Monday 16 November 2015

Thinking it over

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my last post
I realise that it's not easy to tell someone when you think they might be going down a wrong path
Even as I wrote that post
I think I knew deep down that what I was doing was counter intuitive 
I was fighting against what my body wanted 
And needed to do
And I am now rethinking the whole weight loss thing 
As of this morning 
I've lost nine pounds
And my navy trousers most definitely fit
I have no need to continue on this path
Because I don't know if I'll be able to put the brakes on
I can't know when the ED takes over
As someone wrote yesterday
The line between losing a few pounds and the ED is a very fine one
In fact it's almost invisible 
I'm barely a year in to my recovery 
My body is finding its natural set point 
I think it's a good idea to lay off the junk food like I have though 
And concentrate on nourishing and feeding my body properly 
I swear 
I had been eating a lot of junk food 
Practically surviving on it 
And I know that's not good 
It's like it's all or nothing 
All the food 
Or none of the food 
Black or white 

I don't think I've ever successfully dieted in my whole life
As in lose a sensible amount of weight while still feeding my body 
Fasts never worked for me either
I've always lost the most weight while bingeing and purging 
I suppose the body gets so dehydrated 
That the weight drops quickly
But even in the 11 days that I was trying to lose weight 
I think a lot of it is also dehydration
I haven't been purging much 
But admittedly
I haven't been feeding my body very well
I had become more and more obsessed with the scale
Weighing myself a ridiculous amount of times a day 
And my mood and self esteem bouncing up and down along with the weight

Even at my lowest weight
I still allowed myself chocolate
Albeit I ate nothing else 
But I love my savoury and sweet treats 
I mean what is life without a little treat now and again?
I am a firm believer in everything in moderation
Including moderation
Whether I can put that in to practise is another matter 
I try 
I do
But again
My whole body and mind is programmed for all or nothing 
It doesn't seem to understand anything else 
They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit
Or is it 28?
I'm Not quite sure 
But I know I can get my eating good if I just put in a little effort 
Heck I've given up heroin and cigarettes 
Why is food so damn tricky?
It's like my last nemesis 
It's just so hard because I can cut heroin, alcohol and smokes out of my life 
But with food 
You can't do that 
Well you can 
But that would completely defeat the purpose 
It's tricky to find a happy medium
Especially for people with EDs and addiction issues

Another thing is the numbers
I know I can get totally obsessed seeing the numbers go down
It's like a power trip 
That false feeling that you are in control
But of course you are in fact spinning wildly out of control

Someone mentioned yesterday 
About allowing my body to be the size it wants to be 
This is another interesting point
Before my ED
I was always around 54kg
But since my ED developed 
My weight has fluctuated a lot
I never seem to stay the same weight for long
Because of all the bingeing and purging 
I've been trying to stay in around a size 8 - 10
But maybe my body needs to be bigger for a while
I'm sure my metabolism is shot at this point 
And my body is compensating 
Because it's not always sure when it's being fed again
Or if I will let my body keep the food

Now my challenge is to get back to some sort of normality
Over the last week or so
I've become used to being hungry 
And almost even enjoying it
All of a sudden 
It becomes difficult to eat
And I don't doubt that it will be now

I will take it easy 
Rule no 1 is to stop weighing 
And to eat three meal and snacks
But still allow myself a treat when the fancy takes me
I guess I  am a work in progress
As I wrote yesterday
Recovery is not a straight road
God knows I make mistakes on a daily basis 
But I do try to learn from them
And not repeat them
That is the trick I think 

Yesterday's comments 
Reminded me why I write this blog
You beautiful and smart ladies have me done sterling advice 
And thdt is exactly why I wrote they post yesterday 
As I know you will tell me what I need to hear
Rather than what I want to hear
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
For reading 
For being there
For being honest with me
Even when it's difficult and awkward 
I appreciate it more than you will ever know 

I lost a follower today
Is that because I disappointed you?

Sunday 15 November 2015

Ana bites back???

