Sunday 15 November 2015

Ana bites back???

The past week has been tough
And I've avoided writing about it 
Because I don't know if there's cause for concern
I don't know if what I am doing is normal
Or an ED behaviour
I don't know if I should even write about it
But when I read Kate's post the other day
And saw she had the courage to post how she was feeling 
This blog is not about how recovery is all rainbows and unicorn farts
This blog is about reality
About what life is like living with
And recovering from an ED and addiction
And let me tell you
Recovery is not a straight path 
There are many twists and turns
And bumps and obstacles along the way
Sometimes it feels like one step forward
And two steps back
Right now I feel like I have taken those steps backwards
Let me explain

In recent times 
I had stopped weighing 
And was using my clothes as a measure of my size
I had certain items of clothing that were like a gauge for me
One item being a pair of navy trousers that I bought in London summer 2014
These trousers are a size 10
But have a really tight fastener at the front 
When I bought them 
They were a bit too big 
But I like to have a bit of wiggle room in my clothes
Over the next year my weight was quite stable 
And any time I tried on the trousers 
They always fit 
Then this year my weight fluctuated quite a lot 
I lost weight in Turkey
But put it on again when I came home 
About 10 days ago 
I weighed myself 
The number didn't devastate me
In fact it didn't mean a whole lot
But then 
I tried on said navy trousers 
And couldn't close the clasp
Albeit they were just a little bit too tight
But to me
That was unacceptable 

I didn't plan on doing anything 
I wasn't dieting or anything like it 
But one thing was for sure
I was getting back in to those trousers 
I began to be more mindful of what I was eating 
And decided not to eat after my main meal in the evening 
And dare I say it
I even had a goal weight
Am I on dodgy ground yet?
I think so...

The last ten days
Ive been weighing myself every morning 
I've lost eight pounds 
And want to lose a few more 
I must stress though
I am not under weight 
And goal weight is not under weight 
I just want to fit in my clothes 
That's ok
Isn't it?

I don't know 
This all seems harmless
And maybe I  am totally deluded 
The navy trousers close now 
But now I want more room I them 
Is that ED talking?
I don't know guys 
Please tell me if this sounds disordered 
Or if it's normal to want to lose a few pounds 
Because I don't want to go backwards 
I don't want to be underweight
I don't want to put my family through that nightmare again
I've told my mother about my plan
And asked her to alert me if I'm getting obsessive 
I am eating 
And I am not starving 
Or bingeing and purging 
I'm just being a little more careful with what I choose to eat 
I just want to feel ok in my skin
I just want to fit in to my clothes 
I just want to be healthy and happy 
I do not want to harm myself 
Or any one else 

Thoughts please..


  1. O Sweetie, I hv so many thoughts on this!!
    Yet dunno entirely what to say…

    Well, 1ER off, kudos to you for sharing it--we're not just here for unicorn farts, but FsoL ("Farts of Life") as well-!
    Acknowledging to yourself that smthg might not be strictly kosher, is the 1er step, 'confessing' to Others, a giant bonus.
    Rats, the weighing was so okay for a time, but now them blasted PANTS hv got ye-!?!?
    It's always smthg, lurking about, innit-?! : (

    Whilst it's good [PERHAPS] that you've cleaned up your diet, I act said aloud-ly, '¡0hNO! when I saw the amt lost in such a short time.
    Yes, not underweight, but you Yourself hv stated [MANY TIMES!] #s mean close to naught ITO sry, 'in terms of' health-! Not your verbatim, but gist.
    The MINDSET is what cts, non-??

    This appears to be dodgy ground you've approached, Sweet One; PLEASE stay 1 [or preferably TWELVE-!!] feet ahead of this! I'm so glad you told Mum to stay on high alert--You be vigilant also.

    →Rubly-Darling, I Shall NOT lose you to this thing!!! I'm sry, but non-negotiable, it's Not. Happening.
    HE did not Gv you to me only to wrest you away!!!

    Granted, "Ana" can be 1, but I'm a Bigger 1!!!!!
    >: (]
    You're NOT lvg me.….

