Monday 5 November 2012

Monkey see, Monkey do

I was looking for something in my room last night and I stumbled across a bottle of laxatives
Monkey see, monkey do
They had the desired effect but now I am as weak as a kitten
Monkey see, monkey do

I saw my doctor this morning
I had been rehearsing my speech all weekend
It was simple and to the point
'I'm abusing my meds and I want to die'
But something happens me every time I walk in to the doctors surgery
All of a sudden I put on an all singing all dancing performance
'I'm fine'
'Everything's fine'
'What me? No I'm a-ok,
'Hunky dory'
'Everything is tickity-fucking-boo'
In the same way I seem to break down everytime I see Mary, I seem to turn in to a model patient everytime I see my doctor
The best I could manage was say that 'my mood is low'
And 'I've been overtaking my meds the last couple of weeks'
Big fat lie, more like the last couple of years
He questioned me some and eventually agreed to reduce the olanzapine, something I've wanted him do for a long time now
But he had no other suggestions
And that's my fault really for not being completely honest
But who wants to admit that there on the edge
That they fantasise about their own death
That everyday is a fresh hell
I've seen this doctor once a week, every week for the past 8 years
I think that's part of the problem
He knows me so well now
He has seen me at my worst and my best
I don't want to disappoint him by telling him that I'm drowning
It would be like trying to tell my father that I want to die
A lot of the time I find it easier to talk to strangers than I do people I know
I just don't want to worry people or let them down
But a stranger is a stranger so there is no fear of hurting them
This is probably why I can talk to Mary
She is still relatively new in my life and therefore not so involved
I have no trouble making eye contact with Mary but can't with my doctor
It has crossed my mind that I should change doctors
But he is the only doctor in my area that can prescribe methadone
And so I continue to play well
Continue to make believe that I am ok

My parents though, are not willing to let my abusing my meds continue
We have come up with a system whereby they dole out my meds depending on who is here
It takes responsibility away from me but it also removes temptation
I need to stop overtaking them
I need to stop running
I need to start dealing with whatever I'm trying to escape from
Watch this space

I had a bit of a revelation as to why I'm holding on to this illness
It suddenly occurred to me that this is the only thing I have
Other people have jobs, friends, college, hobbies
All I have is this
Other people excel at something, be it work, education or a favourite past time
This is the only thing I am good at
Others have degrees and PHD's
I have a first class honours in anorexia/bulimia
A degree in fucked-up-ness
My eating disorder is like a full time job
I work hard all week ie restricting and exercise
And I expect a big fat pay check in the form of weight loss
It's the only thing I think about
The only thing I talk about
Weight, food and numbers occupy my every thought
Others stand out because they are an expert in their chosen field
My chosen field just happens to be disordered eating and drug addiction
I stand out because I have an eating disorder
I stand out because I was a drug addict
Not the best thing in the world to be known for but al least I stand out
Without it I am just a girl
Just another face in the crowd
As much as I don't like to admit it my issues make me different
Although it could also be argued that I am just another girl with an eating disorder
No different to millions of girls the world over
But in my mind I am unique

Gosh, I think I have officially stopped making sense
Does anyone know what I mean?


  1. it feels like ur just existing not living
    i sit staring at other people n think why cant i be like them not have anything that worries them just to be free from restricting and thoughts of suicide
    but the only thing thats guna make u turn bk to living is u parents can help like givin u meds but the only one can ever change anything is u
    like u were a dance teacher thats a talent!
    id love to be able to do that n the only thing stopping you is you...
    dont be a victim of your own mind
    much love

    1. Thanks for this and you are right, I am my own worst enemy and I am in my own way
      I'm seriously considering treatment again, maybe in the new year
      Nothing changes if nothing changes, right? x

  2. I can totally relate to the whole thing about your doctor. I'm literally about to walk out the door and see my psychologist. She always asks me how I'm doing and as much as I want to tell her that my thoughts are literally screaming, I can't get myself to. But...I filled out this big survey thing last time I was there... so maybe that can just say it all, this time. Oh well.

