Monday 15 June 2015

From bad to worse

Things with my sister have gone from bad to worse
We made up after out fight last week
But things erupted again last night
This time with my poor mother in the middle of it all
We had a short but nasty row
It escalated so quickly
And now there is a sour atmosphere in the house
I spoke to my mum this morning
And she seems to think my sister has such a short fuse at the moment
Because she is coming off her meds 
I think I mentioned before
That my sister has suffered with depression in recent years
And is on an anti depressant 
Recently she had started to come of it
And she has been like a bull dog chewing a wasp for the past couple of weeks 

Of course I am not entirely innocent either
We know each other well
And know exactly how to push each other's buttons
I know how to wind get up
What will drive her mad
It escalated so quickly
One minute we were fine
The next
World war 3 was breaking out
My mother called us both in to the kitchen
And tried to broker some sort of peace
But neither myself or my sister were willing to back down
Stubborn as we are
Mum made the point that we all have to live together
We all have to find a way to get on
This is true
And mum is retiring in a couple of weeks 
So there will be three of us in the house from then on
It's rally not fair to have mum in the middle of this 
And I hate that it's effecting her so much 

They say you should never go to bed on an argument
Well we did last night 
And woke up this morning feeling almost hungover
With a heaviness in my head
I went to the doctor  first thing
It was Nice Woman Doctor again
She asks how I am 
I hesitate 
And she asks what that is about
I tell her that I am thinking of moving out on my own 
Which I am
It's always been in the back of my mind 
And these rows have just kind of made it more urgent
I can't say too much to the doctor
As she is also my sisters doctor
We talked for a little while
She told me to weigh up the pros and cons 
Which I will do

But yes 
I am seriously thinking of moving out
It's not just the tension with my sister
Now that I am feeling a lot better
I have a huge urge to be independent 
To do my own thing
To have my own little corner of the world 
The more I think about it
The more I think it's a good idea
I spoke to my mother about it this morning
She advised me not to make a decision out of anger 
And not to rush out in haste
I know what she is saying 
And I won't rush in to anything
I guess it doesn't hurt to find out what my options are
Obviously I am on disability benefit
And won't be able to privately rent 
So I will have to find out what I am entitled to
In the line of rent allowance and such

I just can't live like this
It's not healthy for any of us 
And I'm sure my sister is just as fed up as I am
I know that I am no angel 
I give as good as I get
And I do acknowledge that my sister is coming off her meds
And is probably not herself these days 
But I can't live like this 
With this horrible atmosphere lingering
At the moment
No one is happy
Not me
Not my sister 
Definitely not my mother
Who is caught in the cross fire

This week the plan is to stay out of my sisters way
Get to a lot of meetings
Talki things over with Breda and Mary 
I'm interested to see what they think about the situation
Meet my friends 
Marie rents with rent allowance
So I will pick her brains about how to go about applying for that
I will also inquire about what my options are
There are so many empty houses around here
Do it won't be hard to find a place
It really boils down to how I will manage financially 
At the moment 
I have few bills
No rent to pay
I contribute a certain amount every week to shopping and bills
I pay my own car tax, insurance and my phone bill
If I move in to my own place
I will have considerably more out goings 
Money will be a lot tighter 
So I guess I have to weigh up which is more important
To live here in the tension
And have more disposable income
Or move out and have that independence but less money
At the moment 
The latter seems more appealing to me

They say you can't pick your family
And it's so true
My sister is home nearly a year now
And although we've had the odd fight in that time
Things have deteriorated a lot in the past couple of weeks
Usually we get on like a house on fire
But that fire can turn nasty very easily 
And now it is suffocating us both
So the option of moving out seems really attractive right now
When I was very ill
Moving out just wasn't an option
I needed the support of my family 
I wouldn't have been able to manage on my own
There was always someone here with me
But now that I am feeling physically and mentally better
I crave independence so so much
Don't get me wrong 
I love living with my mum
I love this house 
And I know it's company for mum too
I've always felt very at home here 
It's given me the time and space to recover
I've been living here ten years now
And although I've loved it
I just have the feeling that it's time to move on
To spread my wings a bit more
And find my own little place
Even though I feel very comfortable 
I'm living in someone else's house
Under their rules
I want to make my own rules
I want to do things my way
Take responsibility of my own life

Of course Honey and Lea would come with me
And I do acknowledge that it would be a huge change for them too
They know no other way other than living here
And they are so comfortable here
So at home
They place I move to would have to be animal friendly 
There's just no way on this earth that I would move without them 

As I said 
I won't make any rash decisions
I will investigate my options
Put the feelers out 
And go from there
I must admit though 
It's really exciting to think of having my own place
The other thing is that I have to be able to trust myself
Living on my own
It would be do easy to use 
To drink
To starve
To binge and purge
I need to be sure that I can manage those things
And to be completely honesty
I'm not entirely sure I can trust myself 

Do that's where I'm at today
I would love to get your thoughts on the situation
Do you think I am being rash?
Do you think insipid wait?
What do you think I should do about the situation with my sister?
I'd live to know......

