Tuesday 13 October 2015

'Damn Unpretty'

I'm in the mood to complain 
So please bear with me 
 I'm  struggling a lot at the moment
With my appearance 
My weight
My shape 
My face 
My hair 
I just feel really ugly 
I feel like I have no redeeming features at the moment
My face is pale and puffy
My hair is grey, limp and lifeless
My scalp has been attacked by a bout of psoriasis 
Meaning it looks like it's snowing from my head
And the medication for it makes my hair horribly greasy 
I've stopped tanning
So my colour is rapidly fading 
So all in all
I feel like a big fat heffalump

Trying to find something to wear of a morning
Is becoming increasingly difficult and stressful
I try on item after item
And I feel like it just doesn't suit me
Doesn't fit me properly 
Or it makes me look fat
I just can't seem to win these days

I know looks aren't everything
I know that what counts is on the inside 
But when you feel so ugly
That Is of little consulation 
I accepted a long time ago
That I would never be one of the beautiful ones
At my best 
In good lighting 
And with a good dollop of make up
I am something approaching pretty
In a kind of girl next door kind of way
But beautiful?
That was never me 
And I've accepted that I never will be 
And that's ok
It just means I've had to develop a personality 
And often that can take you further than beauty 

I am not 
And have never been a girly girl
I've always been something of a Tomboy
I didn't play with dolls growing up
I didn't covet pretty dresses 
I preferred to play in the fields around our house 
Yes, I did ballet
But our teacher was never conventional 
And we did all sorts of dancing 
Not just your  tu-tu type of dancing 
I've also always been slim
Being a competitive swimmer and dancer 
I was always pin thin
Even though at the time I thought my thighs were huge
I look back on photos 
And I see I was wonderfully petite 
It's a pity I couldn't enjoy it at the time 

I can remember when I gave up dancing 
I had heard that when you stopped dancing 
Your muscles turned to fat 
And was even told it had happened to a certain girl 
I was terrified 
And it was part of the reason I started smoking 
To control my weight 
Thinking back
I can see that I was weight and shape conscious from an early age 
Being in ballet attire 
And a swimming suit a lot of the time
My body was on show
And I was very aware of that 
I can remember my ballet teacher told me once 
That I was becoming too thin
And losing too much weight 
I can remember being secretly pleased 
Of course I didn't really need to worry about my weight when I was so active 
I trained before school
After school 
Then ballet 
The gym 
I was always on the go 
But even when I gave up all the activity 
I still remained slim
It wasn't until I left home 
That I put on a few pounds 
But no where near over weight 
I remember I was eating a breakfast roll for lunch 
And pasta for dinner everyday 
With no exercise 
So I did become a little round and rotund 
But again 
I lost it as quickly as I put it on

Then came the drug years 
I literally ate nothing at this time 
And the weight fell off me 
I really looked like a typical drug addict 
Under weight 
Huge black eyes 
Sunken cheeks 
And a haunted look on my face 
At the time 
I had no idea that I was so thin
But I do remember that not eating made me feel good
So in reality 
I think my ED started probably a lot sooner than the age I thought it did
I always say that it started when I was 19
But if I am honest 
It started a lot earlier than that
At least the thinking and the behaviours did 
My teenage years laid the ground work for a very serious ED

Since the age of 19
My weight has fluctuated wildly
Even to this day 
My weight changes on a daily basis 
Over the years 
My BMI has gone from 13 to 23 
And back again 
Over and over 
I have no idea what my weight is now
As I just can't bring myself to weigh
I did lose some weight on holidays 
But it seems that I have quickly put it back on
And then some 
I just don't feel comfortable in my own skin at the moment 
I'm constantly changing and adjusting my clothes 
And buying new clothes
In an attempt to make myself feel better
But of course 
That is just another addiction
An item of clothing can't mend the way I am feeling 
I know I need to work from the inside out
I need to like 
And love myself as a person
Before I like the outside 
I'm doing my best to be a good person 
To do the right thing
And to be the best person I can be 
But it's hard to feel good  when you can't look at yourself in the mirror without cringing 
And feeling so horribly grotesque 
I compare aswell
I look at other girls 
They seem so together 
So confident and cool
And I just feel like a bumbling, awkward 34 year old 
Who neither feels or looks her age 
I still feel like a gangly teenager
Who has not quite grown in to their face or body 
I can't remember the last time I felt pretty  
I know it was a long time ago 
I've looked back over the photos of Turkey
And I've had to delete so so many 
And leave the ones that I can just about tolerate 

