Sunday 8 November 2015

Hello hello!

It seems that blogger has gone a bit quiet again
There are the same core group of writers 
But it seems every day another blogger drops off the face of the blogosphere 
Please let me know if you are there
If you are reading 
If not commenting 
If you are lurking 
If you are dropping in every day
Or from time to time 
If you are struggling 
Struggling to hold it together 
Struggling with your ED
Or some other mental illness 
If you have all but given up hope 
If you can't see a way out 
If you are falling with out a safety net
If you have surrendered to your demons
If you can't face another day
In this head
This body 
This life 
If you are afraid 
Terrified of life without your crutch 
If your thoughts torment you
So negative 
And so destructive
If you can't ask for help
You want to
But you can't 
If you feel like giving up
Because you don't have the energy to keep fighting 
If you feel beaten down by life
By your illness
If you are thinking of disappearing
Because you believe you are nothing but a burden
If you are holding on by your fingertips 
Slipping everyday
If you are frustrated because people presume thdt you look well so you much be well 
If you have a passive death wish

But also if you are in recovery 
If you are fighting back 
If you refuse to give in to your demons 
If you are fighting for a better life 
For you and your family 
If you have been knocked down 
But you keep getting back up
Dusting yourself off
And start again 
If you are in treatment 
Struggling to meet your goals 
And regain weight 
Or if you are outpatient 
And trying to recover with the support of home and your family and friends 
If you believe that there is life after addiction and ED 
If you are working to regain weight
Maintain weight
Or lose weight 
If you have slipped or relapsed
And are trying to get back on track 
If you believe you deserve better 
If you want better for yourself 
If you want to like
And even love yourself 
If you want to live 

Let me know 
Who you are?
What is your story?
Where are you in your life?
Why do you read? 
What do you want out of life?
And recovery?
Let me know you are out there....


  1. You know, I think about this ALL the time. We are like a couple of the very few left... I mean - I remember when I started my blog, there were a ton of other blogs that I could relate to. And now there are maybe 10 left of the originals? I'm hoping though that the current radio silence is just time of the year and stuff, and that we haven't lost more of them.

    Side note: You are a beautiful and amazing person, and you continue to inspire me daily! Xo

    1. I hope so Piggy
      I hope it is a lull and not something permanent
      Or if they left
      I hope they recovered
      And are doing ok

      Aw thanks Piggy
      I think you are amazing
      A total badass! X

  2. I think there are many like me who read but don't often comment. I feel like I'm checking in on a friend, especially since I can see a lot of me in you, personality wise.X

    1. I think you are probably right
      But thank you for commenting today
      And for letting me know you are there
      And you are reading x

  3. I read your blog every once in awhile but never comment mainly because I don't know what to say. I'm in my mid-twenties and have had ED for the past 14 years or so. I've been in recovery for the last two years. Life is not easy but it's getting easier. I'm quite optimistic about the future. I hope I get accepted into university next year, that is my biggest wish.

    I think you are an inspiration. I like to read your thoughts and can relate to your situation in many ways.

    Let's not give up on hope. There are good things waiting to come.God bless!

    1. Hey there,

      Thank you for commenting today
      And for sharing some of your story
      I hope you fullfill your dream of going to university
      And yes
      There are good things to come

      Take care x

  4. I blame November. This month is a killer.

    1. Maybe your right CP
      Although I love November
      The dark
      The cold
      Maybe I am a massochist.... X

    2. Te he, you two, I resemble that…
      I'm BORN in November-!!

      <3 <3 Jils

  5. Hi my dear...still here, still reading
    Just a little overwhelmed and tired
    Love you xx

  6. You know, I thought about writing the past week buy I think I felt somewhat ashamed. For the first time in about a year and a half I've been feeling a touch of my ED lurking. It's been hell lately. I commute to school twice a week and it's a two hour drive.. Insanity, I know, but it's cheaper to live in my city and more job opportunities but the city I travel to has a better counseling program so I have to make sacrifices. I'm a full time graduate student and a part time mentor at a treatment center so my week is full, even the weekends. I've been trying to do a cut in preparation for the traveling I'll be doing this year and it's amazing how easy it is to forgo some meals and how unpleasant yet pleasant being hungry is. I found myself looking at my normal skinny check spots and feeling some control and that scared me because I know what's at the heart of this. It's funny, people act like when you're studying to be a counselor or already are that you have to have it all together and that you don't have things that bother you. That's not true. And I don't know how to talk to people about this. I talked to my bf a little but but I felt silly. I thought maybe if I wrote about it in my blog I could get some support from the people who get it but i feel kind of weak in that. I'm usually the pep rally, the hard advice giver, the one trying to be logical but I don't feel like myself right now. So I'm here, just trying to figure out how to reach out for a listening ear.

    1. Dear Eve,

      I hope you see this reply
      I really hope you do
      I don't want to write on your blog as I'm not sure if you want others on your blog to know this
      First of all
      Thank you for your honesty and for being so real
      I know how hard it is to admit that you are struggling
      And especially given what you are studying
      But Hun
      You have a lot on your plate right now what with a school, work and recovery
      Not to mention trying to balance relationships and generally trying to stay sane in this crazy world
      But you know you have caught this early
      You acknowledge that things are tough
      And that's ok
      Our EDs are our coping mechanism
      It's not surprising that we turn to it when things are rough
      Don't be too hard on yourself
      You are allowed to struggle
      And I urge you to write about this on your blog
      I just know you will get nothing but love and support and you will feel so much better
      If you don't want to write there
      Then please email me anytime
      I'd love to hear from you and I'll always reply

      Hang in the Hun
      We all love you
      Want the best for you
      And please remember
      Even the most together people struggle sometimes
      Its life
      And it doesn't mean you aren't a good mentor or counsellor

      Be kind to you Eve
      You have given me some amazing advice over the years
      and I greatly appetite that

      All my love x

  7. Gosh that is awful Shelby
    There but for the grace of God go I

    Ireland is a magical place to visit
    If you ever do
    Let me know
    And we will meet up for sure

    Hope you are doing ok
    This time of year can be tough
    But I guess anytime of year can be tough

    Stay well Hun x

  8. Rubly,
    I shall be a lifetime reader of yours, whether thru Blog or your [many??] books to come; I consider you not only an inspiration, but a Friend.
    I'm embarrassed @ times b/c you work so hard to get well & yet after 6 yrs, I still have, for all intents, a foot in both 'camps'--whilst I no longer actively purge, I haven't given myself fully over into Recovery: My behaviours are not healthy, & mindset is often a JOKE!! :/
    Thing is, I actually KNO the right way to be, but am not Willing…nor even WILLING to be Willing @ this point & after so long
    A few wks ago, you wrote on how badly you felt about nearly everything to do w/yourself physically.
    The timing was off: I was having an especially rough go then & couldn't cope c the post. I started to write smthg v raw & revealing, but as I was in too much acute pain, it [of itself] turnt satirical, me spouting off rubbish about "loving me ev'ry minute of everyday"…
    ( REALLY??)
    What I WANTED to say was, 'i HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT MYSELF C EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING!!!' but I couldn't go there that day; it was too much.

    So basically I need to pick a 'team,' & get on c my life alrdy! 'Get it together,' really.….

    <3 Jils

  9. Ruby, your heart is so beautiful and giving!! I read because the way you write, and the things you write about, are interesting to me. You make me think. :)

    I haven't had much mental energy to even lurk around on blogger, much less write my own updates. I'm in a difficult spot, and it's terrifying. I'm scaring my friends and family and I hate that. I don't really have slip-ups, I have colossal train wrecks.


Thank you for leaving some love x