Wednesday 15 May 2013

Underneath your clothes

I've been thinking about how rarely I let my true self out
There are very few people who I am my true self around
I mean where I can just be me

I can draw comparisons between my personality and the clothes I wear
On the outside I don't take any great risks with fashion
I wear mostly jeans and baggy jumpers
Safe and not very original but it's how I feel most comfortable
I have way too many pairs of jeans
Every colour
Every shape
Every size known to man
But underneath my clothes lies another layer
My underwear says a lot more about me than my outer clothes
It's colourful
Clashing colours
I wear little shorts
Orange with leopard print
Purple with stripes
I've never been a matchy, matchy type person
I never match my bra with my pants
I don't tend to wear regular bras
I love boob tube bras of different colours
And socks
I love a crazy pair of socks
I wear knee high socks all the time because my legs get cold
My favourite are stripy socks
I have about a million pairs
I always notice a man's socks
I think it says a lot about a person

My clothes are a lot like my personality
On the outside I blend in
I try to fit in
Be one of the crowd
Don't offend anyone
Don't upset anyone
I like to be liked
But peel back the outer layer and you will find that I'm far from normal
Not as safe and boring as you might think
Underneath there is a crazy chick
Only you won't get to see that until I feel really comfortable around you
It might take a while
It might take some work
But it's worth the wait
I promise you

What do your clothes or your underwear say about you?

Tuesday 14 May 2013


I love this
It actually made me smile
Sometimes it feels it feels like life is playing a trick on me
To see how far it can push me
Ever since I was a child I had a feeling that something amazing was going to happen
That I had a purpose
A reason for being here
I haven't felt that feeling in a long time but sometimes something will happen that will remind me that I used to feel that way
I've always been told that I have a lot of potential
But what does that mean?
That I could so something great

Something is changing in me
I can feel it
I'm not quite sure what it is yet but it's definitely there
It's like there is a ball of energy inside me
I feel an urge to do something
To break out of my shell
I've gone so low that the only way surely is up
It has to be

I gained weight steadily all last year
Every time Mary weighed me I cried my heart out
I would've done anything to see the number go down
The minute I reached a healthy weight I started to lose it again
And now that the number is going down all I feel is numb
It means nothing anymore

I'm trying
I'm fighting
I'm hoping
I'm believing
I have faith
I want to get well
I want to be free of this thing
It was all a lie
An illusion
A cruel trick
Anorexia befriended me when I was vulnerable
I was an easy target
Not anymore
Not this time
Not this girl

Monday 13 May 2013

Have you?

Have you ever woken up out of a dream only to be disappointed that you're still here?

Have you ever looked out your window at people and wished that you had one of their lives?

Have you ever almost had a nervous breakdown because you gained 2 pounds?

Have you ever gone so long without washing that your hair sticks to your head with grease and there is dirt caked underneath your finger nails?

Have you ever walked along a cliff and had to physically stop yourself from jumping off?

Have you ever caught someone looking at you and the look on their face says 'That girl is crazy'?

Have you ever eaten out of a bin?

Have you ever wondered if you are going insane?

Have you ever wanted to melt in to the floor because someone told you that you looked well?

Have you ever spun so out of control that you scare yourself?

Have you ever looked at your reflection in the mirror and not recognised yourself?

Have you ever spent so much time alone that you forget how to interact with others?

Have you ever thought back on an event in your life and can't worked out whether it was a dream or if it actually happened?

Have you ever looked at the clock and can't work out if it's 4pm or 4am?

Have you ever realise that you can't remember that last time that you laughed?

Have you ever felt so fucked up that you think all hope is lost?

Have you ever wished that you were seriously ill so at least you'd have a reason to feel so bad?

Have you ever sat in front of a therapist and thought 'You have absolutely no idea what I'm going through?

Have you ever listened to a song on repeat and cried every time?

Have you ever felt so alone in a room full of people?

Have you ever wished that someone would notice you, even just for a second?

Have you ever walked out a shop with a bag full of food without paying and half hoped that you would get caught?

Have you ever felt so cold that it gets in to your bones?

Have you ever felt like you can't connect with yourself never mind others?

Have you ever cut your own skin, just to see if you still feel?

Have you ever felt so angry and frustrated that you're still here?

Have you ever blinked and years have gone by?

Have you ever felt that your life is like a broken jigsaw and you can't for the life of you put the pieces back together?

Have you ever felt like you were destined for great things but you're too afraid to find out what they are?

Have you ever measured your self worth by the numbers on a scale, the smaller the number the better you feel?

Have you ever wondered what is the point?

Have you ever wished that no one cared so it would be easier to disappear?

Have you ever fantasized about the needle that you used to inject in to your neck?