I'm tired of hating myself 
I just don't have the energy anymore
I'm not asking for much 
I don't want to be a supermodel 
Or skinny 
I just want to feel ok to be me 
I want to be able to put on an outfit in the morning 
Look in the mirror 
And feel content with what I see
I don't want to try on every item in my wardrobe 
And still not be able to find something that makes me look nice 
Of a day 
I might change my clothes 3 or 4 times 
Constantly looking through my clothes 
To see if they fit 
If they look ok 
It's exhausting 
I don't want to hate on myself anymore
It's very hard to be in recovery 
And feel so awful about myself 
I'm supposed to feel good now that I am recovering 
I'm supposed to accept and like my body a lot more 
But I don't
So where do I go from here?

I guess 
I acknowledge that my appearance is only a very small part of me
Am a whole person 
My weight and appearance are just the shell that incases who I really am
But even still
It's important for me to feel comfortable in my own skin 
To feel like I present well
And look the best that I can
It's tough at the moment 
As I look in the mirror 
And I hate what I see 
Hate is a strong word 
But it's appropriate in this instance 
I hate the way I look 

I'm hoping that this is a phase 
A bump in the road that is recovery 
I know us ED girls struggle a lot with these things 
Especially in recovery 
When our bodies are changing so much 
I'm not going to let these feeling get the better of me 
I will continue to fight against my ED 
And my hatred of myself 
I will carry on with the work I am doing 
With being a good person 
Being a survivor of anorexia and addiction
I should be glad that I have a body at all
After what I've put it through 
I should be grateful that I am here at all 
And should love every inch of myself 
It doesn't come to me easily though
Hate comes more naturally to me 
I will keep fighting though 
I will keep believing that this will improve 
That my core beliefs about myself will change 
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder 
I wonder any one could find me attractive 
And have all but given up hope that I will find someone to share my life with
I will make the best of my situation
I will make the most of what I've got 
What is the alternative? 
Lie down and give up
That's not my style 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you
Do you ever feel this way
Like you can't stand yourself?
Do you struggle with liking the way you look?
Do you find that you measure your worth in the way you look?
How do you deal with this?
Does it effect other areas of your life?
I'd love to know....


  1. Awesome. I needed this.

  2. I don't read any magazines or watch much tv. I don't pay attention anymore to the media standard of beauty. I couldn't give a shit about my looks anymore. Because what is it all for?

    Acceptance? Who knows. I wasted so much time on it. Time/money/energy i could have spent much better. I'm still kicking myself. One time i had good looks and attained 'x' weight but guess what. I was a mess and i hated myself and my life was chaotic.

    Honest to God, i just want to have skills and be known as a capable, honest, reliable person.

    I couldnt care less if i was a fat blob.

    These days i just get really pissed off with my personality. Because i want to make a difference, have goals etc. but I'm sadly not talented so i have to work hard. And thats where I'm at. Learning to work hard to be average.

    But I'm gonna keep doing it.

    We all end up old anyway, might as well make the most of our time.

    Feeling comfortable in your skin has nothing to do with appearance. Obviously if you were 400kg and couldnt fit.through doorways or you were a leper in Bangladesh that would be.different. but you get my point. You become OK with the outside only when the inside.is OK. And then you look good because you have that glow.

    I try to dress modestly in clothes.that make me.feel ready for action. I have a uniform for.work also. I.dont but clothes like i used to. I so empathise with you. I ran up a LOT of debt using ebay as stress relief and distraction.