Sunday 14 June 2015


Since I started writing my blog is April
Blogging had become an integral part of my life
More than a hobby 
It's something that I feel compelled to do
And it's part of my everyday routine
Every morning
After I walk my dogs 
I settle down on the floor of the living room
My back to the sofa
Cup of hot sweet tea at hand
And just write until the mess of tangled words in my head makes some sort of sense
While I walk my dogs
I listen to the radio 
I love chat shows
And phone in shows
Listening to conversation 
Without the pressure of having to contribute
I also think about what I'm going to write about that day
And by the time I get home
I have the bones of a post formed in my head
I try to write every day
I do that on purpose 
Because writing my blog is something I do every day 
One day at a time
A lot like AA

Inspiration comes from everywhere 
And I'm always on the look out for interesting topics
Something might happen in my life
Like my relapse
Or getting caught shoplifting
I might review a book I've read 
Or a documentary I've watched
It might be an item about mental health or addiction highlighted in the news
It may be a personal post
A thought post
A story from my past
Inspiration is everywhere 
And I get my cues to write in the most obscure places

I've always written 
For as long as I can remember
I kept diaries 
Logs of different times in my life 
Usually when I was in treatment 
And had the time and energy and clarity of mind to write
There something lovely about documenting a moment in time
Something that the memory fails to recall no matter how hard you try
There were a few years where I wrote pretty much nothing
I was on the throes of addiction
And it just didn't seem important 
Now I wish I had documented that time
As there are so many stories
Things you couldn't make up 
Things that memory can't quite do justice to 
As I have said before
When I think back to that time
I can't quite work out if something really happened 
Or if it was a dream
Or a hallucination 
Because it could have easily been any of them

I was a late comer to the world of the internet
What with being strung out
It held no interest to me
Then I moved to a place where there was no internet connection
And do it wasn't until a few years ago that I first dipped my toe in the World Wide Web
By then 
My ED was in full flight
And I began looking for others like me
I started reading blogs probably about a year before I decided to write my own
By then 
Blogging  was huge
And every one and their mother had a blog
I didn't expect anything from blogging
I just wanted to know that I wasn't alone
That there were others like me
And people who had come out the other side alive and well

Blogging is a strange phenomenon 
And what with Facebook
And Instagram 
It seems everyone wants to share their lives with anyone who will read, watch, listen
I don't use FB
Never have 
But of course I have looked at it
Yes something's are thought provoking and funny
And I do recognise the place social media has 
I guess I use my blog instead of Facebook
As I find it much easier to share my life with strangers than I do with those I know personally 
I thought about why that is
And I think it's because I'm not emotionally attached to the person
I'm not going to hurt them
Or disappoint them
Or let them down
Or worry them 
I can share my thoughts and experiences safe in the knowledge that there will be no come back
Is it the same for everyone?
I don't know 
You tell me

I share most things on the Internet
So I can't really give out about others who do the same
But why do we do it?
What compels us to share our thoughts
Our experiences
Our triumphs and failures
Our deepest secrets
And our sickness?
Maybe it's because we don't have anyone in real life to share them with
Maybe we are looking for others like us
Maybe we want sympathy
Or empathy
Maybe we want our struggles and pain to be acknowledged 
Maybe we want attention
Maybe we want notoriety
Maybe we want to shock others
Maybe we have more sinister reasons
If I am really honest 
When ever something happens in my life
One of my first thoughts is
Oh that's something to write about 
How healthy is that?
I'm not entirely sure 

Of course
We wouldn't write 
If we didn't get some kind of payoff
For me
It's the connection with others 
The hope that my experiences will help
Someone else get through the day
I'm lucky to have amazing readers
Who leave such thoughtful and kind comments
Which absolutely make my day
I get emails from people across the world 
I feel privileged that these people share their stories with me
And I always try to reply 
Of course there is the odd nasty comment
But that's to be expected 
When you put yourself out there

On the whole 
Blogging has been an extremely positive experience
And force for good in my life
I read back over posts 
That I have no recollection of writing 
And I wonder how I am still standing 
It just goes to show what we can withstand 
And overcome when we have to 

With all that said
I was wondering about you
Why did you start blogging?
Has it been a force for good in your life?
How long have you been writing?
How often do you write?
Answers on a postcard please ......


