Wednesday 6 February 2013

Did you know?

Did you know  that people who are the strongest are usually the most sensitive?

Did you know that people who are the kindest are usually the first to be mistreated?

That those who laugh the loudest are the very ones who are crying on the inside?

Did you know that the people who look after others are the ones that really need to be looked after?

That people who have been through the most hardship are the ones who have the most hope?

Did you know that those who have been to hell truly know what heaven feels like?

That those who have the most fear truly know what courage is?

Did you know that those who have next to nothing really know what gratitude is?

Did you know that those of us with the hardest exterior usually have the softest interior?

That those who talk the most really say nothing at all?

That we can say more with one gesture than we can with a thousand words?

That those who say nothing are the ones that need to be listened to most?

Did you know that even the most beautiful people can be truly ugly on the outside?

That sometimes we need to surrender in order to gain control?

That it's possible to feel lonely even when you're surrounded by people?


Did you know that sometimes we have to let the ones we love the most go?

That sometimes the greatest gift we can give someone is telling them no?

That in order to see the light we have to experience the darkness?

Did you know that the greatest gifts our parents can give us are roots and wings?

That we need rules and laws in order to be free?

That sometimes it takes losing ourselves to find out who we truly are?

Did you know that the hardest things to say are 'I love you', 'I'm sorry' and most of all 'Help me'

Monday 4 February 2013

Medication Monday

I usually look forward to Mondays
Monday is doctor day
Medication day
Medication Monday
My appointment is at 9am every Monday morning
Purposefully made at that time so I am first and  don't have to wait long
Usually I have a quick chat with my doctor
Today I told him about my weekend spent severely constipated
I'll spare you the gory details
Although I will say that it involved horrific pain, my stomach bloating so much I looked 9 months pregnant and a healthy dose of laxatives and suppositories
I collected my precious scripts and headed to the pharmacy
My pharmacist is not the friendliest person
Not like the old pharmacist
He always made sure to ask how I was doing
This girl only speaks to me to tell me of their current special offers
I wander around looking at make up and perfume as I wait for my meds
I chat to some of the staff who know me well by this stage
The pharmacist calls my name
I pay, thank her and leave
I get back to car where my dogs are waiting patiently
I turn on the radio, light a cigarette and rest it in the ash tray
Now at this stage I usually rip open my bag  of meds
Drink about 2-3 days of methadone
2 days of anti anxiety meds
And maybe 2 days of anti depressants
Then I take my dogs for a run on the beach as I wait for the meds to kick in
I usually head home, blog and spend the rest of the day in a haze of sleep and cigarettes
Repeat Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Time loses all meaning until I wake up on Friday morning and try to piece together the events of the past few days

So this is what I would usually be doing today
But a phonecall yesterday changed all that
My father spends the weeks with me
My parents are separated the last 12 years
But my mother still works where we used to live so during the week they swap houses
My Dad comes up here and my mother goes and stays in his house
Strange I know but it works for them
So my Dad rang yesterday
He asked me very politely to take my meds properly this week
He said he couldn't remember the last time he had a proper conversation with me
Or the last time I was lucid
He said I wasn't giving my dogs as much attention
In short, he asked me to hand over my meds to him and my mother
So they can control how I take them
I've had this conversation with one or other of my parents so many times over the years
They express concern and frustration
I agree to take them properly
And I do for  a while but in the end I always end up abusing them again
Lather, rinse, repeat

Having said all that I do have an issue with taking these meds at all
Olanzapine and mirtazapine have the notorious side effect of weight gain
They stimulate the appetite
So therein lies my problem
I can either abuse them, enjoy oblivion but risk over eating, thus binging and purging
Or I can not take them at all, restrict but have to deal with reality
Of course I do realise there is another option
Take them as prescribed and be careful not to over eat
But I've never been one to opt for the happy medium
I tend to be a person of extremes
All or nothing
Black or white
Take them all or none at all
So what's this messed up girl to do?
I'm throwing the question out to you
Do you have any experience with these drugs?
How did you manage?
Do you think I should continue to take them?
I really can't decide

Friday 1 February 2013


In the last couple of weeks I noticed that I've lost 3 followers
Now I'm by no means devastated by this but it does make me wonder why
Has this happened to anyone else?
What would make you unfollow a blog?
Answers on a postcard please.....

Competition time!

I noticed that a few other blogs were running competitions and give aways
So to do something different I decided to run one here

The prizes are the best that I could come up with
I wanted to include something Irish so that's the 'Get up and go Irish diary'
It's a 2013 diary that's filled with quotes and positive affirmations
I had one last year and found it very useful
Also a book 'Anorexia, a stranger in the family' by Katie Metcalfe
Angel cards
And also a l'Occitanne hand cream

The competition opens today, runs all week and will close next Thursday at midnight
Please bear in mind that if you win I will need your address so if you're not comfortable with that maybe don't enter

And so the question

Describe you or your life in 6 words

I'll announce the winner next Friday
We'll communicate by email to get the winners address and then I'll post the prizes to you

Good luck!! x

Wednesday 30 January 2013


I've been meaning to write this post ever since I came back from Australia but kept putting it off
I was a bit concerned about what certain people might think but I think I'll write about it anyway

