Wednesday 13 January 2016


I check my stats from time to time 
To remind myself that people do read
When I feel like I am shouting in to the abyss that is the internet 
And no one is hearing or reading
I also like to see where my traffic comes 
And what search words led people to my blog
My blog comes up on the first page of Google when you type in certain words to do with EDs and addiction
This is both exciting and scary
As you know
I don't write anonymously 
I'm honest about my struggle 
My face is out there for all and sundry to see 
And I don't hold back
I guess I don't know any other way to be Recently 
I've been wondering about my stats 
And how they compare to the average stats of a blogger
I get on average 
Between 400 and 1000 hits a day 
I don't know if that is a lot or a little
As I have nothing to compare it to 
Obviously I know some of you
But there seems to be hundreds of you that read and I don't know 
I'm interested to find out who you are 
I also like to check views from the top ten countries 
The U.S. and the UK come in first and second 
And then other countries like Russia And Norway and Malaysia also feature 
It still boggles my mind 
That people from all over the world read my blog
I'm hoping that it is a force for good
And helps readers in some small way
This blog is a huge part of my life 
It's more than a hobby at this stage 
I treat it more like a job
Albeit an unpaid one 
But still a job of a kind 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you
How many hits a day does your blog get?
Do you check your stats much?
Do you write anonymously or not?
What are your reasons for this?
I'd love to know.....


  1. I used to be able to see what people searched for that led them to my blog, but with Google's new privacy whatever now I can't. I miss that. The most common google search that brought people to my blog was "woman electric chair". Not sure if I should be amused or disturbed...

    It is mind boggling seeing that people from so many different countries are reading. The most mind boggling is checking statcounter and seeing that someone actually sat down and read every single post of my blog from start to finish.

    Hope you are well <3

    1. Yes Mich!
      It never ceases to amaze me how people find my blog, read and comment
      Most of the time I get such lovely comments
      It's only the odd one that is nasty
      But I'm getting better at shaking them off now

      I am doing ok thanks
      Trying to hang in there x

  2. I don't know how many I get. I actually lost four followers. Maybe it's because it rakes me longer to post these days, but I don't think anyone really reads me much these days either. I thought about getting rid of it but it's too sentimental and I want a place to put my thoughts. I blog anonymously because I write about personal things and I would never want anyone I know to read my writing unless I specifically gave it to them to read. I did give several blogger friends my Facebook though so I don't mind that since no one mentions how they know me. :)

    1. I lost over 20 followers too recently too Eve
      I actually think it was blogger getting rid of inactive accounts
      As a lot of people lost followers all at the same time

      Yes it seems that blogger is a bit past it now
      Most people go to Tumblr or Instagram

      Hope you are doing ok my dear x

    2. It must have been. I've been playing with some post ideas. I had a messy six month period and now I'm coming out of it and I want to wrote about it all. Keep a look out. :)

    3. You just gained a follower :)

    4. You just gained a follower :)


Thank you for leaving some love x