Friday 2 November 2012

The Crying Game

I saw Mary this morning
I actually thought I was ok until she started asking me about my week
Then I remembered that I had overtaken my meds every day
Then I remembered spending up to 3 hours on the stepper every day
Blurred images of me marching from my kitchen to my bathroom every half an hour
The meds give me a ravenous appetite and I binged and purged like it was going out of fashion
I didn't really notice during the week how messed up my behaviours were
But then again I was out of my head
I couldn't make eye contact with Mary
I was afraid she could see through to the blackness of my soul
She asked me to read the letter I wrote to my eating disorder
I started but tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't continue
She read the bit about my having a passive deathwish and she paused
She asked me how I would rate my mood from one to ten
I said 3
She asked me if I had a plan
I said I did but I know I won't go through with it
She said I should go to my doctor today and tell him
I said I would but I knew in my heart that I wouldn't
Halfway through the session I felt an extreme urge to run out the door
To tell her that I couldn't do this anymore
Death scare me but life scares me more
I stayed and answered her questions but my heart wasn't in it
As she spoke about 'regular eating' I was already planning a fast
No food and few fluids

This would be so much easier if people didn't care so much
It would be so very easy to vanish if I didn't think that I'd be leaving a trail of hurt and pain behind me
But they do care and that is the only reason that I'm hanging on
My weight went up this week
Only slightly but still a gain
Another reason to hate myself and beat myself up emotionally
She told me the number which I didn't want to know
Now I have to get lower than that number
Now it's imperative that I'm never that number again
I drove home in the driving rain at break neck speed
Only half paying attention
Willing the car to veer out of control
But of course it didn't

So where to go from here?
Down the rabbit hole that is anorexia?
Or take Mary's advice and eat regularly?
She said that everything will improve when I eat that way
My mood, my energy, my will to live
But I think of myself in recovery and I can't quite picture it
It's hard to imagine having a job or going to college, having a circle of friends, a social life and hobbies
I told Mary that I just want to be on my own
Or rather I just want to be alone with my eating disorder
Give her the control because I don't want it anymore
Let her call the shots
I'm  just so very tired of having to fight
I'm so sick of the tug-of-war going on in my head 24 hours a day
Why not give in and just be done with it
Happiness seems so elusive
Peace of mind is a distant dream I once had
I used to be a girl with a dream, now I am a girl living in a nightmare
The thought of having to fight this thing every day for the rest of my life is too much
I 'd rather hold up my white flag and surrender
Inside my head is chaotic
Different voices fighting for control
Every day a fresh hell
That's why sleep is the only release I get
I look forward to sleep
That's why I overtake my meds
Just to get a break from the monsters in my head
Sleeping forever is attractive
I curse the day this illness came in to my life
I didn't want to be this way
I didn't choose anorexia
She choose me
Why, I don't know
Now she is here, an unwelcome guest in my body and mind
Unwilling to let go
Even just a little bit

Something needs to happen, one way or the other
What, I just don't know.........


  1. it's like you took the words straight out of my head. my therapist says i use my eating disorder as an excuse not to even try to live a normal life. as much as i hate it, i dont want to leave it.


  2. Fight the anorexia and eat regularly if you can!
    And I really hope you feel better soon. You said you wouldn't kill yourself but I'm going to ask you to keep living anyway. You're an inspiration to everyone who reads this blog, you're a pearl to your family, and you're a beautiful person just in that you're you.
    You won't lose this battle with anorexia. You've been fighting for so long and you're strong enough that you won't let it crush you. I know you can do it!

    1. Thank you so much Emily for such kind words

      I will keep fighting no matter what
      The meds is a big problem and I'm going to sort it out this week
      I know what I need to do it's just a matter of mustering up the courage to do it.

      Love to you x

  3. I know what you mean, as much as I hate living like this, I can't seem to let it go.

    I hope you find freedom from yours x

  4. I know darling, I know <3 I wish I could hold you until it passes, because it will. I wish I could give you the rest of my strength, because you deserve to make it through. I wish I could give you the bit of sanity I have, for your peace of mind to overcome the chaos inside. But all I can offer is simple words from across the globe and wish that they could do more.
    I'm fighting this fight along with you xx
    Have faith, find hope, stay strong.