    Stay Strong, Beautiful <3

    1. I'm glad but sorry that you can relate if that makes sense
      It is really difficult to put in to words how we feel

      I hope things go well for you today

      Love to you x

  3. When I wanted to say something to my doctor that I knew I wouldn't be able to say aloud, I wrote it on a note, folded it in half, and gave it to her as soon as I walked in so I couldn't not give it to her. Maybe try that next week? Or post the letter now to get to him before you see him? Or tell Mary to contact him.

    What do you think? xx

    1. That's a great idea, it takes away the uncomfortable feeling of having to say it.
      I had hoped that Mary would have rang him but I only saw her on Friday so she still might

      Thanks for this suggestion, I think I will do it x

  4. Totally understand how being new in someone's life can influence how much you tell someone. I've recently stopped telling my bf every time i throw up because I don't want him to think I've slipped again.
    I'm wondering if you found something else to do during the day if it would reduce the temptation to engage in behaviors? I'm sure you've tried this and thought of it before.

  5. Yes Emily I have been trying to think if thinks to do so I'm not tempted. I need to get out of the house more and try to stay busy.

    Thanks for the suggestion x

  6. Awe sweetie, I know exactly what you mean with your doctor. Mine has been my doctor my whole life, so I find it hard to be honest with him at times because I don't want to disappoint him. Your parents sound like they really care about you and are trying to help. It will most deffinetely help with temptation. You are more than an average girl. We are all unique in our own ways. Stay strong and stay beautiful.

  7. Thanks Katie, I am blessed to have parents that have never given up on me even though I've put them through hell

    Hope you are doing ok x

  8. When you talked about your revelation, unfortunately, I was like me too! I love your parents support, oddly it gives me comfort. Maybe just because I know you deserve them, I don't know. Anyways.
    Does the abuse of your meds make your behaviors worse? If it does, it sounds like your 'ed voice' prevented you from being honest with your doctor. But if that's not the case then disregard that last statement.
    You are so lovely and unique! I'm not quite sure how I stumbled upon your blog, out of the bazillion of others, but I'm so thankful I did. Much love my dear, hope you have a good week xx

  9. Thank you Melrose for such kind words
    My abusing my meds does make my eating disorder behaviours worse and that's one of the reasons that I want to stop

    Love to you too sweetie x

  10. I have the same problem with my doctor! I used to be a type A, perfectionistic student before depression came along (I was fine in that regard when simply anorexic) and I think I am still trying to get an A+, albeit this time it's in treatment. Often it is completely unconscious, though. In the moment I will think I've been doing far better than I am, and it's only when my psychiatrist asks a bunch of non-subjective questions that we realise that no, I haven't been as "fine" as I reported.
    I bet you also have a knack at appearing far better than you are. That too can become automatic.

    1. I think so Sam. I have a well honed act that I practise and rehearse, I spend all day every day pretending that I am ok in front of my family so yes I think I even fool myself sometimes too. It's true it does become automatic.

      Thanks for your comment x

  11. I can never be honest with doctors. I haven't met one yet, who I feel actually cares a damn, apart from their paychecks. I've become so good at pretending to be ok.... but I'm not fooled..

    I TOTALLY get what you mean about your eating disorder being the only thing you have. This is what crushed me the most when I was in recovery... I was NOTHING apart from ED. I was brilliant at controlling it, but not at anything else. Without it, there was no excuse or reason for me or my life to be so fucked up. And so, I went back to the only thing that I seem to be good at. I don't bother fighting it anymore.

    Don't ever think you don't make sense :) I think the best thing about these blogs is that fellow sufferers can identify and realize that they are not alone, when they see that others have the EXACT same feelings and issues!

    Keep fighting beautiful! x

    1. I don't doubt that my doctor cares, he spends a lot of time on me but he just understand eating disorders, he probably thinks he does but he doesn't.

      Thanks for your kind words Destiny x

  12. have you ever considered making your specialist area your expertise? you could be outstanding at counselling, giving support to other people who have the same problems. i would appreciate someone like you in my life so much, really. even though you're still very ill you've oversome drug addiction, you're a winner in that field. please keep sharing your knowledge i know there's many people out there who appreciate it just as much as i do.