The past week has been tough
And I've avoided writing about it 
Because I don't know if there's cause for concern
I don't know if what I am doing is normal
Or an ED behaviour
I don't know if I should even write about it
But when I read Kate's post the other day
And saw she had the courage to post how she was feeling 
This blog is not about how recovery is all rainbows and unicorn farts
This blog is about reality
About what life is like living with
And recovering from an ED and addiction
And let me tell you
Recovery is not a straight path 
There are many twists and turns
And bumps and obstacles along the way
Sometimes it feels like one step forward
And two steps back
Right now I feel like I have taken those steps backwards
Let me explain

In recent times 
I had stopped weighing 
And was using my clothes as a measure of my size
I had certain items of clothing that were like a gauge for me
One item being a pair of navy trousers that I bought in London summer 2014
These trousers are a size 10
But have a really tight fastener at the front 
When I bought them 
They were a bit too big 
But I like to have a bit of wiggle room in my clothes
Over the next year my weight was quite stable 
And any time I tried on the trousers 
They always fit 
Then this year my weight fluctuated quite a lot 
I lost weight in Turkey
But put it on again when I came home 
About 10 days ago 
I weighed myself 
The number didn't devastate me
In fact it didn't mean a whole lot
But then 
I tried on said navy trousers 
And couldn't close the clasp
Albeit they were just a little bit too tight
But to me
That was unacceptable 

I didn't plan on doing anything 
I wasn't dieting or anything like it 
But one thing was for sure
I was getting back in to those trousers 
I began to be more mindful of what I was eating 
And decided not to eat after my main meal in the evening 
And dare I say it
I even had a goal weight
Am I on dodgy ground yet?
I think so...

The last ten days
Ive been weighing myself every morning 
I've lost eight pounds 
And want to lose a few more 
I must stress though
I am not under weight 
And goal weight is not under weight 
I just want to fit in my clothes 
That's ok
Isn't it?

I don't know 
This all seems harmless
And maybe I  am totally deluded 
The navy trousers close now 
But now I want more room I them 
Is that ED talking?
I don't know guys 
Please tell me if this sounds disordered 
Or if it's normal to want to lose a few pounds 
Because I don't want to go backwards 
I don't want to be underweight
I don't want to put my family through that nightmare again
I've told my mother about my plan
And asked her to alert me if I'm getting obsessive 
I am eating 
And I am not starving 
Or bingeing and purging 
I'm just being a little more careful with what I choose to eat 
I just want to feel ok in my skin
I just want to fit in to my clothes 
I just want to be healthy and happy 
I do not want to harm myself 
Or any one else 

Thoughts please..

Saturday 14 November 2015

To Paris with love...

I woke up this morning to the news of the terror attacks in Paris last night
As I write this
My Mother and I are watching the news 
And the terror that unfolded 
My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those that were killed
And I genuinely worry for the state of the world 
Take care today
Keep your loved ones close 
And remember how lucky we are 
That we weren't attacked
That we are not living in a country under siege 
And forced to flee our homes for an unknown and uncertain future 
That we, as women, have the luxury of food
Of clean water 
Of the right to vote 
The right to education
All over the world atrocities are happening 
Sometimes it doesn't seem real to me
It's like a made up story 
Happening in a made up place
These attacks in Paris are too close for comfort 
Today I am grateful to have my family safe and well 
To have my dogs at my feet 
And freedom at my fingertips 
We are thinking of you...

Friday 13 November 2015

Honey and Lea, 10 years on

My dogs are now over ten years old
Honey is actually older than Lea
Although you wouldn't think it
But they are starting to act their age
Lea is always eager to go for a walk
But Honey elects to stay home some days
And cuddles up in her bed when she sees me putting on my jacket
I got Honey from the dog shelter
And the second day I had her
She was hit by a car on the road 
She was fine though
She is a tough little cookie 
As you know
Honey lost an eye earlier this year
It was quite the traumatic event for her
She had made a remarkable recovery
It takes more than that to stop a feisty little terrier
Honey often gets ailments now
Her paw gives her trouble 
And some days she doesn't move from her bed 
She is still as cheeky as ever though 
No matter how many times you tell her not to do something 
She will do it any chance she gets 
If the hall door is left open
She will sneak down and make herself at home on my bed 
One thing about Honey 
Is that she loves her food 
After she has finished her dinner
She will go over to Lea
To see if she has any left
When she hears the biscuit tin being opened 
She comes running 
Honey likes to think that she is the boss of everything 
But in all reality
Lea could really hurt Honey if she wanted to
She just lets Honey think she's the boss

