Tuesday 12 January 2016

Tuesday 12 January

January is a tough month
It's dark
It's cold
It's so very hard to get up of a morning
It's getting so cold that we are expecting snow 
Now I happen to love snow
But only if I don't have to go out in it
Lying in bed this morning
The wind howling
The rain pelting off the window 
It feels like the end of the world it's so noisy
Trying to get up out of a warm cosy bed is sheer torture
The dogs woke me up this morning
Lea began barking at about 8am
I always get up when I hear Lea
As she only ever barks when she has to pee
So I jumped out of bed 
Ran to the kitchen 
In to the utility room
Where Lea was waiting patiently at the back door 
I let her out 
And promptly ran back down to bed
Where I allowed myself another 15 glorious minutes 

So far 
In this post 
I am doing a sterling job at writing about anything other than how I am struggling at the moment 
I am struggling 
And it's nothing to do with the time of year
Or the cold 
Or the darkness 
I feel like I am dragging myself through life at the moment
My days are punctuated with eating and purging 
I can't say I am bingeing 
As the amounts of food I am eating are typical portions
It's still too much 
Any amount is too much 
It has nothing to do with weight anymore 
I could be 5 stone or 50 stone
It doesn't matter anymore 
My head is well and truly wrecked 
I get up 
Walk the dogs 
Take my meds 
Zone in and out in front of the TV for a while 
All the while eating and purging 
And weighing a ridiculous amount too
My mood yo-Yoing as my weight fluctuates 

I spoke to my Mam last night
About the possibility of going back in to treatment 
I don't know if it's a knee jerk reaction
Or just an overwhelming need to do something about my situation
I am probably thinking prematurely 
I mean 
I have just started seeing Mary again
I should give that a chance first 
And anyway 
By my own admission
Treatment and that environment never really worked for me 
From home 
It's easy to slip in to the thinking 
That if I go to treatment
They will make me better 
But of course it's not like that 
You have to do the work 
You have to make you better 
And for me 
It seems that I do better from home
So that is plan A
I can think about treatment when and if I need to 

I think my psychiatrist is right though
My mood has dipped in to a depression
Death doesn't scare me
Life scares me more 
The last time I saw Breda 
She that I was 'too young and too talented' to sit at home wasting my life away
But the thing is 
And as I am getting older 
Anxiety about the smallest thing is swallowing me whole
My writers group started last night 
I couldn't even peel myself off the couch 
Never mind get out the front door
Now it's the next morning 
And I am so sorry that I didn't go 
I told myself that I need to focus on my health first 
And I do 
But I also need to break this pattern of anxiety 
And running away from life 
I am hoping that seeing Mary will help
And possibly an increase of my meds 
It was when I was put on Prozac almost two years ago that I was able to pull myself out of the binge purge cycle 
It really helped 
I Am now on 40mg
And the professionals talked about increasing it to 80mg
Which I am not opposed to 
Whatever works right?

I know sooner or later I am going to have to take a leap of faith where recovery is concerned
Either take a chance on living my life 
Or stay in my illness
Where yes 
It's safe 
It's comfortable 
But I know I am missing out on so so much
Social events 
I am just so afraid 
And it's keeping me paralysed 
Stuck in this house 
This room
This illness 
And the older I get 
The harder it is to do all these things 
Before I know it
It's going to be too late 

I'm hoping with the help of the professionals 
I can turn this around 
And turn this relapse from a negative thing
In to a positive learning experience 
Even though it may seem like it
I'm not giving up
Not one little bit 
I'll fight until the bitter end 
Right now 
I am just tired 
I feel like part of me is crumbling under the weight of all this stress 
I am lucky though 
I have an amazingly strong family around 
Who are my back bone 
My Mum is endlessly patient 
And kind
When I get upset 
And feel like all is lost 
She is the one who dries my tears
And helps put the pieces of my life back together 
She always tells me with such conviction
That I will get better 
I will be all right 
She is so convincing 
That I can't help but believe her