    Love you lots ruby.roo. hope u ok.


    1. That should say *buy clothes like i used to.
      I was pretty.shopping addicted have to say!!

      I always say all this stuff we do and think has the.same root cause. It just keeps changing shapes. X

    2. I agree with you Shelby
      I find that as I get older
      The less I care about what I look like
      Or what people think of me
      And yes
      I think all these things we use are different ways to achieve the same effect
      Same shit different substance
      They are all ways of escaping
      Checking off the planet
      And running away from ourselves
      You sound like you are doing well Shelby
      And have things figured out
      I hope to get there too
      Someday..... X

    3. Yes and no rubes. In some ways I'm good. Other times I'm just fed up with myself!!!

    4. Pffffft! All i can say is I'm cutting a path through the shit. S

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ruby I am nearly 51 years old and been through the wars of ED and self loathing. In the last ten years I have reached the point where I don't care so much but it never really goes away. I wish it did. Being comfortable in your own skin is just a wistful prayer! I do feel a lot less worried about what size things are, and tend to go for comfort and functionality. Do I wish I had the body I didn't enjoy when I was 19? Sure. Do I want to starve and suffer for it? No.I thought I was fat then. I hope I don't look back at myself when I'm 60 and think, why didn't I enjoy how thin I was back when I was in my 50's? Why can't I just be happy and live my life? I don't know. I don't know anyone who really can.

    1. I can relate to this so much Onelda
      I often look back at photos
      And see that I was in fact thin
      But I thought I was fat
      The cruel thing about this illness is that we never get to enjoy the thug we crave the most, being thin, because we never believe we are thin enough
      I wish you health and happiness for the future x

  5. My thing apart from the ED is obsessive housework and tidiness. Something I can control. It drives my family mad but they have learnt to live with it. That makes me feel guilty. When I look in the mirror I see the damage done by my ED staring back at me. My wrinkled face and dried out skin, my damaged teeth, the general tiredness of my whole being. I look about 20 years older than my actual age. In fact someone recently advised me to change my moisturizer. (Nice! ) But, I am in a better place now and feel lucky to be alive. Really. The physical damage is done but my mental attitude is changing, and I am so happy about that. x

    1. I love this!
      Thank you!
      For reminding me that looks aren't everything
      And our faces and bodies tell a story
      Every wrinkle
      Every tear
      Every bit of wear and tear all have a story behind them
      And that is so awesome
      I am so happy for you that you have found peace with your body
      I hope to get there too someday
      Thank you so much for this x

  6. One of my favourite songs which helps me on days like today:

    "You can buy your hair if it won't grow
    You can fix your nose if he says so
    You can buy all the make-up that M.A.C. can make
    But if you can't look inside you
    Find out who am I to
    Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty"

    Look deeper Ruby, and you'll find things you love

    Louisa xxx

    1. Thanks Louisa
      I had this song in mind today too
      I feel a little better now
      I wrote this post when I was in a complete funk
      I guess we all have days when we feel like we are ugly and fat
      The important thing is to come out the other side
      And live to fight another day

      Hope you are doing well x

  7. I can also relate, I am always worrying about how I look. Always have, it's mainly because of my ed.
    And it has stopped me doing so many things, but you can't let it win!
    You have to keep going and take care of yourself from the inside out, when you feel better on the inside, it will show on the outside.
    I always find doing something simple like putting on a nice outfit that flatters your figure, or doing a bit if makeup or new hairstyle helps you feel prettier.
    Remember everyone is beautiful in their own way! Hope you feel better xx

    1. Yes, I have let my struggle with my appearance hold me back too
      Which is really sad
      I'm sure no one has me under a microscope the way that I do
      Everyone is busy with their own lives
      After writing this post
      I went for a walk with the dogs
      Had a shower
      And changed the linen on my bed
      There is nothing nicer than getting in to a bed with crisp white linen
      It's the little things...... X

