Sunday 1 February 2015

Second meeting

I met the boy for the second time
I met him in the village
And we went back to his place
As his dog had puppies
And I really wanted to see them
I felt really shady
Because I had to lie to my mother about where I was going
As I knew she would worry if I told her where I was really going
I said I was going to meet a girlfriend
Although I think she knew something was up
As she kept telling me to be careful when I went out

So I met the boy at one 
And we headed out to his place 
He has two dogs too
And the puppies were just adorable
We just watched them for ages
We didn't do much
Had tea 
And chatted for a few hours 
I felt more comfortable than I did the first time I met him
His house mate was there too part of the time

Before I went out to his house
I told him I had to babysit at five
So I had a reason to leave if I needed to
But really I could have stayed there all day
We talked about everything and anything
It was easy
I think we both felt comfortable
The longer I was there
The more I felt like we were just friends
He didn't try to jump me or anything 
I was glad of that

At about five
I said I had better go 
So the boy dropped me back down to my car
Then came another awkward goodbye
So I gave him a hug
And we left it at that

I had told my sister where I was going
She had texted me a couple of times while I was out
To make sure I was ok
And I was
I didn't feel uncomfortable or unsafe or anything like that

I arrived home 
And went straight to talk to my sister
I told her about my day
And that ideas pretty sure we were just friends
She told me that I should tell my mum about seeing him
So I decided that I would

I changed my clothes
Made a cup of tea
And joined my mother in the kitchen
I sat beside her
And asked if I could speak to her
She said of course
I told her I had something to tell her
Her face tensed
And I could see she was bracing herself
'I'm back in contact with someone' I said
'Who?' She asked
I told her who
As I said his name
Her whole face seemed to drop
She put her hand over her eyes
And I thought she was going to start crying
She said nothing for a minute
I waited 
She looked at me 
And in no uncertain terms said
'Ruby, you know how I feel about him and all of that crowd' 
She said that she always got a bad feeling about the boy
And that he was 'menacing'
She continued that I had worked so hard to get where I am
And that I was putting my recovery and my life in jeopardy
She really had a very strong reaction upon hearing the boys name
She seemed angry even

I can understand why she had this reaction
I used to use with this guy
And I know my family are still terrified that I could relapse
My mother said that the boy is not welcome near our house
And she would prefer that I didn't see him
I told her that I am an adult
And that I am mature enough to make my own decisions
And I am
I have to say
I don't get a bad feeling off the boy
I really like him
But I do understand where my mother is coming from

So I guess it will be tricky to see him now
My family will be on high alert
I'm not sure how to handle this
Do I respect my mothers wishes and stay away?
Or do I do my own thing
And continue to see him?
As of yet
I really don't know 

Apologies for not replying to comments the last few days
Normal service resumes today


  1. Your mum's reaction is chilling. I never used drugs but from what i know two ex-users as friends might bear some risks, although i am happy about you having a pleasant meeting. I don't know what to think. I am having a very bad gut feeling atm. If we were friends IRL i would probably tell you. But due to the nature of our communication I am just saying take good care of yourself anything else could be misunderstood to easily without a smile and a real hug. I hope you will find reinforcement somewhere else, but in scales and ex-user company,

    Much love,

    1. It was chilling Lilly
      She had such s strong reaction
      I was really shocked
      It did stop and make me think though
      I know I need to be careful
      I feel torn
      I want to be friends with the boy
      But I don't know of that is possible
      I hope it is

      Love to you too my lovely x

  2. You already know what I think....
    I think it is very healthy to have boy issues and be wondering about relationships. Keeps your mind of scales and other addictive things.
    Bút I don't know if 'said boy' is the healthy choice or something from the past inside you, a longing for the times of the past...

    You are the only one who knows if your interest is genuine or maybe also a little glance of what was and what you probably miss sometimes? That whole situation, with this boy and your ex and so on has been a big part of your life, and you might want to be in touch with someone who knows all about that part?

    Just think about it, why thís boy in particular?

    And, try to think of what you have achieved and where you want your life leading to....Does this relationship fit the future you aspire?
    And if you weren't you, but your best friend, would you tell this friend to keep on going like this?

    You have my support, and you know my worries. But I think you are a very smart person and you have a lot to do and experience and see in life, and I know you will succed...


    1. You make a lot of sense A
      It's no secret that I have enjoyed the danger of this relationship
      Part of me knows this could all end in tears
      Yet I feel compelled to see him
      I love to get texts from him
      I like to think about him
      Yet I don't think I have feelings for him
      So maybe it is that I'm feeling nostalgic about that time in my life
      So I'm not fully sure what to do
      I will of course respect my mothers wishes and not bring him here
      But I do want to see him
      I really do

      What's a girl to do..........? X

  3. I wonder if its possible to be able to interact with him under your mother's watchful eye, rather than hiding it. To me, the transparency might help her relax and begin to trust you on the subject. Clearly, you are an adult, but she also vividly remembers your track record with him/your overall group of friends when you were using, and she is truly just trying to protect you. What if you were able to invite him over for dinner or something (I'm not saying you need a babysitter... I just think your mom's visceral reaction should be a major red flag for you, but that she also only knew him a long time ago and maybe if she interacted with him now, she might feel differently). Or what if your sister and you and maybe another friend of yours could hang out together.

    I know you're 33, but your mom is obviously worried for a reason. And I think I mentioned a while back, when you first mentioned making plans to see this man, that I also had a bit of a bad feeling about it.

    Don't ignore the signs, Ruby. Proceed with caution.

    1. That's the thing though
      I don't think she is even willing to give him a chance
      And she made it very clear that she doesn't want him any where near this house
      I don't know
      I think this guy is a good guy
      I feel no menace or badness from him
      But I will listen to my mother and you ladies
      And will be careful
      I have too much to lose x

    2. He doesn't need to be a bad person or intend to hurt you. Just like the places where you used to use aren't bad places, they're just places. It's your history with them that can make them dangerous.

    3. I cannot agree more, Tempest!

  4. The MOST concerning thing to me whenever you have mentioned the boy is that you have been deceptive about seeing him, because lying is such a huge part of addiction baggage. I'm glad you found the courage to tell your mother, even though you didn't like her reaction. A pretty much said what I have been thinking.


Thank you for leaving some love x