Saturday 13 June 2015

General Update

You might have noticed that I deleted a post called Sisters
I wrote it from place where I am still reeling from the argument
So I decided it was better to delete it
As I'm sure we'll be back to normal pretty soon
So I decided to do a general update instead

On the whole
Things are good
The best they've been in a long time
My mood is better
I've accepted that my base line mood is probably lower than the average person
It's just in me to be on the melancholic side
But that's ok
It just makes my happier moments all the sweeter
I tend to be more of a pessimist than an optimist
A kind of expect the worst, hope for the best type of person
But that's ok too
It just means I enjoy it all the more when things do go right

My weight is stable
Praise the Lord my weight is stable!
Like I would let you forget that little nugget of information
I know
I often write about my weight
But it's a big thing for me (excuse the pun)
As I'm sure it is for any one struggling with an eating disorder
And those in recovery
Those numbers become ingrained in our brains
I only have to look at a photo of myself
And I can tell you exactly what weight I was then 
My weight has yo-yo'ed for so long
I've been every weight from emaciated to healthy 
And have clothes in all those sizes too
But my weight now seems to have settled at a BMI of about 20
Even though Mary has asked me not to
I still weigh most days
I can't help myself 
Sometimes it's to reassure myself
Sometimes to torture myself
Whatever the reason 
I weigh a lot 
I guess it's all part of the disorder
It's an addiction
And a need to control
My weight fluctuates about five pounds up and down over the course of a month
When it's lower I feel better
And when it's higher I am trying to get it down again
But I'm sure it has a lot to do with periods 
And bloating before that time of the month

Looking at myself in the mirror
I think I am seeing myself as I really am
There was definitely a time when I was at my thinnest
That I couldn't see how thin I was 
But I think that distortion has gone now
When I look in the mirror
I feel just about ok with what I see
Not disgusted
Not fantastic
Just pretty much ok
And having a tan is a big part of that I think
I know it's not healthy to be tanning 
But I feel compelled to do it 
As I think it's helping me accept my body
My eyes still go to my flabby bits
My wobbly bits
The round bits 
And the bits that used to be toned
But I think that's normal for any woman
Not just someone with an ED

Of course maintaining a healthy weight 
Is not just about the aesthetics
It's essential for a healthy body 
Or overweight
Whatever I may be
It effects my health
My organs
The systems of the body
Hair, nails and skin
I went without a period for over ten years
And even though they are now back
The are still very irregular 
My physical health has drastically improved since regaining weight
I didn't realise how unwell I was 
Until I started to feel better

What else?
There is always the subject of my meds
I'm not managing too well in that respect
I misuse them about every second day
Which is not good
I was at a meeting during the week
And someone told me that I looked 'alert'
And that sometimes I look like I am 'nodding off'
I was mortified to hear this
I know some days I've gone to meetings feeling sleepy
But I didn't think I was actually falling asleep
My sister also challenged me about this during the week
So why am I still doing this I hear you ask
I'm deliberately not telling Mary or my doctor
I'm getting my meds dispensed weekly now
So I have the opportunity to abuse them
It goes back to my inability to live in reality
That urge to get out of my own head
To escape
The thing is 
I am planning to start a course in September 
They rang this week to arrange a date for my interview 
Which is in a couple of weeks
I know if I want to do this 
And be really present 
I have to get on top of this meds situation
Or else I am going to slip further and further down the rabbit hole 

Food wise
Things could also be better 
But like the veritable ostrich
I am burying my head in the sand
And pretending that everything is ok
The last time I saw Mary
She asked me not to weigh
And to keep a food diary
Neither of which I have been doing
I still believe that if I stop purging
My weight will spin out of control
I guess I won't know this until I try
But I don't know if I want to try 
Which is a terrible thing to say
But it's the truth

So I guess
A lot of work has been done
But there is still work to do
As I always say
Baby steps all the way

Friday 12 June 2015

Clothes Post #20

I picked up a couple of items over the last couple of weeks
Some comfortable summer wear
In an effort to make it more bearable
Summer is not my favourite season
As I don't really like getting my arms and legs out
And I can't stand heat
I get hot and sweaty and uncomfortable
And I much prefer autumn and winter
Here they are
The t-shirt is Brakeburn
The trousers are those kind of light, denim, baggy ones that are popular now
They are Roxy
The shoes are Vans
Had them for ages
And the hoody is also Roxy

Thursday 11 June 2015

And my life is sweet like cinnamon.....