I brought 33 days worth of methadone to Oz with me, which was just over a litre
Plus my other meds
I was managing fine
Taking the right dose everyday
On the second week I threw out all my anti depressants
I'm not sure why but it seemed like a good idea at the time
I had brought a measure to measure out my methadone but wasn't using it
I was basically eye balling how much I took
I also spilled some one day
So I got to my last week and the bottle looked decidedly empty
I measured it and to my horror realised that I only had 3 days left
Cue panic
I had 7 days including a 24 hour flight to get through
I could have spared it out
Stretched it as much as I could
But I just couldn't take the risk of going in to withdrawal on an international flight

So I did what any addict would do and decided to hunt down some methadone
I thought about trying to buy it on the street but that was too big a risk
Doing it the legit way made more sense
I made an appointment for that morning with the local doctor
This was a risk too as some doctors will just not entertain addicts
I sat in the waiting room with my mother reading trashy magazines
Then I was called in
It was a female doctor which I was glad about as sometimes they are more sympathetic
I told her about my predicament and thankfully I had a doctors letter to confirm that I was on methadone in Ireland
She listened carefully and took down my details
She explained that she could not prescribe methadone but she would ring some clinics to see if they could help
I watched as she rang clinic after clinic
My hopes were almost dashed when a private clinic agreed to see me
The doctor wrote me a detailed letter to give at the clinic and wished me good luck
The appointment was made for 7 30am the next morning
I still had no guarantee that I would get methadone but it was worth a shot

Early the next morning my mother and I set off for the clinic armed with a map and my doctors letters
I was hoping that it would all go smoothly but I was prepared for disappointment
On the bus 2 women got on
I knew by looking at them that they were probably heading for the clinic too
We found it easily and went in
The girl behind the counter said 'Oh your from Ireland, we've been expecting you'
My mother waited downstairs while I went up to the waiting room to see the doctor
The receptionist up there said 'Ireland?' before I even opened my mouth
I took a seat preparing for a long wait
Methadone clinics are not the nicest of places to be
People are antsy, anxious and sometimes desperate
It can be an intimidating place
I had no sooner sat down when one of the other people waiting started to kick off
He was waiting to see the doctor and needed to be at work
He verbally abused the receptionist
A petite little woman about half his size
She dealt with it well though and didn't seem phased
The receptionist seemed interested in me and kept asking me questions
Before I knew it I was the topic of conversation in the waiting room
Why was I there?
Where was I from?
What drugs did I take?
And so on and so on
The receptionist let everyone go in front of me who had to be at work and so after an hour I was finally called in to Dr. Browne's office
To my surprise he was Irish
What a stroke of luck
He looked at my address and said 'My brother won a swimming gala there once'
He took my details and told me to come back in an hour
He didn't even take a urine test
So  my mother and I went to a cafe to wait
She told me about the people she had met in the clinic
One girl explained in graphic detail how her brother was tortured to death
Like I said, methadone clinics are not the most pleasant places to be

We had tea and toast and discussed all the characters we had met
I felt very guilty for dragging my mother through this
It was the last few days of our holiday and we should have been making the most of it
Instead here we were in a seedy methadone clinic
She said she didn't mind
Unfortunately she is used to such things

We made our way back to the clinic
Again we had to wait until the doctor was ready and after about 20 mins we were called upstairs
'Good news' he said
'I rang the department of health and we can prescribe for you'
Relief flooded through my body
He handed the precious script and I brought it to the girls downstairs
Yet again I had to wait
This is the thing with drugs including methadone
In active addiction I spent most of my time wating
Waiting for dealer who were in no hurry at all to come and meet you
If they said they'd be 20mins, you could bet your life they would be over an hour
Same with methadone
You wait for the doctor
You wait for the script
You wait for it to be dispensed
And because you need these drugs, waiting is like torture
I know it's because these drugs are so tightly controlled but that doesn't make it any easier
They agreed to prescribe me 3 days
I would collect one dose today
And then come back the next day for the other 2
It was a private clinic which meant I had to pay
8 dollars a dose plus 30 dollars to see the doctor
But I was willing to pay anything
I watched as the girl pumped the methadone in to a little cup
I was surprised to see it was a different colour
Where as at home it is bright green, here it was a pale orange colour
I downed it in one and it was vile
I struggled not to throw up
I think the difference was that here it was sugar free, where as at home it is filled with sugar
It didn't matter though
What mattered was that I wouldn't be sick
Thank God I wouldn't be sick

Afterwards I thought about how scary it is to be so dependant on methadone
I have to have it every single day or else I will go in to withdrawal
And that is not something I want to experience
It is physical and mental torture
It feels like your body is trying to turn inside out
I guess this has taught me a lesson
Never take chances with it
Measure it properly
Bring extra if I I think I will need it
And the thing is that nothing else will do
If you are sick the only thing that will make you feel better is methadone or opiates
Not valium
Not benzos
Not sleeping tablets
I've been on methadone for almost 9 years now
Ideally a person is not supposed to be on it this long
It is meant to be a stepping stone between using and getting clean
But all too often we are left on it indefinitely
I have made some progress though
Over the years I have worked my way down from 70mls to 30mls
No mean feat
This year I hope to decrease more
Although the thought of that is scary
It's a lot like thinking about life without my eating disorder
I want to get clean like I want to live without anorexia/bulimia
But I'm worried that I won't cope without it
I'm worried that I will go back to heroin
So even though life is quite difficult with it, it's easier than living without it
It's a crutch
Something that helps me get through the day
The first thing I do every morning is take my methadone
And as well as being physically addicted, I'm also psychologically addicted
If I missed a day I probably wouldn't miss it but mentally I would crave it
Once an addict always an addict

Is there anything you can't live without?