    1. I actually have considered that L. I just don't know where to start. Helping people is something I'm passionate about and educating people about the reality of eating disorders.
      I guess it's something that I could look in to.
      Maybe not right now but definitely in the future, I'm sure Mary could help me with that.

      Thank you, that's a great suggestion x

  13. Being disordered *does* make you special. It's one of the hardest things to give up. I know exactly how that feels, and the fear of being average/boring/normal/(nothing). At least, that's how I felt. The problem is that it's not sustainable. Being exceptional at not eating, or bingeing and purging, or restricting, purging, laxative abuse... it doesn't offer any long-term solutions. Also, the malnourishment exacerbates the suicidal feelings. Is there anything... anything at all... that you would want to channel all this energy into? Sustaining an eating disorder/addiction takes a lot of perserverance, sacrifice etc. These are all positive qualities that can be directed towards positive goals. Other than "not being disordered" what would you most want to do in life? (excluding the times when being disordered is all you want) Is there any way, no matter how small, that you can start to channel some of your motivation and determination into those things? Nataly. xo.

    1. I have thought about this Nataly. I often think that if I put the same energy into something positive that I do in to my eating disorder, then I might actually accomplish something.
      I'm passionate about helping people, whether is be drug addiction or eating disorders. I also love animals so maybe something in that field. Also since starting this blog, I realise that I love writing and it helps me so much.

      So I guess there are other things that I could possibly be good at.
      Thanks Nataly for getting me thinking x

  14. *Wraps you in a massive hug*

    I think we put on the facade of 'Super-shiny-I'm-fine-really' because we don't want to be judged, negatively stereotyped, get told to harden the fuck up or to be perceived as being weak. Because those reactions are belittling, humiliating and terrifying we don't speak up about how we are really feeling. It takes one hell of a lot of bravery (or a huge pile of 'I don't give a flying fuck') to be able to admit to not wanting to live.

    The stupid fucking reactions of others kill silently. It's because we're so damn afraid of their reaction that we don't speak up and end up being murdered by silence and the fear of stigma.

    If it takes the temptation and ability to abuse them away from you then it's a good thing. Because you've been trying to escape whatever-it-is for so long when you stop running it WILL try to leap on you like Slenderman and arserape you for all it's worth. Ride the bastard out and remember that YOU are meaner and tougher and nastier than it and it will get weaker and you WILL be able to throw it off. When you look it in the eye you will know what it is, what its weaknesses are and how to beat it. It won't be easy, but it's so much better than letting it control you by forcing you to run away all the time. Shove your sword into it's gut, watch it flop and die then walk away to freely be the Badass Ruby you are.

    Without them you are a person who the kind of tenacity and single-minded dedication to 90% kill herself through disordered eating habits, but the inner strength to say NO FUCK YOU! and live. You have the free time and energy to find what else you could be good at, discover the things that REALLY make you happy and to go after them like a terrier after a rat.

    You'll never be mundane or banal or average, no matter how hard you try. I'm sorry, you've already proved you have more courage and strength than ten other people put together. That automatically makes you outstanding. How many people beat off drug addiction and then survive and ED? I don't know of any. I only know one other person who has had the balls to beat their drug addiction off as much as you have. You're both very special people.

    I don't think that giving up the disorder will make you boring. It will let you find the less-deadly-to-the-self ways that you are special.

    That is, of course, the perspective of someone not living in your head and stuck on the other side of the world who only knows you through your words.

    This guy inspires me so much, I hope you like it too.
    Your thing may not be art, but keep poking around until you find what you enjoy. You can explore EVERYTHING, you can do ANYTHING.

    I understand about the NaNo thing. Next year, hey? Omg I need guilt-tripped into catching up after yesterday's horrible day of not-writing. Chapter one will be up tomorrow, but chapter two is so shit I want to print it out just so I can burn it. I only wrote 500 words yesterday after 45min-1hour of sleep. So fucking BAD.