Have you ever realised that the one thing you want is the one thing you can't have?

Have realised that you are hanging on for other people?

I have.....

Friday 10 May 2013

See you on the flip side

I've decided to take a break from blogging
I'm not sure for how long
Maybe a week
Maybe a month
I just need some time to sort my head out
To sort my life out
I've been treading water for too long
Stuck in this limbo, somewhere between my ED and recovery
I need to do something
This isn't goodbye, not at all
More like see you later
Take care of yourselves
Be kind to yourselves
Be true to yourselves
Each and everyone of you have touched my life in some way and I'm so grateful for that
Please feel free to contact me by email if you want
I'll always reply
I will be back
I just don't know when
See you on the flip side

All my love,

Ruby x

Wednesday 8 May 2013


I've made a decision
I'm going to try
I'm going to fight
I have to
This has gone on for far too long
I've lost too much
I can't afford to lose anymore
I've lost 12 years to this illness
Starting tomorrow I'm waging a war against my eating disorder
I'm going to kick her ass in to next week
I know she will fight back but I know her too well
I know her tricks
I know how she manipulates me
I can fight dirty too

I'm going to try and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner
I'm going to choose my foods carefully
Avoid binge food
Distract after eating
The temptation to lose weight is still very much there
But I've been there
Done that
Bought the extra small t-shirt

I want to want to get well
I want to break out of this prison
I want to be able to eat without feeling guilty
I want to eat and not have the overwhelming urge to purge
I want to eat and not want to kill myself
I want friends
I want to go to the cinema and eat buttery popcorn
I want to laugh until my sides hurt
I want to cry salty tears
I want to be able to feel emotion without wanting to escape
I want to be able to cope
I want to feel good about myself
I want to look in the mirror and not want to smash it
I want like and accept myself
I want to grow up
I want to be independent
I want peace of mind
For me and my family
I want to stand up and not feel like the floor is pulling me down face first
I want to learn
I want to love
I want to dance and not care whose watching
I want to write
I want to wake up in the morning and not dread the day ahead
I want to help others in the same position as me
I want my parents to be proud of me
I want to take my meds properly
I want to have a purpose
I want to have fun

I don't want to be afraid all the time
I don't want to measure my self worth by the numbers on the scale
I don't want to live in this limbo
I don't want to live in a constant state of anxiety
I don't want to be bitter and resentful
I don't want to have regrets
I don't want to live this half life
I don't want to give up
I don't want to want to die
I don't want to care what others think about me

I want to learn how to cope
I want to realise that everything can't be solved by taking pills
I want to feel that I'll be ok
I want to be a better person
I want to stop shoplifting
I want to make my own decisions
I want to to wake up in the morning and think 'I don't want to die today'

I feel a sliver of hope
Mary says that she knows I can do it
That I can get well
And for the first time in a long time, I think that too
Maybe I can do this
Maybe my ED has been lying to me
Maybe I can put the jigsaw that is my life back together
Maybe all is not lost

I don't doubt that this thing will kill me if I don't take action
I'm afraid to recover but I'm more afraid to stay this way
All I can do is try
Do my best
I think I want to live
I think I really do.....

Monday 6 May 2013

The Binge Monster!

I have very few words any more
I just don't know what else to write or what else to do
Mu aunt has been here for the past week so I had to be very sneaky about my binging and purging
Maybe that's why I've been doing it at night
We dropped her off  the airport yesterday
Sunday is usually my worst day
I thought that because I had been out all day that I had got away with it
But when I came home that evening, the binge purge monster reared it's ugly head
The kitchen was already stocked from the day before so I had plenty of food to hand
I started off slow
Tried to convince myself that I would only do it once
But the more I ate, the more I purged
The more I purged the more I ate
I get in a state where I'm like a zombie or a robot
Mechanically preparing food
Eating on auto pilot
I don't even taste the food
I'm already on my way to the bathroom with the last bite in my mouth
And when I get in to that state I can't stop
I literally can't stop
I have this massive compulsion for more, more, more
An insatiable appetite
The food never tastes as good as I think it will
In my head it will be the best food I've ever tasted
But in reality it's just cheap supermarket crap
I prepare food that take a short time to cook and a long time to eat
All washed down with lashings of 7up free
All the better to purge with my dear

After finally going to sleep at about 2am this morning, I remember thinking that this is the last time I do this
I remember vowing to start afresh today
Monday being the start of a new week and a new Ruby
But then it's Monday and all my resolve floats away
The binge purge monster has had a nights sleep and is ready for another round
I went shopping with my mother this morning
It was plainly obvious that I was planning a binge as I went to 4, yes 4 shops to stock up on food
If she hadn't been there I would've not paid for it
I'm literally spending all my money on food and I hate that
Such a waste