    <3 <3 Jils ((HUGGLES)) I LOVE you-!
    PS: Right, so today is my 51er: My wish is for you to be WELL…-! ; ) [Please…]

    1. Is it your birthday Jils?
      Oh a very happy birthday
      And thank you for your kind wish

      I appreciate your concern
      I know I need to find a balance
      And not get caught up in the numbers
      Which I have let happen in recent times
      And yes
      It's not about what we weigh
      Rather the behaviours that we use

      It's food for thought
      Thank you
      And I wish you the best birthday ever! X

  2. do be careful will you know when to stop? its hard to find the line of whats 'NORMAL' after all, people find there trousers get too tight and lose a few pounds all the time, but if theres no stop button its different, maybe you are recovered enough to have one now, but maybe not…i worry for you but you doing your best and are aware of what you do. please take lots care,love jo xx

    1. also 8lbs is a lot on a small person! isn't that enough anyway? sorry kettle/pot/black xx

    2. That's exactly it Jo
      Will I be able to put the brakes on?
      I feel I can
      Famous last words and all that
      And yes
      I guess 8 lbs is a lot
      But I don't see any difference
      And I don't think anyone else does either
      But again
      I see through a distorted lens still I guess

      Thanks Jo
      How are you today?
      Going to text you now x

  3. There is a very very fine line between trying to lose weight in a healthy way, and engaging in ED behavior. For those of us still in active recovery, that line is almost invisible. I know for me, I cannot go on a diet. It spirals into anorexia in a matter of minutes.

    Eight pounds is a hell of a lot, and if you don't see a difference, then I would hazard a guess that the ED is in the driver's seat. The ED does not use the brakes ever.

    When I've tried losing weight post-ED, I don't set goals. For me, goals are the first step back into the ED. Instead, I just watch what I'm eating and make a conscious effort to stay away from junk. It's a slow and steady way to lose weight, but it's healthier. I admit, I'm not happy when the smallest trousers don't fit the way they used to, but instead of letting it get to me, I force myself into skirts. They're one size fits all, so I don't have to worry about them being too tight. Out of sight out of mind and all that.

    Take care of yourself luv. xo

    1. Thanks Mich

      I think you are right ya know
      Mindful eating is a lot better than putting a goal weight on it
      I'm glad I wrote this post today
      As I knew I would get some sterling advice from you ladies

      And actually
      I was in the shower this evening
      And I felt bigger
      So I am definitely not feeling or seeing the weight loss
      Bad sign me thinks


  4. I think that in the long run people who simply do not diet or try to lose weight at all after AN are healthier and happier and wholler people than the ones who keep worrying about clothes sizes etc. I think that size 10 is still a very small size, and for many people, myself definitely included, it would be unrealistic to expect to be healthy in that size. Finally, I think that as long as one is not out of control binge eating on a regular basis, then your body will not let you get to a weight that is unhealthy. On the contrary, your poor body has had a horrible time and is trying to keep itself safe. If that means it wants to be a size 12 for a while, let it, as if you were looking after a child (or a puppy!), it needs it. It won't let you get unhealthy as long as you listen to it and treat it with respect. I think it is always ED if you are judging by anything other than what your body feels.
    That's just what I think, obviously it's up to you :) Take care, keep safe. Have fun with the dogs etc. And good wishes to your mum too.

    1. ps reading back over my comment again it sounds very forthright and opinionated ... I am sorry, I hope it didn't come across as harsh. Take care, and well done for coming so far, and for being so quick to watch the signs in yourself. Very best wishes.

    2. No need to apologise
      I really appreciated your candour and honesty
      And this is exactly one of the reasons I write so publicly
      To connect with others
      Like you
      And the other ED sufferers and survivors
      Because you always
      And without fail
      Tell me what I need to hear
      Rather than what I want to hear

      I think you make some really valid points
      Similar to what Mich wrote
      And I am already re thinking my whole 'lose a few pounds' thing
      So thank you
      It means a lot that you commented x

  5. Anna!!!
    You don't know how good it is to hear from you
    I've often thought of you and wonders how you are doing
    Are you blogging?
    How are you?
    Please do email me

    Thank you for your concern
    It's a new day
    And I am really rethinking my whole weight loss idea
    I've lost some weight
    And I don't really think I need to lose more

    Email me!!! X

  6. I'm starting to agree with you Shelby x

  7. Dieting vs ED, eating healthy vs starvin/purging, yeah, that's a mire. Where does one end and the other one begin? Losing a kilo or two too fit into those pants, fine, but what about those other pants, and that shirt, and, and, and... It's a slippery slope, and soon an avalanche. I can't tell you what to do, obviously, but please take a step back and look at it for what it is; a tempting throwback into ED. You have come so far to fall back.

    Take care, is all I want to say, dearest, sweetest Ruby.

    1. This is true CP
      I have come too far to turn back now
      As of today
      I'm going to stop weighing
      And obsessing over it
      It's a dead end road

      Thank you for your kind words
      You are a star CP x


Thank you for leaving some love x