Saturday 6 June 2015

And then she disappeared.....

I Googled And then she disappeared yesterday
And thought I would share with some of the images that came up

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I have never been formally diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder
But I expect that I have a mild form of it
Ever since I was a child 
I've displayed many of the characteristics of OCD
Here are some of them

My things have to be a certain way
For example
On the coffee table in our living room
I have a section of it that is for my stuff
I have my notebooks that I am using
Piled from large to small
I have the AA directory 
So I can check where the nearest meeting is on any given day
I have my two pens
One black 
One purple 
I have a nail cleaner type thing (Technical term)
I have a nail scissors
My glasses 
And the tv remote which we call the 'clicker'
All of these things are poised in a certain way so they form a rectangle
I get just a little bit anxious and annoyed when people move said items

When I am sitting on the sofa in my living room
Things also have to be a certain way
The throw over the sofa has to be positioned just so
As do the cushions
And the other clicker is place on my leg when I am lying down
Am I nearing a diagnosis yet?

Another symptom
When I am watching the tv 
The volume has to be on an even number
Numbers are a big thing
Even numbers are generally good
And odd ones are not so much bad as just not as acceptable or good as even ones
I can't even explain this one
It is what it is

Then there are the OCD traits linked to my ED
All my cups, glasses, plates,bowls and cutlery are carefully selected 
The cups I use 
I have many of them
And use one per day
The only glasses I use are pint glasses
Do I can keep track of quantity throughout the day
Plus I drink a lot when I eat because it helps if I am going to purge 
I have certain plates and bowls that I use
They are of a certain size and shape
And cutlery
I have a set of cutlery that I use
And nothing else will do!
I have no earthly clue

Then there is the food itself
I have a ritual with the way I eat food
I keep my pint glass to the left of my plate
The salt to the right
Because I literally cover my food with salt
And eat in a ritualistic way

Numbers feature a lot in my possible OCD
Weighing is another ritual
I might weigh once a day
Or I might weigh ten times a day
But every time is the same
I use the bathroom
I lock my bedroom door
Place the scale on the wooden floor 
And I mean everything comes off
I tap the scale to set it to zero
Hold my breath
And step on
There are always rules around numbers
Acceptable numbers
Unacceptable numbers
Safe numbers 
Unsafe numbers 
It's all a game 

OCD also appears when I am walking my dogs 
I do a beach and cliff walk every morning
There are various different paths I use
But all the while I am walking
I'm not enjoying the splendid scenery
The ocean
The birds
Oh no
All the while I am walking
I am trying to avoid the cracks in the ground
And leaping 
All so I won't stand on a crack
I mean 
What exactly  is going to happen if I do stand on a crack?
Absolutely nothing I suspect
But yet I continue to hop-scotch my walks

The other behaviour I have ritualistic tendancies around is purging
Again I have a routine
After I eat the food
I walk calmly to the bathroom
Walking through the living room so people don't know I am going to the bathroom
I lock the door
Tie my hair back
Push up my sleeves
Lift the toilet seat 
Bend over the toilet
And purge
I flush the toilet 
Go to the sink
Rinse my hands and mouth 
Then go back to the toilet
Clean anything that needs it
Place the lid back down 
Wash my hands again 
Fix my hair 
And anything else that needs fixing
Unlock the door
And rejoin whoever I happen to be with
I erase said purging from my mind
It's like it never happened

I'm sure there are other OCD related behaviours 
But these are the ones that appear daily

I was wondering about you
Do you have any OCD tendancies?
What are they?

Sweet Dreams

I've always had a slightly different relationship with sleep
I absolutely love sleeping 
I love falling asleep 
I love feeling tired
And being just on the verge of falling asleep
My sleep patterns are directly connected to my drug addiction
I can remember as a child 
Maybe around 12 years old
Going to my mother
And complaining that I couldn't sleep 
It was a lie
I could sleep perfectly well
But she brought me to the doctor
And I distinctly remember hoping that he would put me on sleeping tablets
Even at that young age
I craved the sweet release of sleep 

All through my teenage years
I looked for the perfect escape
I craved oblivion
And At age 18
I became addicted to Heroin
Heroin is the ultimate escape
It kept me in a twilight world
Somewhere between sleep and reality
I used to try and keep myself in a state where I could fall asleep at any time
Check off the planet when ever I wanted  
If you've ever seen someone on heroin
They can literally sleep standing up 
And you go to a kind of different world 
Almost like being in a dream
A dream where you haven't a care in the world
Where everything is soft and light and floaty
My words do no justice to describe the feeling that heroin gives
But I must also be careful not to forget the negatives of drug use
Because there were many 
And in the end I had to get sober