So now it's early afternoon and the fridge is stocked
The thought of another day on this merry-go-round makes me want to go back to bed and sleep forever
No matter how much I eat it's never enough
It reminds me of my drug using days
I was always a greedy addict
One is too many and a thousand never enough, as they say
It's hard for me to admit to this behaviour
Who wants to admit they are entangled in a messy love affair with food
I think most people on some level can understand alcoholism and drug addiction
Even sex and love addiction
But ED's and food addiction?
I think very few understand
Only those who have been through it really know
And it's very difficult to explain to someone without sounding just a bit insane
Dealing with food issues can be trickier than drug or alcohol addiction
With drugsI could completely cut them out of my life
I moved to get away from old friends
I started afresh
A whole new life
But with food it's not that simple
I can't cut food out completely
Well I could but that would defeat the purpose
I have to find a healthy balance
I don't have to be around drugs
But food is everywhere
And because it's so readily available, it's that much harder to resist
I find that once I start eating I find it next to impossible to stop
That's why I stopped eating
Because I was so afraid of spinning out of control
And I do feel totally out of control
It's a scary feeling

I'm not being 100% honest with Mary
I think she thinks I am doing a lot better than I am
I haven't been keeping the food records she asked me to keep
I'm too ashamed to show or tell anyone about my eating habits
I don't know how much more she can do to help me
2 hours a week is not enough
And I know what she will say
What she has being saying since day one
If I eat regularly then I won't binge, then I won't purge
It sounds so simple
So easy
Then why the freakin' hell can't I do it
Billions of people all around the world manage to do it every single day
But you might as well ask me to climb Mount Everest in a bikini

So I'm throwing the question over to you
What helps you?
How do manage to overcome binging/purging and restricting?
How do you fight the monster that is this illness?
Any suggestions welcome

Friday 3 May 2013

Hope and Faith

I'm beginning to lose hope
Hope that I will ever get well
I just don't know how to help myself anymore
I had two appointments today and I cancelled them both
One with Mary and one with Sean my addiction counsellor
I just didn't see the point of going
Of sitting there and agreeing to take action when deep down I know I won't
Some behaviours are back that I thought had gone
One being night binging
As in getting up in the middle of the night to binge and purge
I had stopped doing this but this week it is back with a vengeance
Even in sleep I have no escape from this monster
Because I've been binging and purging so much, I've been spending a small fortune on food
And I resent spending money that will inevitable get flushed down the toilet
Literally money down the drain
I was standing in the queue of a supermarket the day before yesterday
All of a sudden I started to walk and carried on straight out the door without paying
My heart thumped in my chest as I walked
I scurried quickly to my car praying that I wouldn't be caught
I got away with it
Although part of me wishes that I hadn't

The other thing that is turning in to a problem is the enemas
I've gone from using them a couple of times a week to using them every day
Even though I know it's dangerous, I keep doing it
Even though I know it could give me a lazy bowel
Even though I could burst my bowel
I keep doing it
I go to different chemists to stock up
Classic addict behaviour

I feel like I am in self destruct mode
And I can't stop
I don't know how to stop
It's so scary
I feel so out of control
I don't know how this story is going to end
My weight continues to drop
I'm back in double digits
It's both terrifying and thrilling
Am I relapsing?
I'm slipping
I know that for sure
My mental state is fragile
I'm avoiding people
Avoiding reality
Hiding from life
I've never felt further away from getting well

Nothing matters anymore
I can't see the point of anything
I get through the day only to start all over again the next morning
And the next
And the next
I get through the week only to find myself at the start of a new one
I do the same thing every day
Almost to the minute
I'm a virtual recluse
I spend most of my time alone
I just don't know how to communicate with people anymore
I feel disconnected
From myself too

I called my blog And then she disappeared because eventually I was planning to disappear
I was sure of it
But now I feel that I can't
I can't do it to my family
I just can't
Even though part of me thinks that I am a burden to them and they'd be better of without me
It's just too cruel to do that to them
To leave a Ruby shaped hole in their lives
So I hang on for them
I live for them
I guess that's as good a reason as any to hold on

I just wish that I had a purpose
Something more than this illness
I need to feel like I am here for a reason
Otherwise what is the point?
I have to believe that this is happening for a reason
I have to believe that all this pain is not in vain
I have to continue to fight
Trusting that things will get better
To hope
As much as it is tempting to lie down and hold up my white flag, I won't do it
I wouldn't give my ED the satisfaction
She wants me dead
Of that I have no doubt
I'll do my best not to let that happen
I don't want to be a statistic
A scare story to warn others
I haven't come through the horrors of heroin addiction only for my ED to kill me
I won't let that happen
I just won't