Wednesday 2 December 2015

Another year over...

I can't believe it's December already
I can remember last Christmas like it was yesterday
Time is going too fast for my liking 
The past couple of days have been really tough 
The toughest I've had in more than a year
My bingeing and purging is spinning wildly out of control 
It's beginning to frighten me
As I can't seem to stop
Rewind to May 2014 
I was purging up to twenty times a day
And following a half hearted overdose
I was started on Prozac
It really helped me get my food issues under control 
And evened me out 
But lately 
My life has been one huge binge, purge session 
I think back to how I let this slip
I remember the navy trousers
And wanting to fit back in to them
I wanted to lose a few pounds
I had no intention of becoming underweight again
I just wanted to be a size where I felt comfortable
So I cut out chocolate 
And tried to eat mindfully 
My brain seemed to go straight to ED mode
And the purging began to increase
Fast forward three weeks later
The navy trousers now fit
And are even a bit big 
I've lost more than a few pounds   
But the purging persists 
And I am Losing the will to live 

I spoke to Breda today
And will be seeing her Monday
I also texted Mary today
And hopefully she will get back to me
It's time to call in the troops
Batten down the hatches 
And prepare for a fight 
The time of year doesn't help either
Already there is so much food around 
And it's hard to resist 
I would just love to see Mary
If only to do out a meal plan
And see where I am going wrong 
Yesterday was horrendous 
I was literally going around in circles 
From the kitchen to the living room to the bathroom
I have a path worn
It's crazy 
Mindless eating
Just stuffing it in to me
Only to bring it back up seconds later 
For me
There is a lot of shame attached to these behaviours
And embarrassment 
I mean who wants to admit that they spent half the day with their head in the toilet bowl
I also feel greedy 
Let me give you an example 
A few days ago 
I made dinner for my sister, my parents and I 
Beef goulash 
After we all had some
There was about two portions left
Which I planned to have when everyone went to bed 
Then unexpectedly 
My other sister and my nephew called down
As the power had gone in their house
Out of politeness 
I asked them if they wanted some dinner 
Secretly hoping they would say no
Which they did 
But my mother insisted that they have some
I got really annoyed that therewould be none left for me
And had to leave the room in fear that I would throw tantrum in front of everyone
This is one example of how irrational my ED
I would rather have eaten and purged two portions of the stew
Rather than give them to my sister and nephew who were probably starving 
That right there 
Is insanity

I'm on my own for a couple of days
It's nice to have some time to myself 
But it also means that my ED can run riot 
I swear guys
I just don't have the energy for this anymore
I'm exhausted 
And the thought of another day bingeing and purging is enough to send me bat shit crazy
I know I'm going to have to talk to my doctor too
To check my bloods
And just to let him know what is happening 
I really thought that I had left these days behind me
Apparently not 
And I mean really
What is the point of losing a few pounds 
If you have to puke your guts up to get there 

I don't know guys
It's a difficult time of year 
Especially if you are trying to remain in recovery
Or trying to stay clean and sober and smoke free
It's not called the silly season for nothing
We are having a quiet family Christmas this year
With only my neighbour joining us for dinner
I don't think I could handle any more than that 

With all that said
I was wondering about you
How do you deal with slips/relapses?
What do you find helps to get you back on track?
Do you have any advice for me?
All responses welcome....


  1. This time of year is the worst. You've slipped before though and I know you'll be able to bring yourself back from this relapse, the same way you have before. :) Incidentally, I also found prozac helped till it evened out as you say. Maybe time for a pill check? See if something else will help... Medication for bulimics. What a mind fuck... Xo

    1. I hope so Piggy
      I'm actually ok with how I look now
      And know if I lose any more
      I will begin to look sick
      And I don't want that at all

      And yes
      This time of year is really tricky
      For a multitude of reasons

      Thanks Hun x

  2. Really sorry its so dificult for you wish i could take it for you. I am feeling same at moment.but as im lucid and not trying to kill myself everyone thinks im fine.
    We get through it. Love christmas but it can be �� was reminded of a saying today. Saying that you cant be depressed because some people have it worse than you is like saying that you cant be happy becease some people have it better than you.
    Depression etc is what it is nobody chooses to have it. I hope you can get on top of things soon,you deserve it xxx jo

  3. Sorry Shelby
    I am ok
    Or at least I will be
    Just going to write a post now x


Thank you for leaving some love x