Although I put down heroin
I picked up alcohol and prescription meds
And again sleep became my drug
I would drink a bottle of vodka and take a handful of pills
And drift off to another place
I used to sit on the mat in front of the fire place
Cigarette in hand 
Burning holes in the carpet
Drifting in and out of consciousness 
Sitting cross legged
With my head on my knees

But then my precious sleep turned on me
And I began to experience night terrors
They hit me out of the blue
The first time I experienced them
I was just back from a holiday in Spain
I had done pretty much nothing but drink on the holiday
And I think when I got home
I had gone into withdrawal 
For a few nights in a row 
I experienced terrifying nightmares
Dreams that made no sense
But we're utterly shocking
I would let out blood curling screams 
And someone would come and wake me up
I woke up in a cold sweat
Afraid to back to sleep 
I remember sleeping beside my mother on more than one occasion 
I was that scared
I've had night terrors from time to time over the years
Usually when I'm stressed
Or in active addiction
I live in fear of them 

Any time I've been in treatment
Sleep has been an issue
I'd fall asleep in groups 
And it was put yo me that I use sleep as an escape
I can't argue with that
It's very true
I switch off when things get too much
I literally conk out
Which most likely contributed to the fact that treatment didn't work for me 
I also asked for meds that I didn't really need 
But wanted to use as an escape
Including sleeping pills
And anti anxiety meds
I was constantly running from reality

My favourite time of the whole day
Is those few minutes when I lie down at night
When my head hits the pillow
Those few minutes before I fall asleep 
When my head and body are so relaxed
So at peace
When my head is clear from all the clutter of the day
When nothing matters 
When I'm not an addict
When I don't have an ED
When I am just a person falling asleep
It's sheer bliss

At the moment 
Sleep is still my drug
I have at least one nap a day
And can usually fall asleep at the drop of a hat
But something strange happened this week regarding sleep 
The reflexology lady rang me
Or at least I thought she rang me
To ask me if I was coming to my appointment on Wednesday
I said that I couldn't make it
And she offered me an appointment on Friday
So I accepted that
Yesterday afternoon
I made my way in to the village
And knocked on her door
No answer 
I waited in my car for a while 
Then knocked again
No answer
Then I started to wonder if I had got the time wrong 
I looked through my text messages with the woman
And I saw that I had confirmed that I would make next Wednesday's appointment
I then started to doubt that I had spoken to her at all 
Do I checked my recent calls
And there was no record of her ringing me
Or be ringing her
This really freaked me out 
And the only conclusion I could come to was that I dreamed it 
There was no other explanation

This is nothing new
Over the years I have often mistaken dreams for reality
Especially during the drug years
I also have a fear of not being able to sleep
That's why I always get up really early 
So I will tire myself out by the end of the day
I hate sleeping in
Because then I fear I won't sleep that night
I think that harks back to my using days
And times when I was in withdrawal
At night
In physical and mental torture 
And everything seems worse at night I think
I guess there is nothing wrong with loving sleep
But as with everything 
There is a healthy balance
Something that I always struggle with

I'm wondering am I the only one
What is your relationship with sleep like?
Do you use it to escape like me?
Have you ever experienced night terrors or any thing like them?
I'd love to know.....

Friday 5 June 2015

Social Media

I'm not hugely in to social media
I am on Facebook
But never post anything on there 
I'm not on Twitter 
And I don't use Instagram or Tumblr
Blogger is really the only medium I use to post about my life 
Most of the people who read my blog
I don't actually know
I know some of my family and friends read it
But not all the time
I don't know why I don't use Facebook
I don't even really go on it to read about others
It's just not my thing I guess

I love my blog though
And I love this little community that we have here
It seems that Wordpress is a more popular blogging platform
With endless ED blogs 
A couple of years ago 
I did start writing a blog there called Poppy Recovering
And I also collaborated on a blog with the lovely Angharad called Partners in Crime
But in the end
I always come back to blogger
Blogger feels like home
And you all feel like family 

Our community is small but tightly knit
And I love that
It has also changed over time
When I started blogging 3 years ago it was an active and buzzing place 
There were so many blogs and bloggers
Remember Rayya?
Anna Stone?
The Lovely Bones?
And so many more
They just seemed to fall off the face of the earth
And completely vanish 
This worries me
Where did they go?
Did they recover?
God they grow out of their ED?
Did they go to treatment?
Was their anonymity compromised?
Did the finally tell their ED to fuck right off?
Did they get really ill?
Did they die?
I wish I knew
But that's just life 
People come and go
One day they are a huge part of our existence
But then life happens
People move on
They grow up
They find another way

