Saturday 2 June 2012

The plot thickens

Good morning lovelies,
I hope this post find you well today,
Thank you so much for your kind comments yesterday and your advice about my dress, I really do appreciate every comment and reader
I'm heading in to town today to look for a dress and I'll definitely keep your ideas in mind
I'm probably on my own here but I don't like shopping all that much, well I don't mind it but it's the trying on of clothes I don't like. A lot of the time I buy clothes on line so I can try them on at home. But I think it makes more sense to go to the shops for this dress because I do want to get it right. Wish me luck!

The dreaded night binging is driving me batshit crazy. I was up every 2 hours last night and it's just not right. Obviously it's disturbing my sleep and I'm wrecked during the day.
I'm blaming the fasting. I'm not eating enough during the day so I'm waking up in the night absolutely ravenous and then proceed to raid the cupboards and then purge.
I have a path worn from my kitchen to my bathroom.
So I'm abandoning my fast, it just doesn't work anymore. I have no other plan, just to eat enough so that I don't binge. I guess that's what most people do.

The heat was stifling as I was walking my dogs this morning. It reminded me of a summer I spent in London when I was 23. Before the summer I was living with my mother in a renter house as her and my father had separated a couple of years previously. By this stage I was a few years into my drug addiction. Things were chaotic to say the least. My mother was doing everything she could think of to get me to stop but to no avail.I wanted to stop but I didn't know how and the sickness and mental torture I felt when I didn't have drugs was too much to bear. My aunt in London came to my mother with an idea, she had heard of an outpatient service in the city that dealt with drug addicts. They detoxed the addict with a medicine called subutex and then implanted them with a device so that if the addict used they would get no affect off the drug. I know it sounds a little crazy but we were desperate. I agreed to going mostly because I just couldn't carry on the way I was and I needed a break.
So off we went to London and the next morning I had my first appointment. I remember the Dr's name was Dr Kindness. He prescribed me the subutex and also prescribed me valium and another med I can't remember the name of. This surprised me because valium is highly addictive but I went along with it.
The detox was relatively straightforward, I guess because I had valium and sleepers and I also drank heavily.
Then came time for the implant. They implanted the devise into my hip and it released a drug called naltraxone into my system over a 6 month period meaning if I  used heroin in the next 6 months it would have no effect. Soon after I heard that a place in treatment had come up for me at home so I travelled back and went as soon as I could. I will save the treatment story for another day. But did the implant work?
Well it kept me in treatment for 6 months but after almost 6 months to the day I used again, the drugs had no effect and in fact the implant worked for almost a year, that didn't stop me trying though.
I have since found out that Dr Kindness and his team of implanters were closed down because they were prescribing too liberally. Go figure.
So yea the heat this morning reminded me of that summer in London, I spent most of it in a drugged up stupor but strangely I have fond memories of that summer, weird I know.

On that note I will leave you with my alltime favourite joke,
How many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, the lightbulb has to want to change itself

Thank you very much, I'm here all night. lol!

Anyway time to go dress shopping, I hope you enjoyed this installment of a day in the life of a messed up girl.

Enjoy your Saturday,

Much love to you xxx


  1. isn't it just horrrible how "being messed" up can become such a big part of our identity?

    i have never suffered from any drug addiction and i can only imagine how much you have been through/ you are still going through.

    your blog is written so very well and lovely, and i really hope to be witnessing your journey from "the messed up woman" to all the beautiful and exicting things you have the potential to be!!!

    PS and yes, would love to see pictures of your gorgeous self!

  2. Hey :) I am glad you were able to take some fond memories from an otherwise tumultuous time, and I am glad you are giving up trying to fast if its not working out for you.. I hope you find a lovely dress today, you are beautiful - dont let the ed tell you otherwise! Much love xxx

  3. I will try to enjoy my saturday I am off to work in another 5 minutes. You know I had to come and say hello.

    I didn't even know you had asked for advice on a dress. How the heck did I miss that. that's okay. I am sure the other ladies steered you in the right direction.

    Yeah fasting doesn't work out for me too well ether. It's like I will only lose 3lbs in what 4 days. Never made it past 4 days and that was so long ago too. Every time I try now something always pops up where I have to eat so I do see the point of trying. Yeah I think the no fasting should help the nightly binges for sure.

    Thanks for sharing another piece of your life. I took basic pharmacology so I know a little about the drug replacements. They can really help a lot of of people. Don't think you can easily get your hands on it as a doctor ether. They keep that stuff locked up and there has to be one other doc present when you go to get it( at least here in the states )

    Have fun shopping. i haven't been shopping in so long. Maybe in another month or two when I have some money saved up and I am 20lbs lighter.

  4. Hahaha that was a good one. I'm gonna have to tell that to my mom, she's having a down day I bet it'll cheer her up. Good luck with the dress shopping let me know if you find anything! <3

  5. LOL I thought that was great. Sounds like that summer in London has bad and good things that came out of it. Good luck finding a dress sweetie.

  6. Hope you found a great dress! I love online shopping as well...easier to find clothes that are short enough, oddly enough...Norway's petite section is nonexistent.

    I've never heard of that implant treatment before... probably a good thing that facility closed down to be honest, it sounds like they didn't really know what they were doing "/ xx

  7. We had a similar program here and I think it was shut down for the same reasons. It boggles my mind that it's so hard for addicts to get a treatment that actually works, you would think they would make sure it was readily available.
    I still have some entries to read, I hope you got your dress! I hate clothes shopping too. Nothing I wear ever looks on me what it looks like on the model or the dummy. I'm glad that I haven't found any communal changing rooms since the 1990's here not that I've been to that many places. That is just too hard now! I'm sure you will look beautiful in your dress xx


Thank you for leaving some love x