Lea on the other hand
Is a gentle giant 
She's more sensitive 
More gentle 
She just wAnts you to rub her all day long 
And if you stop 
She will nudge your hand with her head until you start again
Lea is quite needy
And any time I walk in to the kitchen
She gets up and follows me 
My mother jokes that Lea is a special needs dog 
Because she is not as smart as Honey
But I think Lea deserves more credit than that 
When I let her out at night for her last run before bed 
When she is finished 
She will go around to the sitting room window 
And bark for you to let her in
That's pretty intelligent if you ask me
Lea was almost a Mama once
She was pregnant with puppies 
But when we brought her for a check up 
There were no heart beats 
Although she still had to give birth to them
So it was quite the traumatic experience for her 
Lea found it really difficult when I was In treatment over the years 
Mum has told me how she fell in to depression 
And her fur even fell out
There is no doubt
Lea is a sensitive little soul

Lea and Honey have been a source of great joy in my life 
A dog is a great companion
A friend for life 
They have have been an integral part of my recovery too
When I couldn't find a reason to get out of bed
I got up for them 
When I didn't want to leave the house 
I left to walk them 
They have been by my side every step of my recovery 
They have enriched my life 
I really believe that animals have the power to heal us 
Whether it's horses
Or cats
Or hamsters 
They take us out of ourselves 
They remind us to forgive 
They give us something to focus on other than ourselves 
They are loyal and loving companions 
I love them so much 

I'll leave you with this saying 
I wish I was as great as my dog thinks I am 

Thursday 12 November 2015

New do

As you know
I had half my head shaved a few months ago
I say shaved 
It was actually cut very short
But not quite shaved 
The hair has grown back quite quickly
And instead of heading back to the hairdresser like a normal person 
I asked my sister to shave it
But then the only shaver I could find was the dogs clippers 
I must stress
I had not use it on the dogs at all 
It was fresh out of the box
This time I really did shave it
And I'm really liking it
Who knows 
I might even shave my head if the fancy takes me!

Enough with the words
Here are the photos....

Wednesday 11 November 2015

TV Opportunity

I was contacted by a lady called Natasha 
From a production company called The Connected Set
She informed me about an upcoming programme they are making about eating disorders 
And asked me if I could share their information on my blog
To see if anyone is interested
Below is her contact information 

Do you suffer from an eating disorder?
Are you willing to share your experiences with the nation, working alongside fellow sufferers in a unique one-off television programme?

We're looking to speak to present sufferers of disordered eating conditions including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, emotional over eating, orthorexia and other related conditions, to take part in a unique psychologist facilitated TV format combining group therapy with cooking.

If you are over 18, live in the Republic of Ireland, and are available for filming in Dublin the week before Christmas then we would love to hear from you.  

We are looking to bring awareness to the problem of eating disorders across Ireland in a responsible and medically safe way.  If you're interested in finding out more please drop us an email with more information about yourself and your contact details.

Contact details:
Natasha Mwansa
The Connected Set

Natasha Mwansa
Development Team, The Connected Set
office: 020 8617 1744
address: UGLI Campus, 56 Wood Lane, London W12 7SB
twitter: @theconnectedset  
For more casting opportunities Like our TCS Casting page
Sign up for the TCS quarterly newsletter here

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A few months ago
I saw a photo on Facebook
It was of an old woman
With a quote beside it
I can't remember the quote exactly
But the essence of her message has stayed with me ever since 
And that message was
If you just go outside wonderful things can 
You never know who you might meet
What might happen 
If you just step outside your front door 
The possibilities are endless

For a long time
I used to get up before dawn
At 6am
Sometimes 5am
To get everything done early
To walk my dogs 
Do my shopping 
Which was usually binge food
And when I saw I did my shopping 
I mean that I stole my shopping 
It's hard to imagine being in thdt place now 
I can't fathom stealing anything now 
But back then 
I was in a dark place
So yes
I got up early 
To avoid people 
To avoid having to talk to Anyone 
To avoid life 

Back then 
I usually arrived home before 9am
And depending on the day
I would either spend the day drinking
Or abusing prescription drugs
Or bingeing and purging 
It was a relentless attack on my self 
I stayed in my living room all day
Watching TV
Zoning in and out of consciousness 
Sleeping my life away 