  8. Struggling with words today Rubs but just want you to know that you are beautiful. Don't let ED thoughts drag you down any more and keep fighting the good fight. Sorry I can't say anything better, so wish I could help you more. Stay strong xxx

    1. I understand Hun
      And I appreciate you commenting even when you don't feel well
      Thank you for being there
      We have come a long way
      And still have more to come
      It's futile to tell you to take care of yourself on the face of this illness
      But please
      At least be kind to you
      You are so very precious x

  9. its not really what i look like i haven't trusted what i see anyway for years,its a feeling its control i suppose.i can't bear having a full stomach, so try not to eat as much as poss then feel mentally happy but physically rough , so have half a sandwich and its the other way round. not even sure how to eat anymore anything is too much ,I'm not sure what is normal now,. i have other addiction problems too. so in the s**** right now. last month lost a stone and feel half on a high and half like i can't do this anymore.does any of this make sense ?the more i get sick the more i try to hide it ,but no it may have started out that way but i don't care how thin i look anymore,its all inside. lots love xxx

    1. Is that you Jo?
      I think it is
      And I am so sorry that you are struggling so much
      I still find the full feeling hard to deal with
      But I definitely don't feel the same urge to purge anymore
      Thank God
      I know getting we'll probably seems nigh on impossible right now
      And it is a blind leap of faith
      But I promise you
      It is so worth it
      It's terrifying I know
      To even contemplate taking such a risk
      But I urge you to take it
      It will be the best gift you can ever give yourself
      I am always here
      Please don't give up x

    2. yes its me ,i don't purge, tried sometimes but no good at that either!,trouble is don't know if i want to get over it, feel better in a way now i am so in the thick of it feel i have control and a focus,. think i am giving up, i am sorry
      i will be ok i am a functioning addict ,so far anyway xxx

    3. Please, please don't give up, Jo x
      when people are really sick, most people aren't sure they want to get over it and they "feel better in a way", but ... it takes lives. And however hard it is to get to the other side of the feelings, you will know it was worth it when you're there. Can you go to a doctor? Take care, x.

  10. R u SERIOUS-!?
    OC not-!!!

    You lost me, totally can't relate!

    MY self-esteem is thru the roof-!!
    I love myself UNCONDITIONALLY
    @ ALL times, Ev'ry second of Ev'ry hr

    The Chick in the mirror WINKS @ Me
    [FIRST, mind-!!]
    UNFAILINGLY, & w/out hesitation
    EACH TIME I glimpse me thruout the day!
    [think she has a crush on me…-!!]
    but Why NOT?! ; I'm LOVELY
    ;• )

    And Weight?
    [PLEASE!] don't be insulting…
    'tis just a #
    Naught to concern oneself about
    Whyever should something of so
    LITTLE significance
    possibly have ANY effect
    on life's other areas-?!?!

    I runs THIS

    It's ALL in my control !!!

    I look great
    FEEL great
    basically Am great

    Weight is just a #, you see

    *… &THENshe(just)told(her friend)
    thebiggestwhopper (Ever.) In. LIFE*


    <3 jils

    1. Ha!

      You crack me up my dear!! X

    2. Yeh--
      'twas writ outta bitterness, basically…

  11. One of the reasons that I don't like leaving my apartment is because I know people judge me by the way I look. When random people tell you you're ugly, you tend to believe them.

    1. Did that happen to you CP?
      Jesus H Christ please don't tell me that someone said that to you
      I am losing faith in the human race

      CP don't let them get to you
      They are a shower of ignorant f**ks!! X

    2. CP, that's DREADFUL!!!
      How can someone be so cruel!?
      That's so awful
      SNAKES!! >: {

      I hope you realise they were lying !!

      ((hugs)); jils

    3. CP, that's DREADFUL!!!
      How can someone be so cruel!?
      That's so awful
      SNAKES!! >: {

      I hope you realise they were lying !!

      ((hugs)); jils


Thank you for leaving some love x