Monday 4 May 2015

Come together

As you may know 
My parents are separated 
Almost 15 years now
I had just turned 19
And was in the throes of heroin addiction
It was a truly awful time in my life
My dad was drinking
And was off his head completely 
My sister just had a baby 
And was also drinking to excess
It was chaos
Looking back
I don't quite know how we all got through it

The day my parents broke up was horrible
It had been coming for a long time
But in the end 
It happened very suddenly
I remember we were at home
My mum my dad and my boyfriend
A huge row broke out
I can't remember why 
But my mum and I ended up leaving 
We had no where to go
So we checked in to a hotel
I remember I was starting a new job
In a bank in Dublin
I had to get up to catch the 6 10am train every morning
It was like a nightmare

The next few years were tough
My mum and I rented a house in a not very nice area
Then it all came out about my drug use
And the shit really hit the fan
My family really had it hard back then
Addiction damn near ripped us apart

Then in 2004
I went in to treatment for the first time
And that Christmas 
My mum moved here 
It was a chance for a fresh start 
A clean slate 
Although the next few years were also tough
What with my ED
We somehow got through it
My dad got sober
My sister got sober
And things began to look up

Fast forward to this past couple of years
And things have really improved
In every way
My family is stable
We are all on top of our various addictions and mental health issues
Most of the time
My parents can now spend time together without tearing each other's hair out
Like yesterday
My dad came down for dinner
And is staying for a couple of nights 
It's amazing that we can do that now
Be mature adults
And just get on for everyone's sake

I see my dad every few weeks
So he gets to see how I am doing
He always asks how my mood is
And how my eating is
He doesn't know about my recent relapse
As I fear  it might tip him over the edge
But we talk very openly about things mostly
Yesterday we were out in the car
And he asked me about purging
And if I am still doing that
I can't lie
I am 
It's still a problem
And even though it's a lot better than it was
There is still work to do

I guess I fall in to the trap of thinking I am doing ok
Because things have improved a lot
I forget that by any normal standards
I am still eating disordered
And purging more than once or twice a day
No matter what I tell myself
Purging is not normal 
And it's detrimental to my health

I'm doing the best I can for now
And I'll try and tackle things bit by bit
But at the moment. I am just grateful that my family is in a good place
As my mother often says 
Considering what we have been through
We are not doing to badly
Not too bad at all 


  1. Oh, Ruby, I just want to hug you. You are such a fighter!

    1. And I would just love a hug from you CP
      I guess we will have to settle for a virtual one..... X

  2. You're doing so well, Ruby. Purging isn't ideal, of course it isn't - but remember when you were doing it twenty times a day? More? Don't forget how far you've come. It's good to keep an eye on where you want to be, but keep one eye on your progress too. There's nothing worse than getting frustrated because you think you haven't gotten far enough yet. Look at all the steps you've made already. Look at all the footprints in your wake. I echo your previous commenter: you're a fighter. So keep on making those steps, but don't forget the miles and miles you've already come.

    1. Thank you Cheryl
      For reminding me of the journey so far
      You are right
      My purging was off the scale only a short while ago
      And I firmly believe in baby steps all the way
      I think it is a good idea to look over our shoulders
      And see how far we have come
      It encourages us to keep going
      Keep fighting for a better life
      Thank you so much dear friend x

  3. THank you for having faith in me Shelby
    I hope so
    I truly hope so x

  4. Family drama, so to speak, has such a huge impact on everyone and everything. You are doing really well my dear. Your strength is obvious in how far you have come and I am immensely proud of you <3
    I'm glad things have smoothed out, good environments are so very important for our well-being.
    I know you are going through a rough time, but I hope my words will make you smile a bit because I care about you very much.
    Take care my dear and always remember that life is about milestones. If we focus too hard on the end result it will overwhelm us but if we focus on the milestones, before you know it, you are there.
    Love you lots my dear Ruby
    Mandy xx

  5. after reading this i went back and read some of your old are a different are climbing you. jo xx


Thank you for leaving some love x