Ten months smoke free today
I think I can officially call myself a  confirmed non smoker
My uncle was here the other day
He was telling us about his upcoming holiday in Spain
Out of pure habit
I opened my mouth to ask him to get me cigarettes
400 cigarettes
Then I remembered
I don't smoke anymore 
It was a nice feeling

I regularly have dreams in which I am smoking 
And I'm really annoyed at myself for relapsing
Ten months down the drain
Then I wake up and realise that I haven't in fact smoked 
And All is well

I can remember the day I stopped smoking like it was yesterday
I had put it off for so long
As I had fallen for the myth that you gain weight when you quit
To me
Being thin and broke was more important that being a healthy weight or over weight and flush with money 
The sane uncle had just come back from Turkey 
And had brought me home two cartons of smokes
I decided that day
That when I had finished the cartons
Then I would give up
So I smoked my little head off for the next two weeks 
I was averaging 30 - 35 a day
I smoked like it was going out of fashion
Which in fact it was 

I thoroughly enjoyed smoking
I loved it
Cigarettes punctuated my life
I remember when you could smoke in restaurants
On trains
In pubs and clubs
Then the smoking ban came in
And us smokers were banished outside
Some pubs and clubs made very comfortable smoking areas
And do all the 'craic' seemed to be happening out there

I always had cigarettes in my bag
I bought two packs a day
And always had a selection of lighters on the go too
I even had a cigarette case
And a cigarettes purse ala Betty Draper from Madmen
I smoked any where and everywhere I could 
At home
I smoked out the window 
Up the chimney 
In front of the extractor fan
And I thought I was being considerate of others!

Smoking was a huge part of my life
And if my identity
It was the first thing I did in the morning 
Make a cup of tea
And light up a smoke
I smoked after food especially 
It was like a cigarette finished off the me
And smoking was a social thing
Me and my friends would nip outside for a cheeky smoke any chance we got
There was great banter out with the smokers
It was like we were all doing something naughty
And we were all In it together

I used to really enjoy a cuppa with a smoke
I did my best thinking then
And also had the best chats over a cuppa and a smoke
The worlds problems could be solved then
So now I am a non smoker
And I can't deny the benefits
My number one reason for quitting was the money
I wish I could say it was for health reasons 
But if I'm honest it wasn't 
I was broke all the time
And I couldn't stand it anymore
They had to go
There was no other option

I've so noticed an improvement in my health
My fitness has improved
My breathing
My lung function
My stamina
Have all drastically improved

To address the weight gain
I did gain weight after I quit 
But I was gaining weight anyway
So I don't know if it was my quitting or my body re-gaining naturally
Whichever it was
It seems to have settled down  now
Thank Jebus

I was wondering about you
Do you smoke?
How long have you been smoking?
What made you give up?
What stops you from giving up?
Inquiring minds want to know......

Wednesday 10 June 2015

To be anonymous or not to be anonymous.....

I've been thinking about this for the past few days
Whether it's better to blog anonymously or not
As you know 
I make no secret of who I am 
Heck I have a huge photo of myself at the top of my blog
I regularly post photos 
And my family sometimes feature too
The only thing I keep secret is my name
Although those of you who know my real name
Know that it's not a million miles away from Ruby 

For the first few months 
I wrote my blog anonymously 
And had planned to keep it that way
But then I began to notice that the blogs I was attracted to
We're the ones where the person was completely open
I can still remember the first photo I posted of myself
It was of me on holiday in Spain
Looking very pale and wan
It got such a great reaction
That I began to share more and more of my life
I love to share things with my readers
Where I live
My dogs 
My family
I'm an open book

Having said that
I totally understand why someone would want to keep their blog anonymous
There is a great freedom in being able to write without anyone knowing who you are 
Some people are more private
And choose not to share photos 
I was reading Izzys blog earlier
She was writing about how now her blog is so popular
That she has to be really careful about what she chooses to write about
As so many people are reading
I guess I feel that on a smaller scale
There are something's that are off bounds with me
I don't write much about my family
And always ask before posting photos of them
I don't write about any one else either
Or their business
It's not my place