My life is different
Now I don't make myself get up so early 
I get up at about 8am
I do t go crazy trying to get everything done
I take my time 
Walk the dogs 
Do my bits and pieces 
Go in to town 
Meet a friend 
Live my life

Today is a great example of how going outside is good for the soul
Honey has a sore paw, poor love
So myself and Lea headed out in the car
We parked in the village 
And walked down to the wooded area beside the woods
There we met a woman with a beautiful little shitzu 
We spoke for a few minutes 
About our dogs 
Until Lea barked and wanted to go
Having a dog is a great way to meet people I find 
I love talking about my dogs
And I love talking to people about their dogs 
Yesterday I was down at the lake
And when I got back to my car
Someone had left a packet of dog treats under the wiper of my car
How nice was that!

After our walk 
I decided to go for a swim
I've recently started going back swimming
I stopped going when the weather got really bad last year
And once you stop going 
It's hard to go back
But with my sisters help
I started back last week
And am thoroughly enjoying it again 
While in the pool
I met a woman who I used to meet last year
We had a lovely chat 
About anything and everything
After 100 lengths 
I left the pool feeling great
Squeaky clean
Like I had done a really good work out 
I came home 
Had my breakfast 
And felt like I really earned it

This is just a small example 
Of how if you go outside 
Wonderful things can happen
Often times 
The biggest battle I have 
Is getting off the couch
And out the front door 
But once I am out 
I am always glad I made the effort 
Whether it's going for a walk 
Or going to a meeting 
Or meeting a friend 
It's always worth it 
I know it can be tempting 
To stay in doors 
Especially during these cold months 
But if you go outside 
Even just in to town 
Or the local shop
You never know what might happen 
Or who you might meet 
It's the same with writing this blog
Because I put myself out there 
In a very public way
Amazing things have happened since I started writing this blog 
The best of all being that I have made the best of friends 

I have a feeling at the moment
That good things are on the way
Got so long
I had this horrible sense of impending doom
I felt like something awful was going to happen
And it often did
But for me and my family
Things are beginning to turn around 
As you know 
My family has had more than its fair share of trouble and stress
I grew up in an unhappy home 
With a horrible atmosphere 
And addiction 
I lost my way for a long time 
And at one point 
Four out of six of my family were in active addiction
I can not describe to you how miserable those years were
But now 
The four of us are in recovery 
And I can't remember a time when things were better
My family are closer than ever
Even though my parents are separated 
We still all meet up regularly 
And my Dad often stays here 
When my Mum was working
My parents used to swap houses during the week
A strange concept I know
But it worked for them

I am so grateful that my family is now on the mend 
And in a good place 
God knows we have been through the wars 
Now we get on
We laugh 
We meet up regularly 
We support each other 
And love each other through the ups and downs of life 
As my Mum often says 
Given what we have been through 
We are not doing too badly 

I feel grateful today 
For my life 
My family 
My dogs 
My friends 
I feel so blessed to have been through addiction and mental illness 
And made it out the other side relatively unscathed 
I get on with every member of my family 
And have never been so close to them
Even though I live with my Mum
It feels more like I share a house with her 
Rather than like living with a parent 
I love living with my Mum
We get on so well
And enjoy each other's company
Then there is Honey and Lea
The light of my life 
They bring so much life and energy and fun to our house 
They are getting older now 
They are both ten
But they are still as lively as ever 
And I love them to the stars and back

So today 
I urge you to go outside 
If you are struggling 
If your mental or physical health is not great 
If you are battling mental illness or addiction
If you feel depressed
Or even suicidal 
If you are afraid 
Afraid of others 
Of life 
Of yourself 
If you feel trapped 
Like there is no way out 
Like you are struggling 
Falling apart
Breaking in to pieces 
If you don't like yourself 
Hate yourself in fact 
If you just want to hide away in your house 
If life has beaten you down 
And you feel like you want to give up
Go outside 
For for a walk 
Talk to a stranger
Smile at someone 
Acknowledge someone 
You never know what might happen
Who you might end up speaking to
Wonderful things can happen 
If you just make the effort to get out there 
Out in the world 
With others 
You never know what might happen

Do it
Do it today 
It will be worth it
I promise you.....