Our community at the moment is quite small
I actually don't read blogs about any thing else other than EDs
But recently I've had an urge to read about other topics
Line animals
Or books 
Or writing
I guess as my life expands 
So go my interests
I heard a lovely quote the other day

Our lives expand or shrink in direct proportion to our courage 

I love that
And it's so true
When I was in the midst of my illness
My life was so limited
So narrow
But as I grow and change
My life becomes more full
More rich
With new people and experiences 
Yes it is challenging
Yes sometimes all I want to do is check off the planet
Or run in to the arms of my ED
Life can be boring 
And monotonous
Compared to the roller coaster of addiction and ED
Life can be pretty tame
But then again 
That doesn't have to be a bad thing
My life was one drama after another hit do long 
Now my life is quieter
More stable 
That can be both a good and a bad thing

Over the years of writing this blog
Writing has become a passion of mine
I've always lived words and English and reading
I don't consider myself to be a great speaker
So writing is perfect for me
I can get the words out at my own pace
I can take my time
With speaking 
I get anxious and flustered quite easily
I would much rather write than speak 
I write here on blogger every day
Every single morning
I settle down on my phone with a cup of tea
And write about whatever is in my mind
And the absolute high light of my day
Is getting comments from you wonderful ladies
I always appreciate people taking the time and energy to leave a comment
And I get such thoughtful and kind ones
I always make an effort to reply
As I like to engage with readers 
And also to thank them

Starting this blog has been one of the better decisions I have made in recent years
Getting to know you had been such a joy
I don't need to name you 
You know who you are
Some of you have been there from the start
Some are newer readers
But you are all so precious to me 
Each and every one of you have a special place in my heart
You are more than friends
You are fellow fighters in the war against our EDs
You are soul sisters 
Like family to me
You have been there for me through thick and thin
You've cried with me
Laughed with me
Picked me up when I fell
Encouraged me
You've strengthened me
Believed in me
Had faith in me
Even when I had none in myself 
That means so much to me
More than I can express
So thank you for that
For being my friend
My sister
My fellow survivor
My confidant 
I will never forget the kindness and love that you have shown me
Thank you

I was wondering about you
What social media do you use?
How do you think blogger compares to other mediums?
How do you rate blogger?
I'd love to know ......

What I achieved yesterday

Thank you all for the suggestion you made on topics to write about 
They were all great
And today's topic was suggested by the lovely Shelby
And it's about what I achieved today
Or actually what I achieved yesterday because it's only 10am here
So apart from crawling out of bed
I haven't done much
Let's begin 

Yesterday was Thursday 4th June
First things first
The first thing I achieved was getting out of bed
I know this sounds like a minor thing
 But the way I feel sometimes in the morning
Getting up at all is an achievement 

I brought Honey and Lea for a walk
Then brought my neighbours dog for a walk
Albeit a very short one

After a cup of tea
I went and had a sun bed session
It was then bearing 1pm
Time for my lunch time meeting
I had an argument in my head about whether to go or not
I stared in to the mirror 
Literally looking at myself
And having a fight with my own reflection
I know I should go
But what I really want to do is drive straight home and take a fistful of meds 
In the end
I did the right thing
And went to my meeting 

I arrived at AA late
I hate being late
I sat down 
And immediately felt anxious
It was only a small meeting
But I was dreading speaking
And in fact
I couldn't think of anything to talk about
So I decided I wouldn't speak at all
But then there was such a long silence after everyone else had spoken 
That I felt under a bit of pressure to speak
So I did
Which was an achievement in itself 
But I spoke from a place of fear and anxiety
So the words fell out of my mouth
And the weren't necessarily the words I wanted to speak 
I didn't say much
But I wasn't happy with what I said
The meeting finished up
And I headed home 
Even though it didn't go as planned
I was glad I went

Then in the car on the way home 
The post meeting analysis began
I began to take apart everything I had said 
Wondering what the others thought of me
Had I said anything wrong or offensive?
It was relentless 
I kept saying out loud
'Shut up' 
But my mind was in a frenzy
And I was mentally beating myself up
I got home
And again
My mind turned to meds
And yet again 
I had another argument with myself about whether to take a knock out amount
I knew I had Mary in a couple of hours
And I was so tempted to text her to cancel
But then I remembered that she had said she is extremely busy
And if I am going to cancel 
To give her plenty of notice
I didn't think it was fair to cancel
So I didn't 
Another achievement 
was so glad I went to see Mary
She is such a breath of fresh air 
And in talking to her 
I felt the pressure life from my head

Other things I achieved today.....