Reading between the lines in Izzys post
I get the feeling that she feels she has to be positive all the time
And portray the picture that everything is fine all the time
And maybe for her it is
But I know for myself
Recovery is a rocky road
So many hurdles
So many ups and downs 
Highs and lows 
And I feel compelled to be honest about that
If you read regularly 
You will know that my life is a bit of a roller coaster
And I do daft and stupid things almost on a weekly basis
I feel like it's my duty to be honest
And I have absolutely no problem letting people know when I am struggling
Most of the time

So yes
I am definitely open about my life
I know some people worry about their blog coming back to haunt them
In case a workplace ever tracked it down
This doesn't bother me either
I have nothing to hide 
This is my life 
This is me 
Although hopefully by the time I am working 
I will have a lot of these issues in the past

I guess I use my blog 
In the same way as some people use Instagram or Tumblr or even Facebook 
To document my life
To keep track of my life
To share with others
To record all the little things that get forgotten over the years 
In 3 years 
I have written over 800 posts
All them recording every little detail about my life
And to have that to look back over is amazing
It's almost like watching a movie
The text
The photos
The pictures
All add up to be my life

To be anonymous or not to be anonymous
I guess it's different for everyone 
It depends probably on your personality
And how private you are
I've never had a problem sharing my story
I'm not ashamed or embarrassed by it
In fact the opposite
I am proud of where I've come from
And how far I've come
I've been through my own personal war
And it wasn't easy getting out

Of course a huge part of my blog is helping others 
I feel so passionately about using my story
My mistakes
My life
My accomplishments 
My ups and downs
To help others come out of their own battle with themselves 
I know that reading all of your blogs helps me massively
And I hope I can give back just a little bit of what I've gotten from all of you

With all that said
I was wondering about you
Do you write anonymously or not?
Do you prefer to see the person writing the blog or not?
Is love to know....

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Buzz about blogger

Is it just me 
Or does it seem that there is a fresh buzz about blogger lately?
For a while there
It had become deathly quiet
So many bloggers vanished off the face of the Internet
I still think of them
And send them well wishes
Sometimes I check their blogs
For clues as to what might have happened 
It almost seems as if people disappeared mid sentence 
Some of these girls I had become very close with
Closer than my own family
So it really hurts to not know what had happened to them
I just hope and pray that they don't need this community anymore 
And they are living life to the fullest

It's just really great to see some life breathed back in to blogger
Sometimes it seems like blogger is Tumblrs and Instagrams slightly behind the times cousin
I think that Tumbkr and Instagram are mainly about photos and visuals 
Here in our corner of blogger 
We are all about the story 
Not everyone wants to take the time to read a wall of text 
But here we do 
We follow every detail of each other's story 
Down to what we eat in a given day
There is unconditional love here
Complete understanding 
No judgment 
No pity
Oodles of empathy
And compassion
I know some people think our kind of blogging is not healthy
But this is not Pro-and
That is something entirely different 

I don't have much experience with Pro-ana
I guess my very first few posts were verging on it
I write about actively trying to lose weight
And fasts with other bloggers
But it didn't sit right with me
I've never really engaged in Pro-and
It all seemed a bit daft to me
I've Googled it of course
And see The Thin Commandments 
And the like
Almost like a cult
And it seems to be mostly young girls 
Who just want to be the thin one in their group of friends
Something entirely different to the clinical diagnosis of an eating disorder 
I've seen the blogs 
Girls looking for 'ana buddies'
The 'Tips and Tricks'
Which are largely completely bizarre
One I read said 'spin in a circle until you feel so dizzy and sick that you can't eat'
I mean 
Do peoe really takes these seriously?
Are there thousands of spinning girls out there?
It all seems ludicrous to me

I feel very strongly that people need support
And to be around others like us
But supporting someone's illness is not ok
Actively encouraging others to harm themselves or lose weight is a step too far for me
I don't really engage in conversations about weight loss here on blogger
I don't comment when someone loses or gains weight
I don't congratulate 
Or commiserate 
I think in all my time on blogger
I've only ever well don-ed one particular person
And that's because they were over weight and we're trying really hard to get healthy
But apart from that 
No way
It's a no go area for me

I also don't comment on people's appearance
As you just never know what way they will take it
I don't focus on the body 
Or body parts
I compliment their hair
Or something they are wearing
I avoid body talk at all costs 

I was wondering about you
Do you think there is new life in blogger recently?
What are your views on Pro-ana?
Gave you ever engaged with these sites?
What is your take on congratulating weight loss?