i think i heard it on The Young Ones. Anyway, I'll let you look that one up!!

  3. Never heard that one before Shelby
    But I love The Young Ones!
    Am definitely looking that one up..... X

    1. Just looked it up
      And yes I agree
      Love this expression
      I shall endeavour to use it in daily conversation.... X

  4. I think they can be good or bad, and like most things in life, they are often both.
    Blogs are diverse, so are people. So are stages of recovery. In my own experience, when I was really down, recovery blogs were really helpful, but now that I'm really fine, they're more like an addiction. There's a question for all of us about the role of our past in our present.... When and how to "move on", when and how to stay and be there with others.
    I think it is also often hard to know what to say and what not to say on blogs that one reads. Sometimes one can see perfectly well that a person is kidding themselves about health, but it isn't always so obvious whether one will do more good or harm if one points that out. Sometimes one is really worried about someone, but one can't do anything. Sometimes one makes a thoughtless comment, and then realise later how awful it was...
    Like any human interaction, it is difficult. And there are good things and bad things, and it's up to us to reach for the best by the lights we can see.
    Love, and have a good Sunday.

    1. I definitely agree
      There is good and bad in most things
      And life is not black or white
      There is always a huge grey area too
      Where most things reside

      Thank you
      Hope you have a good Sunday too x

  5. How do you know what happened to these girls when you haven't been in touch? and how can you judge whether someone is recovered or not you just knew via blogger? it might make you feel better for a short while to imagine that people are worse off than you, but this is speculation, and not fair and really out of the character your normally portray yourself as here.

    1. I am not judging anyone
      Not at all
      It was in fact the girl herself who told me how I'll she was
      It was the last text she sent
      Her weight and height
      And BMI
      It is not speculation if she told me herself
      I think you are reading too much in to this......

    2. Also
      It does not make me feel better to know she is struggling
      That is actually you speculating now
      I never wrote that

  6. Ruby, I think Blogger is a mixed bag and not good or bad in itself. I DO think that most of the community doesn't do hard call-outs on disordered behavior, but you can also choose what audience you encourage on your blog. If you ever met Kazehana, she pulled no punches - ever - and I loved and respected that about her, even when we disagreed (she doesn't blog much anymore though).

    I think for the most part if you want to be sick, you seek out a sick community, and if you want to get well, you seek out a recovery community.

    1. You make a great point Tempest
      I agree
      We seek out others like us
      Depending on where you are at
      We are drawn to others the same as us
      That's human I guess

      No I have never heard of her
      Does she have a blog? X

  7. Like Tempest said, there are good and bad sides to everything. What matters is what you get out of this community. If it helps you, then that's good. I know blogger has helped me enormously, and I've made some really good friends here (including Tempest, who I finally got to meet in person last autumn!). Plus your blog helps others who are struggling.

    In February, I'll have been blogging for six years. I don't think I've ever been this committed to anything in my life....



Thank you for leaving some love x