    All my love, hugs and hope to you from the little islands in the pacific. Kia kaha, Ruby. You're bloody amazing *huggles*

    1. Awh Peri thank you!!!

      You are like my daily dose of positivity and humour and I am getting hooked

      You are so right, I've been running for too long and it's time to stop and turn around and see if what I'm running from is as bad as I think it is.
      It's day 2 of taking my meds properly and it's tough, reality bites but al least I'm not spending the day in a stupor. Now it's time to find other things to do, time to find out what I like to do.
      As someone wise once said to me 'it's not all about me'
      I'm giving my family peace of mind by not having to worry if I'm going to slip in to a coma or burn the house down.
      Time to suck it up and grow up.

      You will get back on track Peri, take some time to get a good sleep and then attack it again when you feel more able.
      You have the makings of a brilliant story there and I just know you will tell it so well.
      Don't worry about not meeting your word count, you will have off days but you will catch up.

      Sending you inspiration, motivation and 2 matches to keep your eyes open

      Your friend from the little island in the altantic

      Ruby x

    2. Lol, your daily dose of sleep-deprived spazzatron.

      Not looking at something always makes it seem bigger and scarier. Cockroaches you can't see are a zillion times worse than the ones that you know where they are. Isn't the shortest horror story on earth "Where did that spider go??"? I hope you can find out what it is that has been scaring you. Always here with hugs and love and shitty jokes.

      Reality does suck, but now you have time to do things and make stuff and watch anime! It's a good thing. Seafood Dude got me hooked on this website
      So many cool things I'll never make XD
      It's good that they don't have to worry about that. I don't have to think you may have choked on your tongue or something if you don't post for a few days :p

      You're right. I'll spread the catch-up over a few days instead of trying to do it all in one go and getting jaded. The story is coming along (Chapter 1 is up) and chapter 2 is going to need a FUCKTON of editing. Editing is, of course, for LATER.

      I'm getting through this busy patch by tellin gmyself to get it all out of the way NOW so I can enjoy the rest of my holiday without it hanging over my head. Using the idea of maximising your overall utility we got taught about in economics to get my arse moving. I should have done philosophy too!
      The hardest part is getting started, after that momentum carries you on.

      Lol, thank you for the matches! I should use them to light some fireworks. Yay for roman candles! I can pretend to be my Warlock IRL! (Yes I played WoW. I won't play now because they wrecked all my favourite places in the Cataclysm expansion. Flooding Thousand Needles and giving half of the Barrens to the fucking Alliance scum? COME ON, BLIZZ! STAHP!)

      Sending you strength and all my love and a billion hugs from Down under. *huggles*

  15. Hello Ruby,

    though our life-situations might me a bit different, I'm troubled with pretty much the same issue and have been thinking it over a lot recently. All my life I've focused on problems and disorders and now that I might both be wiling and able to let go, I realise that I have absolutely nothing to turn to. All I have is this mess which is my life. I have no idea how to change that and I'm not at all sure if it's possible to change it. Which makes me so damned affraid of the future and makes me hold on to my ED.

    I understand you so well, yet I hope you'll be able to collect some new motivation to go on. Sometimes things that look impossible can look less frightening on a different day... I'm hoping for that different day, I hope it will come to you, too!

    C x

  16. Thank you c, I'm glad but sorry that you can relate. I hope you can move on from your troubles and have a good life.

    Today I'm feeling better and dare I say it a bit more positive, I'm taking my meds properly and can notice a difference in mu mood

    Love t you x

  17. p.s ruby, you don't have to answer this, but i'm going to buy a cross trainer or a stepper because my hands keep going numb when i walk outside for miles upon end, and i bought a stepper before but it broke within weeks, and yours seems to be working still... what one did you get? i just dont want to waste my money but i understand if youd rather not say xx

  18. I don't mind telling you.
    I got mine through a catalogue called Argos and it's a Reebok one
    It cost 78 euro and it's really good
    I'm trying not to use it so much as I find it really addictive x

  19. I know Argos :-) Thank you.
    Also, maybe we should set each other a challenge: to write a letter or note and give it to our respective doctors on monday. im breaking too, and shes the only one ive known long enough to trust. maybe if you knew i was taking that step, you might feel better too, and vice versa?

  20. That's a great idea, I'd definitely be up for it if you were
    Writing it down would be a lot easier than telling him
    Let me know if you want to do it x

  21. Put down the laxies... Please?

  22. I have, won't be using them again x


Thank you for leaving some love x