I didn't overuse my meds

I helped my sister make pasta

I didn't smoke 

I gave my mum some money towards housekeeping

I resisted the urge to Internet shop

I didn't bite the head off the shopkeeper that was rude to me

I ignored a call from The Boys friend 

What did you achieve today?

Thursday 4 June 2015

There's something about Mary

I know 
I know
I've used that title once or twice before
But there really is something about Mary
As in my Mary
As in Mary my ED therapist

I'm seeing Mary once a week now
All in all I've been seeing her over three years now
She has been a life saver 
She has been there for me when I couldn't speak to anyone else
And she seems to have an uncanny knack of knowing when I am struggling 
Without me uttering a word 

I saw Mary yesterday
We always start off chatting about something unrelated to EDs
And this week it was eye sight and glasses
As I have just got new ones
We laughed about how we each had been going about life in blurry vision
And  now we could see!

Then it was down to business
First Mary wanted to know if I had been weighing myself
I said I had 
About two times this week
And in the last two weeks I thought I had gained a few pounds
She asked if she could weigh me
I begrudgingly agreed
Mary warned me that she had a new scale
And it was weighing 1kg heavier than her old scale
Oh great I thought to myself 
I stepped on to the scale 
But didn't look down at the number
All the while we were having a very interesting conversation about Scales 
I was telling Mary about last September when I weighed myself on my uncles scales
And saw a number I've never seen in my life before
A number that was so high I could barely comprehend it
Mary asked me what kind of scales it was
I told her it was a dial scale
She said they are notoriously unreliable
She told me that the most reliable scales are the old fashioned ones
You know the ones where they move the actual weight on the scale?
I found all this fascinating

I sat back down
And Mary asked me what I thought my weight was
I gave her an estimate
And I was bang on
I asked her if it was a healthy weight for my height
And she worked out that my BMI is 21
I can live with that
Just about

The reason I can live with this number
Is that I have experienced the payoffs of being a healthy weight
Mary and I talked about when I first started seeing her
I was a shell of a person
I constantly felt sick, cold and weak
I felt hopeless 
And desperate
Now that I am of a healthy weight
My physical health as well as my mental health has drastically improved
I'm now strong
And able
And capable
The difference is night and day

Mary never lets me leave her office 
Without telling me how far I have come
She often mentions the conference I spoke at
And I can see the pride in her eyes 
She told me that whenever someone asks her if recovery is possible
And if they can get better
She says that yes it is possible
And she thinks of me
I was blown away by this
It was such a lovely thing to say
I guess by anyone's standards 
My life has changed immeasurably 
Mary always reminds me of where I have come from
And that's what my meetings do too
I think it's so important 
Because if I forget where I've cone from
I could end up back there very easily

Mary has been more than a therapist to me 
On some level
I would like to think that she is a friend
And a fellow fighter in this battle against my ED
She is the one professional in my life that I tell basically everything to
I tell my doctor bits
I tell Breda bits
But Mary?
She gets all the gory details 
All the bits that I am ashamed and embarrassed about
She's the one I told about my overdose last year
She's was first one I confided in when I was caught shoplifting 
I feel close enough to get to tell her these things
But she's also just far enough away to be objective
I know I am blessed
And I count my lucky stars that I have her in my life
I've seen countless therapists and counsellors over years
The one who told me I was 'emancipated' 
I think she meant to say emaciated 
The one who told me I was 'not that bad' when I had a BMI of 13
Oh yes
Thre have been many shocking ones
But Mary came in to my life at just the right time
They say don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle
And my miracle came just in the nick of time 


I guess what with posting every day
I am bound to run out of things to write about
And today is one of those days
I could write about the antics of my neighbours
And all the drama there 
In fact I started writing a post about them
But decided against it 
As it didn't feel right making a post out of their misfortune 
So I am throwing the floor over to you
Are there any topics you would like to see written about here on this blog
Whether they are ED related
Addiction related 
Or something entirely different 
I'm always on the look out for topics for this blog
Usually I think about what I'm going to write about when I walk my dogs in the morning
But this morning
I had no inspiration at all
So if you can think of anything 
Do let me know....