The plan is 
To engage with Mary, Breda, my doctor, my psychiatrist 
Eat little and often 
Purging as little as I can manage 
Take it easy 
Spend time with my dogs and family 
Meet with good friends 
Don't beat myself up 
Don't be hard on myself 
Focus on the positive 
The good things in my life 
Build myself up physically And mentally 
Allow myself to eat the things I want to eat 
Listen to my body
And give it what it needs 
Don't isolate 
Surround myself with good and positive people 
Who will help me through this 
In short 
Just keep putting one foot in front of the other 
And keep going 
As I always say 
Baby steps all the way
As baby steps add up to be great strides 


  1. I sleep with my bathrobe under the covers and put it on before getting out from under the covers. It still sucks getting out of bed, but at least it's not quite as horrible.

    If you decide to go for inpatient treatment, it would probabaly be better to stay away from places devoted solely to eating disorders.

    Whatever works is right. The 40mg obviously isn't helping at this point, your body has probably gotten used to it. Maybe try the increase.

    Would your mum do the writing group with you? Or go to a meeting with you? Maybe tell her to drag you out of the house, that would make that first step easier.

    1. Yes that's a good idea Mich
      I might ask my mum or sister to come with me the next time it's on
      I really need the support just to get there

      And yes
      I think avoiding places devoted solely to EDs is best
      The place I was in before has all kinds of mental illness
      It's still tough though
      Being around other disordered people
      It's something to think on I guess

      Thanks Mich x

  2. I hate winter. Absolutely abhor it. I don't have a yard since I live in an apartment but I live across from a park so taking my dog out isn't fun in the winter because I have to bundle up and take him across to run around. I swear January and February are the dead months. I always feel like it's bone freezing cold and when I'm struggling with seasonal depression it hits hardest in those two months.

    What helps me is working out. I take a pre workout and then I have to go because I spent money to buy that and so I can't very well waste it and driving to the gym means I need to commit because I'm out the door using my gas. I also measure out my food, but I don't do that to be neurotic in an eating disordered way, I don't because I calculated my macros and to lose fat a healthy way and maintain muscle I need to make sure I eat so many times a day with so much food. They're all small meals of about 2 or 300 calories and about 30 grams of protein each and then the various amounts of carbs and fats and all that tedious stuff people don't tend to care about. :) sometimes the routine of cooking and prepping and saying, okay, my body needs this, I need to go work put or be active at this time and then following through can help me get out of a slump. It's also helpful when I socialize, even though I didn't want to originally, going and doing it makes me realize that I didn't actually want to hide out, I wanted to connect with people, I just didn't know it. I also have a roommate that knows I struggle sometimes, especially under stress at school, so they come in and take the blanket off my head and tell me to get up. :) having a job works wonders too. I don't want to be there but I'm glad I went after it's over.

    These are, of course, just things that help me, but I think they're right when they say you have to get up and do things even if you don't want to. Hopefully the medication will help and getting support from professionals will too. I'm thinking of you and hope you know that I'm here for support.

    1. Thanks Eve
      I appreciate your support

      It's really interesting to read about what helps others
      You sounding like you have a really fulfilled life
      A good balance I think
      With me
      I need to start from scratch
      Get the basics
      A good foundation
      Before I do anything else
      Whether that be education
      Recovery of course
      Or some type of work
      Once I get on top of things physically
      I will tackle the rest

      You are an inspiration Eve
      Love you lots x

  3. soooo whatever happened to that clothing store you stole from months ago?

  4. The worst part about depression is that everything else around you falls apart and you look at it and can see it happen, but it's so hard to do anything about it. Even a simple thing like taking a shower is like climbing Mount Everest. Bay steps, baby steps. Increasing the prozac would probably help, even if taking pills isn't the most fun thing in the world. Whatever helps...

  5. I know its harder said than done but try to make yourself do some of these things that scare you before you are better. I dont think it has made me better but it def takes my mind off it all day and gives me reason to try xx

  6. Ruby, I know it's hard....but the more you hide, the worse it will be. One of my favorite quotes is from the monk Thomas Merton:

    "The more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you, in proportion to your fear of being hurt. The one who does most to avoid suffering is, in the end, the one who suffers most.”

    xoxox Small


Thank you for leaving some love x