Saturday 7 November 2015


A while ago
I was contacted by a lady called Angela 
Who writes a blog called Fucking awesome bulimics I know
Angela found my blog through the Healthline compilation
And contacted me to ask me if she could interview me for her site
We were emailing back and forth 
She is in New Zealand 
And I am in Ireland
So we arranged to Skype today
Her evening 
And my morning at 8 30am
I literally woke up at 8 26am
So I jumped out of bed 
And turned on my laptop 
My face wasn't washed 
My hair wasn't brushed 
But I had no time to do either 
So I just rubbed my tired eyes
And hoped I didn't look too sleepy 

It was great speaking to Angela 
She is smart 
So funny 
And so real 
We laughed a lot 
Which was great 
As I think it is so important to retain a sense of humour 
No matter how bad things get 
We talked about my childhood
Her childhood
When out EDs started and how
Family background 
The media 
Social media and the effect it has on us as eating disordered women
We talked about therapy 
Angela's therapist
I couldn't believe it when I said goodbye and looked at the clock and saw it was 10 30am
We had been speaking for two whole hours!
It didn't feel like that at all though
I thoroughly enjoyed chatting to Angela 
We had a lot in common
And so much to talk about 
Angela recorded the conversation 
And will type it out 
And post it on her blog
So I will let you know when it is  published 

In other news 
There was great excitement here yesterday 
As we got the news that my brother has signed a two book deal with the publishing house Picador!
The same people who publish Cormac Mc Carthy, Toni Morrison, Colm Toibin 
We are beyond happy for him
He has worked so hard 
And he deserves every bit of success he achieves 
These are exciting times for him
He already has one book ready to go called Ithaca
And now has to write another one 
It's really inspiring to see how far my brother has come 
He worked for years as an accountant 
And gave a reliable and comfortable  life up to follow his dream of being a writer
It just goes to show 
Hard work 
And bring a nice person
Does pay off 

There has been a lot of talk about writing books here on blogger recently 
I know Piggy is writing one
And also Miranda
I guess it makes sense that a lot of us bloggers want to write books 
We write every day on our blogs
It's how we make sense of the world
I know I would love to turn this blog in to a book 
My family are always encouraging me  to try and get published 
I have done nothing about this thus far
If I were to write a book
It would be my story 
My life 
My struggles 
And my recovery 
I don't know how to write anything else
And I have never written fiction before 
So I don't know if I could write fiction or not 
Starting to write my blog was never about the writing as such 
For me 
It was more about the content
The message 
Of hope and faith and courage 
It has been about connecting with others 
Breaking down the stigma of mental illness 
Knowing that I wasn't alone 
And that others felt the same as me
There is a universal feeling of shame  that goes along with mental illness
And addiction 
With my writing 
I wanted to break down this barriers 
I wanted to encourage others to speak and to write about their struggles 
As well as their recovery 
One of the first things that Angela said to me this morning 
Was that she is not shockable 
I was so glad to hear this 
As people who have not experience anorexia or bulimia would never understand throwing up in to a plastic bag and hiding it in a wardrobe 
Or throwing food in to a bin
Only to retrieve hours later 

But yes
I would love to turn my blog in to a book
There have been many well written memoirs of eating disorders 
Marya Hornbacher blazed the trail of such books 
My story is like millions of others 
But it is unique to me 
In that my experiences and the way I reacted is mine 
I really do feel like my story could others 
If there is one subject I know intimately 
It is eating disorders 
I can talk about 
Write about it 
As Angela said this morning 
We are professionals in our field 

One of the reasons I have not yet ventured in to writing a book
Is that I am not very technically minded 
I would almost rather hand write it than type it
That's how bad I am 
But for now 
I will keep writing my blog 
Keep reaching out to others 
Keep sharing my experience, strength and hope as they say in the meetings 
Amazing things have happened as a result of my blog 
Like speaking to Angela this morning 
We are two women
At opposite ends of the earth 
With totally different lives 
Yet we were able to sit down and chat for two hours about our lives 
Our struggles 
Our triumphs 
Our highs 
Our lows 
Our experience of mental illness 
I would never have done this only for my blog
I hope this interview will help others 
As just speaking to Angela this morning was food for my soul

Today is a good day 
I feel hopeful 
Excited about the future 
Angela asked me where I would like to be at age 38 
My answer was simple
I hope to still be in recovery 
To be independent 
Happy and healthy 
Now I reAlly believe that I might have a shot at these things 
I mean why not?
Why not me?
I am working hard to rebuild my life 
Aide that was shattered by addiction and disordered eating 
As well as depression and anxiety 
Today I try to be the best person I can be
I try to do the right thing 
And make the right choices
It's not easy
But then nothing worth having ever is
I feel lucky and blessed 
To have come through what I've been through 
And still be standing 
Still fighting 
And still retaining a sense of humour 
It felt so good to speak to Angela today 
Two strong women sharing their stories 
Harrowing stories 
Of pain and suffering and anguish 
But also of success and courage and fIth
As women 
We owe it to each other 
To be each other's cheerleaders 
All too often 
We are jealous of each other 
And mean to each other 
It's down to us treat each other with dignity and respect 
We need to hold each other up 
And not pull each other down 
We are fucking awesome as Angela would say 

I am going to make it a good day
It started off so well talking on Skype
And it has inspired me to do my best today 
To feed and nourish myself 
To take my meds correctly 
To spend time doing the things I love to do
To celebrate my brothers good news
And to be the best Ruby I can possibly be
Because I am worth it 
And you are too 

Have a lovely Saturday everyone 
Remember to be kind to yourself today 
Gentle with yourself 
Because you are precious 
You are unique 
One of a kind 
You deserve to be happy 
And healthy 
We all do 

Take care today 
And see you in the next post....


  1. well you know i think your blog needs to be a book,and anyone who reads will be unshockable too.we all did what you did and worse i think 4 years on and don't want to be here really i know thats hard, so its such a good thing that you looking much to happen for you. emma woolf did it why can't you? i think you better,, love you lots jo xx

    1. Aw thanks Jo
      That means a lot
      I don't know if the book will ever happen
      But there's no harm in hoping and dreaming....

      Love you too x

  2. Writing is what keeps me going. I have several ongoing projects, one for every mood.

    I think you'd do great as a writer, and I am super happy for your brother's sake!

  3. Congrats to your brother!!

    I handwrite every single one of my books. I don't trust computers.


Thank you for leaving some love x