    1. Thank you sweet Melrose, your comments mean more than you will ever know.
      To know that I am not alone is some comfort.
      You are a good friend and your words are more than enough

      Take care x

  5. hello sweetheart, I'm so so sorry that you are feeling so low and so desperately unhappy, I wish I could take it away and make it better for you. Please keep going and hang on in there, i love you the world over xxx

  6. Thank you Sweet P

    Love you always x

  7. I wish there was something I could do.. all I can do is let you know I am here for you no matter what.. please dont go through with whatever plan.. I love you so so much, fighting is hard, I understand sometimes it gets too much, but we are here for you when you feel low like now, dont be afraid to lean on people. XX

  8. Thank you Rayya, I have no real plans to go through with it, it just a fleeting thought

    Thank you for being there x

  9. I am so sorry about it.
    I wish I could do something to help you but I cannot.
    All I can do is listen.
    So talk to us.

    1. Thanks, it's good to know people are there, if only to listen x

  10. I wish I could hug you right now sweetie. I know what it's like to live with those thoughts. But I'm glad you feel you won't go through with them. Hurting other people with my eating disorder is what I hold onto the most as well. I hope you figure something out hun.

    1. Thanks Katie, I know you can relate and you are in a similar position. You are fighting this thing and I am too.

      Stay strong x

  11. So much hurt. Just ow. I want to hug you, you sounds like you need a hug. A lot of hugs.
    You're not on your own, we are here for you. Can help you through. Your life after this may be completely different from what you're imagining. Every person is different, so every life is different. You won't really know what yours will be like until you discover it.

    And the fight isn't the same from one day to the next. It's not always tooth-and-nail trench warfare, sometimes it goes to cold-war type status and it will get easier. It's harder to get the boulder rolling at the start than to maintain it's momentum later!

    You can do it. Fuck surrender. Even lying on the floor for a few hours and refusing to budge is better than giving up. You're tougher than the fucker that's trying to take you down. That's why it fights so hard.

    Talk to us, let us carry you for a bit. If that's alright with you, of course.

    I have started NaNo. I've been over the daily target by 2-300 words per day so far. Not much of a cushion, but it's far better than I've done in the past! It's going OK so far, no major snags yet. I'm starting to worry that 50,000 words may not be enough. I seem to take on massive ideas and run out of room/time/steam. Oh well, 50k is the MINIMUM, right?

    Sending you all my love and hugs from Te Wai Pounamu. Love you so much <3

    1. Thank you so much Peri, your words are like big hugs.

      It's true, the fight is not tooth and nail everyday and today I feel slightly better.
      I get days like this every so often, when everything seems to much but there is always something that gets me through, most likely you beautiful people here. I don't know what I would do without all of you.

      Wow Peri, you are kicking ass with NaNo, I am so impressed!!
      So looking forward to reading it if you let me.

      Thanks for your unwavering support and friendship.

      All my love x

  12. Ruby - you can do it, I know you can. I know its hard to see Mary and be honest with her, but you can do that too - she very much wants to help you (we all do for that matter) to get better. I don't know what the secret is or when its magically going to start getting easier, but at some point you won't have to fight so furiously about any of your addictive behaviors. At some point it's going to become more like habit or second nature and you will finally be free. That day will come, Ruby, and you can keep working toward it. Don't lose hope.

    And throw away that damn stepper! Ugh, I want to steal it from you so you can at least stop torturing yourself in that fashion.

    Lots and lots of love and hugs and all things good to you. -Sarah

  13. Thank you so much Sarah for your kind words and support
    I feel a little better today, I need to talk to my doctor about my meds, I either need to take them properly or not take them at all.

    You are right, the stepper is the bane of my life at the moment, I should never have bought it

    Love to you too dear Sarah x

    1. The meds adjustment will make such a huge different and lift a bit of weight off your shoulders if they can get it right.

      Why don't you and your mom take a sledge hammer to that thing? I've heard of people smashing scales with hammers - the stepper should be no different!

    2. It's a great idea Sarah and I wish I had the will to do that right now but I can't lie and say that I will, not yet anyway

      I will see my doctor tomorrow so hopefully the meds situation will be sorted

      Thanks for your concern Sarah x

  14. ah... the old drive as recklessly as you can and hope to crash plan. This thought is constantly in my head. Many a time I've got ready to turn the wheel to face incoming traffic head on... but I always lack courage at the last minute.

    I do not know you personally, but I already see a beautiful soul who is so worthy, beautiful, and valuable. So much that losing you would be a big loss to the world. Keep fighting...

  15. Destiny I'm so glad I'm not the only that does that but also sad if that makes sense. It's strange, I pulled out in front of a car by accident today and my only thought was 'Shit, I wish it had hit me'
    Such a dark way to live

    Thank you for your kind words, they mean more than you know x

  16. I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling this way.
    I just wish I could help you somehow.

    Much love <3 xxx

  17. thank you so much for your comments. You're beautiful too babe <3


Thank you for leaving some love x