Saturday 10 January 2015

Canines, Camino and caring for our community

Thank you all so much for your feedback on my last post
It never ceases to amaze me the support I get from you all
In April I will celebrate 3 years blogging
3 years of being part of this fantastic community
3 years of getting to know some of the loveliest people I have ever met
Starting this blog is one of the better decisions I have made in recent years
Writing here every day has saved my life over and over again
And I have found that I have a real love of writing
Documenting that last 3 years has been amazing
Sometimes I read back over my archive
And it's so great to have all the ups and downs of the last 3 years down on paper
I often read back on an event that has slipped my mind
Or things that I have just forgotten
It's so nice to be able to read a detailed account of my journey thus far

And of course you
I won't mention all your names
You know who you are
You are my dear friends
Fellow soldiers in the fight against our demons
I have never met you
And may never
I don't even know what a lot of your look like
Or your real names
But I don't have to
You all know more about me than a lot of my family
You have been an important and integral part of my story
A key part of my recovery
All of you have have been a piece in the puzzle that is my life
Thank you for that

Back to the business of scale disposal
I have decided what to do with my scale
But unfortunately I won't get to do it today
As the weather here is brutal
I opened the blinds this morning
To see sheets of rain blowing horizontally
Myself and Lea went for a walk
And the wind was so strong I had to hold on to a fence at one point
So I think I will leave my plan until tomorrow
I won't tell you what I am planning to do
I will keep it as a surprise

In other news
I feel like I am on the road back to being myself
I am taking my meds properly
And that has made a huge difference
I feel compis mentis
I feel emotionally and physically stable
And in regards of my ED
Well I have stopped weighing
And that feels amazing
I am no longer an emotional yo yo
My mood and self esteem depending on a number
I feel hopeful and positive
Obviously things are not perfect
But I feel I am getting through it as best I can

I'm sure I mentioned it here before
But for a long time I have wanted to do the Camino
The the Camino is a walk/pilgrimage that is done in Spain
Today, tens of thousands[18] of Christian pilgrims and many others set out each year from their front doorsteps or from popular starting points across Europe, to make their way to Santiago de Compostela. Most travel by foot, some by bicycle, and a few travel as some of their medieval counterparts did, on horseback or by donkey (for example, the British author and humourist Tim Moore). In addition to those undertaking a religious pilgrimage, many are hikers who walk the route for other reasons: travel, sport, or simply the challenge of weeks of walking in a foreign land. Also, many consider the experience a spiritual adventure to remove themselves from the bustle of modern life. It serves as a retreat for many modern "pilgrims".

Ever since I first heard about it a few years ago
I have wanted to do it
Or at least do part of it
But up until now
I haven't been physically well enough to do it
But now I feel that I am 
So my Mother, my sister and I are planning to do it in September
Not all of it as it is 700km long
We are going to do about 120km
In the space of a week
I am so looking forward to this
It gives me a goal to work towards
And something to look forward to
I also need to save about 500 Euros for the trip
So I do need to discipline myself
I have bought a looked money box
Locked it and given the key to my sister
And my  aim is to save 25 Euros a week
Not easy for a shopoholic like me
But I will do my best
I find that if I have something on the horizon to look forward to 
I feel a lot better in myself
Sometimes time can stretch ahead of me
And it can be quite overwhelming  and daunting if there are no punctuation marks

I am also looking for things to keep me occupied
Something to focus on
A reason to get up in the morning
I think I am going to sign up for another yoga class
And am on the look out for another writing course
Starting a course scares me some
As I am notorious for starting things
And not finishing them
But I think if I find something I am interested in
I am more like to complete it

Honey update
After our visit to the vet yesterday
Honey's eye seemed to deteriorate
It's gone very cloudy again
And looks very sore and wet
So I think I will bring her back to vet Monday or Tuesday
I feel so sorry for my little Honey
She is so confused as to why she is wearing the buster collar
And this setback has really knocked the wind out of her sails
We are all spoiling her
And looking after her as best we can
Making sure she is as comfortable as possible
I am hoping and praying that she makes a good recovery

So that's it for today my friends
I hope you have a lovely weekend
See you on the next post........


  1. You seem more clear to....
    The last few weeks (before this one I mean) it was like the addictions took over such a big part of you and there was hardly any reasoning with you..... I've missed you. Not that you cannot talk about how difficult it is (and... on that matter, how is the purging going? Are you also feeling better in your body because that is still on a high level, meaning losing weight??) but I like talking to 'Ruby' , I like reading blogs like this when you are so inside your mind, instead of running wild inside and trying to numb yourself with the M.
    I am really proud of you, little steps at the time, and that you're taking your meds in the right way....

    All our love,


  2. I feel much more clear headed A
    And to answer your question
    The purging has improved
    In that I am not doing it as much
    But still lots of work to do there

    Yay for A and A!
    I love that!
    Love right back at ya from R&L&H


  3. Wow RuubStar! I am even more proud......
    Of course, Always work left but you are doing so much!!!

  4. that sounds an amazing thing to do,have you seen that film, The Way? x jo

  5. I am desperate to do the Camino too. I've done a part of it, but would love to do more, the whole thing in fact. And would love to end up at Santiago when it's the Fiesta de Santiago. I even bought myself a walking guide for the Camino a few weeks ago, how spooky eh?! I hope Honey is recovering well, and that you're still going strong. Xxx


Thank you for leaving some love x